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"You need to believe in things that aren't true. How else can they become?" T. Pratchett


File Under: My shoulders are pissed

Today I participated in the Aroostook River Kayak and Canoe Race. It was a slightly nicer day to paddle this year. The wind was gone, it was warmer and it only rained for the second half of the race. The crowd was smaller than last year, but just as enthusiastic. I started off well, passing a couple of the paddlers in front of me, but my shoulders started speaking up about 30 minutes down river. I must say I'm happy to have finished with a time of 1:22.16. I believe I finished well over 1:30 last year, something like 1:38, maybe? Which mean I may have improved my time by as much as 16 minutes. For me that is something to be happy about.

Matt finished in 1:16 and I think he would have been faster if he had a better kayak.

All in all, it was a good time, now I gotta rest my shoulders so they don't get too pissy.

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