I took my video and replaced the crappy audio with some from Smokin Joe's archive.org posts. They were synched on the original AVI but compression seems to have messed up the synch a tad.
Grace Potter and the Nocturnals - Stop the Bus
'But I said look here brother Who you jiving with that cosmik debris? ' -Frank Zappa
Who is this nut?

- kired
- "You need to believe in things that aren't true. How else can they become?" T. Pratchett
File Under: More Grace Potter and the Nocturnals
The lovely Miss Story has posted some of her video from the Skowhegan show.
Grace Potter and the Nocturnals - Joey
Stop The Bus
Here's to the Meantime
Grace Potter and the Nocturnals - Joey
Stop The Bus
Here's to the Meantime
File Under: Nothing But the Water in Hampton Beach
This video isn't too bad on the audio, that is until I lose the last note because some tool screwed me up. I'll get other videos up, when the tapers get to posting, so I can pull a Mojo and fix the audio.
File Under: A couple of moments
Just a couple of moments from the Saturday Night show in Hampton Beach. I call the first one "About to be sticky" as they build up to "Sugar." Grace was definitely feeling it, watch for the wiggle.
Also, a snippet I call "Grace's Sales Pitch." I get such a kick out of her.
Also, a snippet I call "Grace's Sales Pitch." I get such a kick out of her.
File Under: Donnie's back...
and you still suck at Photoshop.
File Under: David at Sun Studio
Here are a couple more video's from David Ford's time a Sun Studio.
David Ford-Untitled
David Ford-I Don't Care What You Call Me (one of my favs)
David Ford-Untitled
David Ford-I Don't Care What You Call Me (one of my favs)
File Under: David Ford-I'm Alright Now
In case you were wondering, that's 1 take for each instrument.
File Under: Um, Marketing Synergy
So it seems that Activision's merger with Blizzard has yielded some World of Warcraft, Guitar Hero cross pollination.
File Under: Something You Should Hear
I found this over on Penguin Monkey. It's definitely something that needed to be shared. Thanks Phil.
File Under: Elizabeth Cheney thinks...
we give a shit what she thinks. You're the daughter of a horrible man who seems to also embrace his horrible thinking. So no, I don't care what you think.
File Under: Adventures in Enunciation
This was submitted by someone who is for some reason unwilling to run their own blog despite the fact that they are good at digging up fun and interesting things.
That said, this video is a perfect example of why it's important to speak and sing clearly. Don't give me some horse shit about how the artist is feeling the music. I'm not looking for perfect elocution, just some semblance of the words.
That said, this video is a perfect example of why it's important to speak and sing clearly. Don't give me some horse shit about how the artist is feeling the music. I'm not looking for perfect elocution, just some semblance of the words.
File Under: RIP You Brilliant M0t#erfu@ker
Where Fred Rogers taught me to be understanding, George Carlin taught me to observe the world and call "bullshit," when I see it.
File Under: Stop the Bus in Lebanon, NH
Another piece of the Rock the Posse Weekend has eeped out into the world thanks to Bostonone.
Grace Potter and the Nocturnals - Stop the Bus
Grace Potter and the Nocturnals - Stop the Bus
File Under: MPBN to Stream GPN
Bummed you can't make the show in Skowhegan. Not to fear, MPBN has your back in the form of a live webcast. Keep an eye out for us yellow shirted Posse types.
File Under: Grace Potter and the Nocturnals have adventures in Maine
A big thanks to Wally over at the Posse for alerting us to this article.
File Under: Just Wrong
Phil sent this too to me via myspace under the moniker, "Just Wrong." Just wrong indeed.
File Under: Grace Potter and the Nocturnals - Go Down Low
Thanks to K. Cortez he is the man.
The lovely lady singing with Grace is Jenn Crowley, Tour Coordinator extrodinaire.
Go Down Low - Lebanon, NH - 06/07/08 from K Cortez on Vimeo.
The lovely lady singing with Grace is Jenn Crowley, Tour Coordinator extrodinaire.
Go Down Low - Lebanon, NH - 06/07/08 from K Cortez on Vimeo.
File Under: Sugar
K. Cortez scooped me again, but I am posting anyway. Witness the creation of a filthy little song by Grace Potter and the Nocturnals while at Sun Studio.
Grace Potter and the Nocturnals-Sugar
Grace Potter and the Nocturnals-Sugar
File Under: You Suck at Photoshop
I gotta give props to Shouter over at Pop Culture Tourettes, for putting me on to this series. I finally found enough time to watch it all and deem it funny as hell and informative to boot. This should be a playlist version so you can watch straight through.
File Under: Corner me and make me something
R.E.M. - Hollow Man
File Under: Ladies and Gentleman, Mr. Scott Tournet
While we were down at the Rock the Posse weekend, my dear mother was kind enough to purchase Scott's solo album for me. I've given it a couple listens and can certify it as kick ass. Here's his Hooka from indie911.com:
File Under: Rock the Posse Weekend
Posse team leader snowbirdinvt has put together a slide show of our weekend. Being camera shy as I am, I managed to end up in only one photo (excellent), so those of you that know what I look like can play a little game. The others should enjoy the show.
File Under: Not a Lonely Loser

File Under: Grace Potter and the Nocturnals - At Amoeba Records
Some of you may not visit This is Somewhere as often as you should. K. Cortez, the site's proprietor, has a knack for finding things, like this fantastic video. Please take note of Scott's shirt, it's f'n awesome.
File Under: Andrew Ripp, take 2
I've been listening to Andrew Ripp's album and I can say quite easily that I like him. I'm going to break a little with my traditional hands off approach and just give a little insight into why. He has a strong voice that can still invoke vulnerability and he's good at establishing a hook. You know, that part of the song that smacks you up side the noggin and demands you listen. It's one of those things you know when you hear it. I am not a fan of "pop" music, but I love a good hook and Andrew has them. You know who else has them? David Ford and the new Queen and Knights of my musical realm, Grace Potter and the Nocturnals.
Anyway, in my little Andrew Ripp journey, I have happened upon some links for free song downloads. If you like them please buy the album, hit up iTunes, or listen to it on Rhapsody (the man deserves to get paid).
It's All Good - Fifty Miles to Chicago
The Privileged Life - Live at Schuba's
Anyway, in my little Andrew Ripp journey, I have happened upon some links for free song downloads. If you like them please buy the album, hit up iTunes, or listen to it on Rhapsody (the man deserves to get paid).
It's All Good - Fifty Miles to Chicago
The Privileged Life - Live at Schuba's
File Under: Andrew Ripp
I was asked to check out Andrew Ripp's work so I looked around and found this video. I wish the audio was better though. I also recommend you check out his MySpace page to listen some more of his stuff. I'm going to say that Andrew is one to watch.
File Under: Ford on Ford
There is a great interview of David Ford over on Evolving Music. He rants pretty heavy, definitely an interesting read.
File Under: I don't want a pickle...
Phil posted this as a comment on my MySpace.
File Under: Of Pickles and Yodeling
One of the things that humanizes and increases my enjoyment of Grace Potter and the Nocturnals is their healthy sense of humor. They are seldom in danger of taking themselves too seriously (thank God). As a fine example, of their enjoyment of silliness, allow me to regale you with the tale of the Yodeling Pickle.
During the Manchester show, Mr. Bryan Dondero brought forth the aformentioned pickle with a showman's flair. He proceeded to place it under Animal's butt, which is where one of the drum kit mics was hiding. He pushed the button and a glorious and wonderful sound erupted.
The crowd went wild, Grace explained that it was indeed a yodeling pickle. Bryan touched off that choral cuke once again. Then Mr. Scott Tournet spoke my new favorite quote, "I need more pickle in the monitor." At that moment I realized that these guys were fan-f#@$ing-tastic.
The next day, I was to learn that Aya Inoue of the Leaves was the source of said pickle, "I just put 'yodeling pickle' into Google, and there it was on Amazon." It's true, try it.
Saturday night at Lebanon saw a rearrangemnt of Animal to another part of the drum kit. I assume it was due to his complaints about getting his prostate exam from a yodeling pickle. (Which seems odd, since he spent most of his career with Frank Oz's hand up his backside.) Thanks to this rearrangement, Bryan could tickle his yodeling pickle with impunity. A good time was had by all.
During the Manchester show, Mr. Bryan Dondero brought forth the aformentioned pickle with a showman's flair. He proceeded to place it under Animal's butt, which is where one of the drum kit mics was hiding. He pushed the button and a glorious and wonderful sound erupted.

The crowd went wild, Grace explained that it was indeed a yodeling pickle. Bryan touched off that choral cuke once again. Then Mr. Scott Tournet spoke my new favorite quote, "I need more pickle in the monitor." At that moment I realized that these guys were fan-f#@$ing-tastic.
The next day, I was to learn that Aya Inoue of the Leaves was the source of said pickle, "I just put 'yodeling pickle' into Google, and there it was on Amazon." It's true, try it.
Saturday night at Lebanon saw a rearrangemnt of Animal to another part of the drum kit. I assume it was due to his complaints about getting his prostate exam from a yodeling pickle. (Which seems odd, since he spent most of his career with Frank Oz's hand up his backside.) Thanks to this rearrangement, Bryan could tickle his yodeling pickle with impunity. A good time was had by all.
File Under: Rock the Posse Weekend
(Editors Note: The pictures from the Posse event were taken on my phone, as I am severely stupid and forgot my camera. Anyway, my phone's camera sucks. Sorry.)
I am back home, and I am f'n ecstatic. I had a Grace Potter and the Nocturnals weekend.
As I'm not a wordsmith, therefore, I'll just give a quickie shake down. The first show was Friday night, in Manchester, at the Palace Theater. The opening act was "The Leaves." I want to tell you that Aya Inoue has some serious rhythm guitar skills.
It was my very first Grace Potter and the Nocturnals show and I was instantly hooked for life. I do believe that my wife and Phil are converts as well. Ellyn (wife) was floored by the drum jam, or as I call it, the Drum Orgy. My mom, also brought some of her folks to the aural deflowering, I think they are all on board now. That was the night I also met my first members (live and in person that is) of the Potterville Posse, they are fantastic folks btw. I unfortunately don't have any pics and can only really give you the setlist.
Courtesy of CSDaSmack of the Potterville Posse
6/6/08 - Palace Theater, NH
Here's to the Meantime
Ah Mary
Ain't No Time
Treat Me Right
Left Behind
Pain in my Heart
Big White Gate
Stop the Bus
Your Time is Gonna Come
Gumbo Moon >
Hey Bo Diddley
Saturday was THE DAY. Holy cow! Unfortunately, Ellyn and Phil had to head north so they missed out on the fun. Mom and I (yes, my mom and I went to rock shows, got a problem with that?) headed up to Lebanon, NH for the Potterville Posse (click here to Join, tell them Kired sent you) afternoon at the Salt Hill Pub. We were met outside by none other than K. Cortez, the mastermind behind This is Somewhere and his friend Mike. We chatted for a bit and headed inside. After we procured some beer, we settled into meeting and greeting the Posse. I met some fine people, including a wicked nice guy from Germany (so much for the "Traveling the Furthest Award"), by the name of Klaus. He came from Germany, that is how flippin' amazing this band is.
While we were having a chat, I looked out the front door, to see two rocker types approaching the pub. Scott and Matt came in and immediately went to shaking hands and talking to us. I was a little shy to be honest and didn't jump right in.
Shortly thereafter, Bryan and Aya showed up. I worked up my courage, introduced myself and started talking about his new bass, Clear Spot, and Aya's righteous rhythm guitar playing. Both of them were nice and easy to talk too. In fact, I was so busy chatting with Mr. Dondero, that I didn't even notice that Grace had joined the party.
What can I say about Grace? I didn't really get to chat her up but it's obvious that she loves her fans. She was right at home, talking and chatting with posse members. Not even a whiff of pretentiousness. It was amazing.
Eventually, we moved to a Q and A session. I really enjoyed the answers to my question. However, I won't share that with you now, as I hope they make it into, the "This is..." series that was being filmed.
After the band received the call for sound check, the party slowly wound down. At that point, Mom and I went and had dinner with K. Cortez and Mike. What a blast. We talked music, Canadian TV, Broadway, and who knows what else (we had a "Large Chicken" of wine).
Eventually, we made our way to the show. The Lebanon Opera house was hot, period. It did get hotter, when Jen Crowell and the Woods Vehicle took the stage. Her lead guitar player was pretty good, I think he plays in another band too. I did pick up her CD and did get her autograph, she's someone to watch for sure.
When the band took the stage, the heat was sweltering. They still managed to raise the temperature. What an amazing show. The energy that radiates off this band is palpable. They have a sonic sensuality that just permeates down to the bone (not that bone you pervos). I can't describe to you the pleasure of watching these four people come together and form one living breathing musical entity. Holy shit, I lose my breath just from the recollection.
The encore was blazing hot, with a drum orgy that surpassed the previous night's. I was lucky enough to have made my way down to the front of the stage so I got to share in the event unfolding right before me. The young ladies that were dancing around me, were an added bonus.
They rounded out the show with a killer version of Zep's "Your Time is Gonna Come."
After the show, we hung around the stage and chatted, which yielded a setlist written in Matt's hand. Thank you Mr. Techman, who ever you are. I later had it signed by Miss Potter and Mr. Burr.
While I was getting said siggies, I asked Grace about the whole Peanut Butter/Razor thing in "If I was From Paris." I have previously postulated that it may be a PG/PG13 thing. Grace assured me that she hadn't even thought of that. It has more to do with being less obvious. Smooth peanut butter has no real wiggle room on it's meaning, it's peanut butter. However, the razor allows for some interpretation. Which I apparently interpreted into a PG13 rating. ;)
I also enjoyed an exchange with Matt, and hope to speak with him more at the Skowhegan Show on June 27.
Shortly after Grace went back stage to visit with her mom, my mom and I headed out. Not without saying our good byes to K. Cortez and Mike. A good time was had by all.
I am back home, and I am f'n ecstatic. I had a Grace Potter and the Nocturnals weekend.
As I'm not a wordsmith, therefore, I'll just give a quickie shake down. The first show was Friday night, in Manchester, at the Palace Theater. The opening act was "The Leaves." I want to tell you that Aya Inoue has some serious rhythm guitar skills.
It was my very first Grace Potter and the Nocturnals show and I was instantly hooked for life. I do believe that my wife and Phil are converts as well. Ellyn (wife) was floored by the drum jam, or as I call it, the Drum Orgy. My mom, also brought some of her folks to the aural deflowering, I think they are all on board now. That was the night I also met my first members (live and in person that is) of the Potterville Posse, they are fantastic folks btw. I unfortunately don't have any pics and can only really give you the setlist.
Courtesy of CSDaSmack of the Potterville Posse
6/6/08 - Palace Theater, NH
Here's to the Meantime

Ah Mary
Ain't No Time
Treat Me Right
Left Behind
Pain in my Heart
Big White Gate
Stop the Bus
Your Time is Gonna Come
Gumbo Moon >
Hey Bo Diddley
Saturday was THE DAY. Holy cow! Unfortunately, Ellyn and Phil had to head north so they missed out on the fun. Mom and I (yes, my mom and I went to rock shows, got a problem with that?) headed up to Lebanon, NH for the Potterville Posse (click here to Join, tell them Kired sent you) afternoon at the Salt Hill Pub. We were met outside by none other than K. Cortez, the mastermind behind This is Somewhere and his friend Mike. We chatted for a bit and headed inside. After we procured some beer, we settled into meeting and greeting the Posse. I met some fine people, including a wicked nice guy from Germany (so much for the "Traveling the Furthest Award"), by the name of Klaus. He came from Germany, that is how flippin' amazing this band is.

Shortly thereafter, Bryan and Aya showed up. I worked up my courage, introduced myself and started talking about his new bass, Clear Spot, and Aya's righteous rhythm guitar playing. Both of them were nice and easy to talk too. In fact, I was so busy chatting with Mr. Dondero, that I didn't even notice that Grace had joined the party.
What can I say about Grace? I didn't really get to chat her up but it's obvious that she loves her fans. She was right at home, talking and chatting with posse members. Not even a whiff of pretentiousness. It was amazing.
Eventually, we moved to a Q and A session. I really enjoyed the answers to my question. However, I won't share that with you now, as I hope they make it into, the "This is..." series that was being filmed.
After the band received the call for sound check, the party slowly wound down. At that point, Mom and I went and had dinner with K. Cortez and Mike. What a blast. We talked music, Canadian TV, Broadway, and who knows what else (we had a "Large Chicken" of wine).
Eventually, we made our way to the show. The Lebanon Opera house was hot, period. It did get hotter, when Jen Crowell and the Woods Vehicle took the stage. Her lead guitar player was pretty good, I think he plays in another band too. I did pick up her CD and did get her autograph, she's someone to watch for sure.
When the band took the stage, the heat was sweltering. They still managed to raise the temperature. What an amazing show. The energy that radiates off this band is palpable. They have a sonic sensuality that just permeates down to the bone (not that bone you pervos). I can't describe to you the pleasure of watching these four people come together and form one living breathing musical entity. Holy shit, I lose my breath just from the recollection.
The encore was blazing hot, with a drum orgy that surpassed the previous night's. I was lucky enough to have made my way down to the front of the stage so I got to share in the event unfolding right before me. The young ladies that were dancing around me, were an added bonus.
They rounded out the show with a killer version of Zep's "Your Time is Gonna Come."

After the show, we hung around the stage and chatted, which yielded a setlist written in Matt's hand. Thank you Mr. Techman, who ever you are. I later had it signed by Miss Potter and Mr. Burr.
While I was getting said siggies, I asked Grace about the whole Peanut Butter/Razor thing in "If I was From Paris." I have previously postulated that it may be a PG/PG13 thing. Grace assured me that she hadn't even thought of that. It has more to do with being less obvious. Smooth peanut butter has no real wiggle room on it's meaning, it's peanut butter. However, the razor allows for some interpretation. Which I apparently interpreted into a PG13 rating. ;)
I also enjoyed an exchange with Matt, and hope to speak with him more at the Skowhegan Show on June 27.
Shortly after Grace went back stage to visit with her mom, my mom and I headed out. Not without saying our good byes to K. Cortez and Mike. A good time was had by all.
File Under: Sticker Shock
This AP article talks about sticker shock for coming oil prices. Shock? More like a sticker sodomy.
File Under: Special Oil
Hello boys and girls in CMP land. Your Uncle Kired just received his budget plan for heating oil this coming year. $313.00 per month. Isn't that special? Last year it was $185 per month. That was special too. I feel so special right now, I just want to tell our President how special he is. I would also like to tell all those folks at those big oil companies how special I think they are. Oh and those special people who play the commodities market, aren't they just the most special people?
I would like to hear from all you boys and girls about how special it's going to be to heat your home this year.
I would like to hear from all you boys and girls about how special it's going to be to heat your home this year.
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