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"You need to believe in things that aren't true. How else can they become?" T. Pratchett


Once again average enviros prove that pretty is everything.

This BDN article about a proposed wind farm in Eastern Maine once again proves my point, that the average "environmentalist" care more about pretty views than healthy sustainable energy for the PEOPLE of this planet. These so proclaimed stewards of the earth don't actually do much to fix the environment, they still drive SUV's and drink their 1/2 cafe double mocha lattes out of landfill fodder cups. Real enviros take huge strides, put their money on the line, and some even move off the grid so as to reduce their global footprint.

Am I an enviro? Hell no, I have a pick up and plasma tv, but I do recycle and I do believe in renewable energy, and I do dislike self important hypocrites. I am still trying to figure out how to put a solar panel on my roof, any advice would be appreciated.

My point is this, build the wind farms where we can, and start reducing our dependence on burning shit to make power.

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