Who is this nut?

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"You need to believe in things that aren't true. How else can they become?" T. Pratchett


File Under: Treated myself

As a self-thank you gift, I was going to buy myself a bass. I was hoping to be able to afford the nice Standard (who can afford an American, ouch) P-Bass, they had at the music store. They sold it. Deciding that I could definitely live with the used Ibanez that had finally come back from the other store, I went in Monday to pick it up.

As Chris is getting it out, I mention the P-Bass loss. He looks at me and says that it is indeed gone, but....they just took in a used Jazz-Bass. I must of looked overly happy, cause he put it in my hands mighty quick. It played smooth. As you may have guessed, I am now the proud owner of a black body, white pick guarded, rosewood fretted, Fender Standard Jazz Bass. Good things do come to those who wait.

File Under: We have a kitchen

We now have a functioning kitchen. I will post pics when the paint and trim are done, but it is very nice. I would like to thank my father for helping so very much and my wife and son for their demo work. I am so sore I can barely walk, but it is done. Now all I need is to get through the balloon fest, and I can sleep.


File Under: Kitchen Remodel

To sum up the last few days of our kitchen remodel.

Ellyn rules at demo, thank god for my Dad, and I don't ever want to do this again. We're probably about 1/2 way through.

Love ya all, and miss you.