After leaving the kids at my sis-inlaw's, (thank you Aunt Lynnie) Ellyn and I headed south on the ol I95. The trip to Burlington was pretty quiet. Stopped at Coach in Freeport for Ellyn, had lunch at Three Tomatoes in Lebanon (good pizza), tried not to kill the stupid lady in the BMW who didn't understand the point of cruise control, and fought crazy winds up through the stunning mountain vistas.
We checked into the Windjammer and had a rest before venturing out to meet a friend for drinks. If you are ever in Burlington, check out the Vermont Brew House and try the Burly Irish Red, YUMMY! We also had dinner before we headed to the club (also very yummy).

When we arrived at Nectar's/Metronome, Jesus VaNacho, was still doing sound check so we had to chill at Nectar's for a bit. Eventually, we wandered up, got out tickets and staked out a booth near the front. Eventually Aya and Bryan wandered in and we chatted a little before, Jesus VaNacho took the stage. They were a very talented group, but don't seem to have an identity. During one of the early songs I leaned over and said to Bryan, "Psychedelic Country?" There just wasn't a consistent vibe to the show. Well executed, but all over the place. Then they simply went TOO LONG!
The Posse showed up about 3 songs into the opening set. They were in full force for sure.
After a brief intermission, the boys took the stage. Their energy was amazing. I can't believe how tight they are, spending about a month opening for GPN has paid off. Scott, Benny and Bryan were playing off each other like they were breathing. Amazing, drum duo by Steve and Matt. The syncopation on Machine Gun (Hendrix tune) was f@#%ing unbelievable. Blues and Lasers owned that stage and that club, despite the late hour. I do recommend, if you plan on attending a Blues and Lasers show, that you bring ear plugs. The boys like it LOUD!!!
Set list (thanks to John Carr for filling in my blanks):
Drone In A
I Ain't Changing
Who Do You Think You Are?
Fallen Friend
Home Funk
22 Times
Devil Wrapped Around Me
Machine Gun
Encore: Give It a Try