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"You need to believe in things that aren't true. How else can they become?" T. Pratchett


File Under: Boy's "Life" in Danger

Local Boy Trapped In Family

File Under: Romney, master of da flip and da flop.

How amusing that the flip-flop argument is coming back to bite a Republican in the ass.

File Under: WoW is bad for society.

So this guy named Blow, thinks that the reward system for World of Warcraft and games like it are a societal menace (also the CEO of McDonalds really needs to develop a self hatred). Okie-dokie. Thanks for sharing your opinion with us, we appreciate being judged by you. I am sure with your superior intellect and high standards that you will understand why we, unwashed masses, don't give a f#@% what you think.

File Under: Giuliani pissy over truth

Poor Rudy, everyone is picking on him. In fact someone wrote a story about some odd accounting practices that occurred while he was Mayor of New York City. He doesn't think it's fair that the press ask questions about security costs being routed through other agencies in his government. He doesn't think it's fair that they question why these funds were spent for him to cheat on his wife. Poor little Rudy, so picked on.


File Under: Sean Taylor

I am not a Redskins fan, in fact as a division rival I am obligated to hate them. I, nonetheless, feel for the team and the family of Sean Taylor today. Sean was no angel, I remember that game when he spit on another player, and some of his other youthful infractions. All those things do not equal shot in your own home. It always seems worse when a young man who has turned his life around is lost. It seems like such a waste of hard lessons learned.

His death is senseless and tragic, as well as a reminder of the horrors that befall many families in less affluent circumstance. Miami is a festering hole. I have a good friend who has thankfully left southern Florida, and he could tell you things to make you gasp. Why anyone would want to live there is beyond me.

I wish his family all the best and hope that his little girl will grow up to know all she meant to her father.


File Under: Not too shabby

When faced with what may be the best team in football history, the Eagles didn't just roll over and play dead to the 20 point spread. In fact, take back one over reaching, bad idea, Feeley throw and they may even have beaten the juggernaut Patriots. For me, I can live with not being embarrassed and only losing 31-28.


File Under: Stuck in my head

File Under: The Late Michael Hedges

I posted some Michael Hedges over in Pop Culture Tourettes and thought I should share here. He was an amazing talent and I regret having to work the night he was at Orono.

Yes the lyrics for this one are E.E. Cummings:


File Under: If Avril Lavigne didn't suck...

she might sound like Paramore.

Paramore-Misery Business
(sorry embed disabled on this one)

An acoustic version:

Here we Go Again-Acoustic:


File Under: Giuliani is as fake as a $10 Rolex

First Rudy, previously a die hard Yankees fan, cheers for the Red Sox. Then he starts attending NASCAR races (CBS Story), which he seems to have never done before. It sounds, oh so, contrived. This man is so desperate to be President that he can't even stand up and say that he loves the Yankees and opera. That makes him a gigantic fake.

I love this excerpt, '"This is a quintessentially American sport," he told the audience. "It represents the best of America."' (Of course as a football fan, I am waiting for him to weasel his way into the Super Bowl, and say a very similar thing.) We're paying over $3.00 a gallon for heating oil and he thinks a sport that burns a disgusting amount of fuel, is the best America can offer. Then again, he did use it as an opportunity to stump for alternate energy.

The scariest part of this article are the future Darwin Award winners that they interviewed. I am sure that there are intelligent NASCAR fans. Why don't we hear from them? Quite simple, the MSM loves to push the idea of RED v BLUE.


File Under: UMaine v. RIAA Round 2

As many of you may remember, awhile back I posted a story about how UMaine was refusing to turn over information to the RIAA on grounds that they had no right to it. Well, being the RIAA, they have plodded ahead anyway. Now they have 7 UMaine students fighting back against the John Doe claims. Don't f@#% with Mainers, we are ornery and we will call you on your bullshit.


File Under: Leonard Cohen is so f'n awesome

I sometimes forget how great this man is at what he does.

And here is Concrete Blonde knocking out a killer cover of LC's "Everybody Knows"


File Under: wOOt!

PHI 33-WAS 25

File Under: Addy can associate with Skull

Poor little girl has had her first canker sore this week. She can't even have her most favoritist beverage in the whole wide world, Orange Juice.


File Under: State of Maine finds a pair

A Seacoastonline article about Maine joining California's lawsuit to be able to set their own emissions standards, in accordance with the Clean Air Act. I am all for it, since the Feds are too far in lobbyists pockets to do anything about it.


File Under: Man, those 8 year olds have potty mouths.

Yep, that sounds about right. I'm not kidding about the age of those little snots either. I think that is one of the reason I have gone to WoW. It has an ignore button.


File Under: Jam that cell phone up your...

This is a story about a restaurant owner who bought a highly illegal cell phone jammer. He did it because his employees, like mine, are incapable of understanding the difference between hang out time and work time. I actually looked into these, only to find they were illegal.


File Under: Eagles season over

Sure there are games to be played, but at 3 and 5, in a division with Dallas and New York, we are done. I am sure that many Philly fans will be quick to blame Donovan, they always do. He does play his part, but there are many misfires in this team this year. Their head coach is distracted. Their o-line isn't providing the protection it used to. There still isn't a game changing wide out. The defense isn't stopping people the way it used to, and their special teams still aren't.

Last nights game highlighted all of these problems, especially on defense. They just couldn't stop the Cowboys, at all.

So now I must look to 2008, and hope that the team doesn't do anything stupid like trade Donovan.


File Under: WAGM TV sucks

WAGM or We Ain't Got Much truly sucks. Today is one of the biggest games of the NFL season, WAGM is carrying it, but their HD is down. AGAIN!! This time, their audio side is down. I can't believe that they consider themselves a real station. They have never done anything in the right way, it is always half-assed. They only have their HD content in HD 60% of the time and when they do, the picture is jumpy. I could be receiving the CBS signal from another vendor if WAGM didn't exist, if only.


File Under: *smirk*

File Under: Letter to the Editor

To the Editor:

I would like to address this letter to the individual or individuals responsible for the theft of my family's Halloween decorations. Every year I decorate my house for two reasons. The joy of my children and the joy I see on the faces of people who drive slowly by in the evenings. I firmly believe that when we as a community decorate for a holiday, it enhances that feeling of community. For me, that feeling has been stifled by you.

On Halloween night, you stole several of our decorations. Now I have to explain to my young children what happened to their pumpkins, ghosts, spider and kitty. These things that were mere garbage to be pilfered to you, were treasures to them. When they would come home from school, they would greet and hug their favorite pieces.

At first I was angry and disgusted by this action; now I feel sad. Sad for you, that your life is such that you need to steal children's decorations to find pleasure. You may have gotten a thrill from that night, but in the eyes of many the only thing more petty than your larceny, is you. I implore you to evaluate your actions, and see that you are not the only person impacted by them.

File Under: Blocking your files is COMCASTIC

Seem the Comcast has been hit with a FCC complaint regarding their net neutrality infractions.

File Under: WTF is wrong with these people.

A link to an AP article about a church in Kansas, which specializes in going to military funerals and protesting. Their message? Soldiers die because we tolerate homosexuality. Sorry, but I can't come up with a witty zing for this one, I am too disgusted.


File Under: Dangerous to Diabetics

You may wonder what prompted me to post such a sickly sweet, thing on this blog. This is the image that launched a strange phenomenon, known as lolcats. There is an entire site dedicated to this at icanhascheezburger.com. I found this stuff because of a mention in Wired magazine.

moarfunny pictures

This one is here because it is a reference to the infamous "Leroy Jenkins"

lolcats and funny pictures
moarfunny pictures