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"You need to believe in things that aren't true. How else can they become?" T. Pratchett


File Under: I'm apparently a pissant

I just bought Guitar Hero World Tour. I needed a new guitar, as the RB1 and the GH Explorer were both acting up and causing problems. Since it was only $30 more the GHWT guitart with the game than just the Rock Band 2 guitar, it seemed an easy decision. It's quite fun, especially in a group.

I must say, that just because Yahtzee's friends don't want to sing, doesn't make me a lush or a pissant. Although, I am sure some of you will argue that point.


Pj said...

Consider it argued.

kired said...

Lush, pissant, or both?

Pj said...

Some from column a...