Who is this nut?

My photo
"You need to believe in things that aren't true. How else can they become?" T. Pratchett


File Under: We have a balloon!

Dad and I traveled to our friend Bill Whelan's place in Ontario this weekend. We went to look at this balloon. We have decided to buy it. Since it is a Canadian registered balloon, it will be a process to import it. I have a poll up for votes on a name, so please vote. I am also am thinking about registration numbers. Maybe N-73EWS?


Pj said...

Is that purple? (Can't tell on the phone, at dusk.) If so, purple pie man gets my vote.

kired said...

Royal Blue, I don't know who took the pic with what. The crown is the closest to the actual color.

Anonymous said...

Must use 3 numbers and two letters in registration.
Gray beard

strangerinastrangeland said...

If you're taking suggestions for numbers, here's a Ray Bradbury one - 451 - and a quote from the book:

"There must be something in books, things we can't imagine, to make a woman stay in a burning house; there must be something there. You don't stay for nothing."

Anonymous said...

well you know my vote :D
v. beauregarde, please

strangerinastrangeland said...

Seems naming a balloon anything with the word "tangle" in it is asking for trouble.