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"You need to believe in things that aren't true. How else can they become?" T. Pratchett


File Under: Google Chrome

I am being adventurous and trying out Google's newest toy, Chrome.  First impressions are simply, yep it's a browser and yep it's better than Internet Explorer.  I also will say that Firefox meets both those standards as well.  The neat thing about Chrome is that each tab runs indepenently so a crash on MySpace doesn't effect your last minute Ebay auction grab.  I'll continue to play with it for a while and see where things lead.

If you would like to try Chrome you can download it at: http://www.google.com/chrome


Pj said...

I believe the most interesting changes are all under the hood - interesting to developers and such, meh for users.

kired said...

I agree, but I am a mere user.

It is a lot faster than IE and a little faster than Firefox on some stuff, but not all.

I've notice a few formatting compatibility issues as well.