Who is this nut?

My photo
"You need to believe in things that aren't true. How else can they become?" T. Pratchett


File Under: Who New Doctor Who?

Dammit, Dammit, Dammit! David Tennant will not return as The Doctor when the series returns in 2010. I guess we better enjoy those specials that are coming. Dammit!



File Under: Mommy, my ice cream tastes funny

I'm still laughing after having read this piece and watched the video for this story. Apprently PeTA sent Ben and Jerry's a letter asking them to consider using human breast milk instead of cow milk in their ice cream. Yep, go ahead and check it out if you don't believe me.

File Under: Don't buy it. Vote!

A lot of the pundits are saying this election is over. Even the evil genius Karl Rove has declared Obama the victor. I thought that seemed a little odd, so I have only one explanation. Admit defeat so they can win. The theory goes like this: if we all think the election is a lock, we won't bother to vote.

We aren't that stupid, are we?


File Undrer: DTV conversion and the technologically challenged

The DTV conversion is coming. If you have any friends and relatives (not just old people) who are technologically disinclined, plan on going to their house and setting things up. Trust me, it will be faster and easier than trying to explain it to them.


File Under: KFC Demands Cease And Desist Of Racist “Obama Bucks”

This article came to me through a Google Alert. I find it hard to believe that the people responsible could have been ignorant of the racist nature of what they produced.

File Under: GPN on iclips tonight

K. Cortez has posted that Grace Potter and the Nocturnals will be broadcast live on iClips tonight at 7:30p CST (8:30EST). He also mentioned a chat over on his This Is Somewhere. As a side note, you should go into iClips early incase you have issues, you can sort them out, before GPN hits the stage.


File Under: Adrien Broom is very talented

I first found Adrien's work due to her fantastic photos of Grace, Scott, Matt, and Bryan (some Jen too). Since then I have spent sometime perusing her site. She is quite the talented lady. It also seems that I missed meeting her in Northampton.

File Under: Ben and Jerry's wanna help chill the planet

Ben and Jerry's will be implementing new refrigeration that is better for the environment. Pretty neat stuff. Before you get all excited about buying a new fridge, consider this: butane and propane are extremely flammable and compressors run on electricity that can cause a spark. Just saying.


File Under: Redefinition


CEO --Chief Embezzlement Officer.

CFO-- Corporate Fraud Officer.

BULL MARKET -- A random market movement causing an investor to
mistake himself for a financial genius.

BEAR MARKET -- A 6 to 18 month period when the kids get no allowance,
the wife gets no jewelry, and the husband gets no sex.

VALUE INVESTING -- The art of buying low and selling lower.

P/E RATIO -- The percentage of investors wetting their pants as the
market keeps crashing.

BROKER -- What my broker has made me.

STANDARD & POOR -- Your life in a nutshell.

STOCK ANALYST -- Idiot who just downgraded your stock.

STOCK SPLIT -- When your ex-wife and her lawyer split your assets
equally between themselves.

FINANCIAL PLANNER -- A guy whose phone has been disconnected.

MARKET CORRECTION -- The day after you buy stocks.

CASH FLOW-- The movement your money makes as it disappears down the toilet.

YAHOO -- What you yell after selling it to some poor sucker for $240 per share.

WINDOWS -- What you jump out of when you're the sucker who bought

Yahoo @ $240 per share.

INSTITUTIONAL INVESTOR -- Past year investor who's now locked up in a nuthouse.

PROFIT -- An archaic word no longer in use.

File Under: Blues and Lasers-Give It a Try

Blues and Lasers-Give it a Try from The Real Kired on Vimeo.

This is actually a 16X9 video that I hope Vimeo will fix at some point, after all if works right on YouTube.


File Under: Seat Filler

So thanks to my mother's back issues, I got to replace her on the stage for tonight's senatorial debate between Sen. Susan Collins (R-ME) and Rep. Tom Allen (D-ME). It was interesting, it was informative (I know hard to believe), and my ass is still numb. The damn thing was televised so I felt obligated to keep still and look pensive. Only allowing furative nose scratches when I was sure the camera was on the person asking the question.

Overall, they both did well, but I will give the edge to Collins, she's on home turf being a good County Girl. I have issues with both candidates, but I will probably go Collins, because she is a moderate and has Maine's people as her focus.

File Under: Grace Potter and the Nocturnals at All Good

K. Cortez has a link up for GPN's performance at the All Good Festival. SO GOOD!


File Under: Colin Powell backs Obama

See folks, that's how you make a decision.

File Under: Help send Blues and Lasers to San Fran

Well 2/5's of them anyway. It seems that Blues and Lasers has a gig opening for Grace Potter and the Nocturnals in San Fransisco on November 15. Only problem is, starving musician, doesn't pay well. Benny and Steve need some help to get there. Enter the lovely and talented Jenn Crowell who will be performing a:

Benefit to get Blues and Lasers to San Fran!
Come to the Monkey Bar on October 30th and donate money towards the cause.
Jen, Steve Sharon, and Benny Yurco will play their original songs from 5:30-7:30pm at the Monkey Bar
Come, hear some great acoustic music, and help Blues and Lasers across the country!

If you can't be there, you can go to her site and donate. While you are there, take note of her CD Release party on December 6.

File Under: Buy Cold Front

Have I mentioned that Jen Crowell's album, Cold Front, is really f'n good and that you should buy it? Until recently, the purchase of said album was damn near impossible. However, thanks to modern technology you can buy it on her website. Go now. What are you waiting for?


File Under: Taxes, Candidates, and Bangor

Check out this post Specious Riches, it outlines what the different candidate's tax plans would do for the people of Bangor. It's an informative look at how we will all be effected by each plan.

File Under: Credit Crunch Primer

Check out this Power Point Presentation. It's quite informative if a bit short on artfulness.


Don't have Power Point? Download Open Office for free.

File Under: Politicians Suck

That is the vibe I am getting from people who keep sending me emails. Here are a couple from yesterday.


An archeological team, digging in Washington DC , has uncovered10,000 year old bones and fossil remains of what is believed to be the first Politician.


File Under: Zero Punctuation Unleashes a Force

File Under: Ya Think?

File Under: Pre-Orange Peel Interview

A nice little article and interview ahead of the Grace Potter and the Nocturnal's Asheville, NC show.

“Right now we have a lot of new songs that we're working on. Hopefully we'll be in the studio early next year. I usually write songs and bring things to the band, and then we all collaborate when necessary. Whenever we write together the songs go on these crazy little journeys and end up sounding different than I thought they would. That proves we are a band and each member contributes.”


File Under: Grace Potter and the Nocturnals

October 9th started with a 5:30 am alarm, to assure my participation in putting away freight at the restaurant. As I made my way to work, I thought to myself "this is going to be a long day." Quite simply I was right, it was a long day, but it was also a great day.

After quickly completing my work, I headed home and finished packing and preparing for the 8.5 hour drive ahead of us. Upon Mom's arrival we headed south on our way to Northampton, MA. I won't bore you with all the details of the drive, but to say, the music and conversation was good and the traffic was bearable.

After settling into our hotel, we headed downtown to meet Jan and Gary of who are fellow members of the Potterville Posse street team. After driving around downtown for 20 minutes looking for parking, we finally found a good spot around the corner from the venue. We stopped into Zen (where I would try Sushi, for the first time, the next day), and said hello to K. Cortez and his lovely wife. We then had a lovely meal with J and D. I had a roast pork pannini that was quite tasty. While gnoshing we had a visit from Van, who is one of the more intersting characters in the GPN story. I won't tell you his story, as it is his to tell.

The Pearl Street Ball room is a decent facility. The staff was quite friendly, which was a nice change from other places. After getting our tickets and heading up stairs we said hello to Nicole, GPN's merch master. While talking we also checked out the new shirts and such. Alas, the one I really wanted only came in medium and large, still it was a sweet shirt.

Van, Jan and I had a good bit of conversation while waiting for the show to start. We talked about the economy, music (duh) and a bet I would like to make with Grace. They both informed me it was a bet I would lose. To which I said, "it would be worth it." No, I won't disclose the nature of the bet ( I didn't get to make it, she took off to see Dr. Dog after the show).

The opening act was The Farm. I don't really know what to say. They had some great moments, but overall I was bored. They did an interesting thing; they all took a turn playing the various instruments. I say interesting, because I am not sure it was entirely successful. The three members of this band are very talented, they just need some honing. They definitely needed some microphone coaching, I could barely understand anything they sang or said. Their music reminded us of early Floyd and sometimes Wilco.

After an unusually long intermission, the Grace Potter and the Nocturnals took to the stage with a palpable sense of energy. The music was, as always, amazing. I love the way they seem to feed off of each other and the crowd.

The setlist courtesy of Van:
Stop The Bus
Ah MAry
Ain't No Time
Ragged Company
Treat Me Right
Paint it Black
Jet Airliner w/ Benny Yurco

The Paint it Black was flippin amazing.

Grace Potter and the Nocturnals-Paint it Black (clip) from The Real Kired on Vimeo.

There was also a great moment involving a young man who snuck up to the front.

Grace Potter and the Half Pint from The Real Kired on Vimeo.

The "holy shit" moment of the evening was a special shout out to K. Cortez, who runs the amazing blog This Is Somewhere. I apologize for the audio and the fact that I ran out of memory and didn't get "Nothing But the Water" and the reprise for "Cortez the Killer".

Grace Potter and the Nocturnals-Cortez the Killer from The Real Kired on Vimeo.

Benny Yurco (from Blues and Lasers) joined the band for the encore. It was great watching the interaction between him and Scott. They surely enjoy playing together.

After the show, we hung around talking to K. Cortez, Van and Sparky (Grace's dad). While they continued to chat, I wandered over to retrieve a package I had left with Nicole. I went back and presented K. with a special gift of a limited edition Blues and Lasers DVD that I worked on (thanks to Danado for starting the whole thing off with her video). He and his wife then went back stage and flushed out Scott so I could give him his copy. I also gave Benny, Steve's copy (Benny had already snagged K. Cortez's). While Scott was talking to the others, Aya (The Leaves) came out to say hi (she gives good hugs)

While we were all chatting, Bryan treated us to an impromptu Theramin performance. I also gave him his DVD. Van got us back stage so I could give Matt, his and Grace's DVD (she ran off remember). We chatted a while longer and then we all took off so the band could crash. It was a great night and a good time was had by all.

More pics at http://www.flickr.com/photos/therealkired/


File Under: Tales of Mere Existence

File Under: Google Chrome

I am being adventurous and trying out Google's newest toy, Chrome.  First impressions are simply, yep it's a browser and yep it's better than Internet Explorer.  I also will say that Firefox meets both those standards as well.  The neat thing about Chrome is that each tab runs indepenently so a crash on MySpace doesn't effect your last minute Ebay auction grab.  I'll continue to play with it for a while and see where things lead.

If you would like to try Chrome you can download it at: http://www.google.com/chrome