'But I said look here brother Who you jiving with that cosmik debris? ' -Frank Zappa
Who is this nut?

- kired
- "You need to believe in things that aren't true. How else can they become?" T. Pratchett
You are what you...Drink?
NYT article on a recent study focusing on the benefits for dangers of certain beverages. I drink lots of water, black coffee, and an ever reducing amount of diet soda, so I should be okay.
Well Jack you better sue me too...
because I also think you're an asshole. Since in your mind having an opinion that relates to you is a violation of RICO, you better sue me too. This story proves one thing to me, Jack Thompson is 100% bat-shit insane. The fact that he thinks that an online comic like Penny Arcade is colluding against him is just bizarre. I also take real exception to someone claiming to be a champion for civil rights while trying to prevent adults for playing games with mature content by claiming to protect the kids. While I do agree that it is incumbent upon us to keep M rated games out of the hands of our youth, I don't think we need to ban games with M rated material. We can not live in a society that is solely for and about children, it is a ridiculous notion and really need to be put to bed.
So you enjoy that streaming radio station...
on the internet that plays all the music you just can't hear on mainstream radio? Enjoy that community attached to it? Better change that to the past tense, cause the RIAA and their government lackeys are up to their fun and games.
Wide open greed make me sick to my stomach.
Wide open greed make me sick to my stomach.
If this is the test to find out if you're gay...
then I think I may be a little gay and should really test the theory. PvP
Once again average enviros prove that pretty is everything.
This BDN article about a proposed wind farm in Eastern Maine once again proves my point, that the average "environmentalist" care more about pretty views than healthy sustainable energy for the PEOPLE of this planet. These so proclaimed stewards of the earth don't actually do much to fix the environment, they still drive SUV's and drink their 1/2 cafe double mocha lattes out of landfill fodder cups. Real enviros take huge strides, put their money on the line, and some even move off the grid so as to reduce their global footprint.
Am I an enviro? Hell no, I have a pick up and plasma tv, but I do recycle and I do believe in renewable energy, and I do dislike self important hypocrites. I am still trying to figure out how to put a solar panel on my roof, any advice would be appreciated.
My point is this, build the wind farms where we can, and start reducing our dependence on burning shit to make power.
Am I an enviro? Hell no, I have a pick up and plasma tv, but I do recycle and I do believe in renewable energy, and I do dislike self important hypocrites. I am still trying to figure out how to put a solar panel on my roof, any advice would be appreciated.
My point is this, build the wind farms where we can, and start reducing our dependence on burning shit to make power.
Just for the record
Spring Forward is kicking this little household's ass. So sleepy, *thud* ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ
Halliburton moving corporate HQ to Dubai
I can't even describe how seriously pissed I am right now. Sleazy underhanded @$$#()!&$. *SIGH* If all this doesn't piss you off think of this, your tax dollars made up most of that profit described in the article. Of course, ol Halli has been dodging taxes for years in the Cayman Islands. IMHO, all federal contracts should be pulled from this company as soon as feasible, of course I have thought that for years now.
Turn around Baldacci's in your pocket again!
This USA Today Story "No free lunch for restaurant workers in Maine," burns my ass. Especially the audacity of the revenue service to lie about the reasons for suddenly caring about a 50 year old law.
See it's not your fault..
you're overweight, its the obesogens. Remember that scientists love to overdose lab mice to prove a correlation, not defending the chemicals, I'm just saying both side have a soap box.
Watch this movie.
This Film is Not Yet Rated, is a must see. Get the DVD from Netflix and watch the extras too. Just remember to wear stretchy pants in case you get enraged.
Follow your thumbs to a cup of joe.
Why not Vista?
I have had some people question why I am not on board with MS Vista. I think this User Friendly best somes up one of my major concerns.
Early DST
Remember folks, in an effort to conserve energy the Feds have moved Daylight Saving Time up by 3 weeks. That mean this weekend. Enjoy the extra hour of light in the afternoon, and waking up in the dark again.
Maybe not your BEST BUY
This article in the Hartford Courant indicates some pretty shady practices at the electronics retail giant.
PS3 Online Store
Microsoft may use "points" for Live purchasing, but at least the process doesn't lend itself to a comic's muse.
The First Lady Makes My Head Hurt.
This clip from The Daily Show makes my brain push against my skull. The wife is just a big a dunce as her husband. Thank you Jon, for saying what we all think (those of us that do anyway).
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