Who is this nut?

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"You need to believe in things that aren't true. How else can they become?" T. Pratchett


File Under: That about sums it up

File Under: Machinima for you and you and you

A Wired story about Microsoft and Blizzard setting forth new rules for use of its content in their licenses. More specifically relating to the creation of machinima. Overall, the new rules are pretty good for those looking to create content from these games.

Whatever you do, don't view these changes as an altruistic move. These machinimas, when well done, create buzz around the game, which in turn can create new sales. For Blizzard, the home brewed videos are love notes to and inside jokes about their favorite game, and makes the WoW community feel great about slapping down that monthly fee.


File Under: A Prairie Home Companion

Any one who has gone camping with me, knows that my favorite Saturday night program is A Prairie Home Companion. On May 3, 2008 Ellyn and I will be seeing this program live at the Bangor Civic Center. I am so excited. WOOT!

File Under: Mad as hell and not going to take it anymore

This ESPN article is sympathetic, as am I, to Donavan McNabb and his comments in a recent interview. I would imagine it must be frustrating to Donovan, to hear other black athletes in the NFL say his comments are unfounded.


File Under: Sad but true

Stone Soup
By Jan Eliot

I would like to tell you that we are diligent parents that don't allow our children to watch TV. I would then be a liar.



File Under: White House Science Advisor soon to be robot

There is only one thing to be done with an underling that disagrees with this White House. Since he is a scientist who may not cave to being embarrassed (he survived high school), he will have to be made into a robot. This procedure works quite well, the Cheneybot is a great example.


File Under: Sussex

Last weekend Dad and I went to Sussex, NB to crew at the balloon fiesta. We had a great time crewing for Wild Bill and hanging out with the other pilots and crews. It is a nice weekend if you can get there. Also, I recommend the fish and chips at JJ's. I have posted some pics on Flickr.

File Under: Royal Radicals Conduct in WoW

This little entry on QJ.net highlights an irritating and unfair practice. People that AFK in any situation like a BG in hopes of getting honor points, etc. with out the effort are ______s. As GM of the Royal Radicals, I am imploring our members to neither participate in nor condone this activity. Please report anyone you see going AFK in an unacceptable place.


File Under: What's up with all these old people?

Ever feel like you're surrounded by old people? That's cause you are. As a Mainer you are party to the oldest median age in the country. Forbes.com reported on the challenges this fact will present.