Hey all! Just wanted to let you know we'll be playing at the Monkey House this Saturday 05/02/09. We are very sorry to inform you that Matt Harpster, our lead guitar player, has fallen ill over this past week and will not be able to make it to the show. In an effort to fill in the huge void that Harpster leaves us with (seriously, we depend on him!), we are very pleased to announce that we have two special guests who will be gracing us with their presence this weekend. On lead guitar Bob Wagner will join The Leaves for a one time special appearance! And to help out, the lovely Jen Crowell will be singing for most of the evening on harmonies. Please come show your support for The Leaves and also for these two special guests who have been so kind to go out of their way and help us out in a time of need. I am very humbled by their willingness to help us on such short notice.
Jess Clemmons will be taking the stage at 9 pm.
This Frontier Needs Heroes will be playing at 10 pm
The Leaves will play at 11 pm and close out the night.
Also, just wanted to let everyone know that the CDs have SHIPPED! I just got a confirmation and tracking number today, so i will be tracking those boxes on a compulsive basis. Thank you to all who pre-bought the album, they will be out in the mail within two weeks. The extra digital recordings will be available (for those who prebought the album) shortly. Again, thank you, we could not have completed this album without your support.
Hope to see you all on Saturday - any support from you at the show will go a very long way!!!
Much love and best wishes,
p.s. please feel free to forward this to others if the shoe fits ;)
'But I said look here brother Who you jiving with that cosmik debris? ' -Frank Zappa
Who is this nut?

- kired
- "You need to believe in things that aren't true. How else can they become?" T. Pratchett
File Under: We're all gonna die!
The Daily Show With Jon Stewart | M - Th 11p / 10c | |||
Snoutbreak '09 - The Last 100 Days | ||||
thedailyshow.com | ||||
I really can't stand the 24 news networks.
File Under: We have a balloon!
Dad and I traveled to our friend Bill Whelan's place in Ontario this weekend. We went to look at this balloon. We have decided to buy it. Since it is a Canadian registered balloon, it will be a process to import it. I have a poll up for votes on a name, so please vote. I am also am thinking about registration numbers. Maybe N-73EWS?
File Under: Joe Bonamassa on Jools Holland
Follow the link to some kick ass blues riffage...THE LINK
File Under: Beck and Stewart
Came to me via a Lefetz tweet.
File Under: Ray Lamontagne- Trouble (BBC 4 Sessions)
My friend Shannon posted this on her FB, so a big thanks to her.
File Under: Not all drummers are drool slinging, half-baked monkeys...
A certain other netzien and I may have been making disparaging remarks about drummers earlier in the day. I assure you, the jokes I told are drummer approved (thanks Chris). However, the discussion did lead me to share this video with you. A drummer who most decidedly, doesn't suck.
File Under: Pirate Bay's Captain Found Guilty
The BBC is reporting that the founders of the file sharing site The Pirate Bay have been found guilty by a Swedish court. Isn't it funny how the poor copyright holders haven't figured out that this won't change a damn thing.
File Under: New Blues and Lasers Album in the Works
According to the Blues and Lasers Home Page, there should be a full length album coming our way sometime in August. WOOT!
File Under: Baracknophobia - Obey
Running way behind on my viewing. Gonna share this anyway.
The Daily Show With Jon Stewart | M - Th 11p / 10c | |||
Baracknophobia - Obey | ||||
thedailyshow.com | ||||
File Under: Epic Douche Bagery
This video is about how an online memorial service WoW for a young lady was interrupted by a bunch of pricks, despite requests to not attack. Crap like this makes me ashamed to be Alliance, hell even human.
File Under: Woody scared by Zombie Paparazzo
Thanks to Aya for this tasty nugget of weirdness.
File Under: How many times can you say....
I had to poach this from Phil. Oh my God, I laughed, thought I would die.
Visit msnbc.com for Breaking News, World News, and News about the Economy
File Under: NPR- A 'Lumpy' Legacy
An NPR piece on Frank Zappa's legacy, I'm not sure Gail Zappa comes off as an entirely sympathetic character.
File Under: From Rorschach to Freddy Krueger
It seems that Jackie Earle Haley who brought the Watchmen's Rorschach convincingly to life, will be playing Freddy in the remake of the Horror Classic, Nightmare on Elm Street. I hope he has time to back out. I really don't think this movie is one that can benefit from a remake, especially when looking at the others involved in the project. I think JEH can do much better for his career, than this future piece of crap.
While I'm on the topic...Why the hell do they keep remaking these great horror movies? Here is a short list of recent remakes that didn't need to be made: The Hills Have Eyes, The Last House on the Left, and Friday the 13 (not that Nightmare comes even close to these). Theses films were amazing in the first place. Sure production value was low, they were on a shoe string, but that just added to the gritty nature of these films.
I can't even imagine a modern film getting the brutality of Last House on the Left past a rating board, without catching a NC-17. The original was horrific and disturbing, as it should be. It's not a movie you want to watch very often, unless you have issues. I haven't seen the new one, I probably won't, I bet it will be all about the blood and gore and somehow miss the commentary on humanity.
Ultimately, that's what these films were, commentarys about human nature. Don't forget that Friday the 13 was actually a tale of a mother's twisted sense of revenge. Romero's entire zombie series is about human failings. The living are always their own undoing. Without these parables, horror movies are just spectator murder and a much lessor form of the craft. To be clear, I haven't evaluated the remakes, but I can't imagine they carry the weight or the message of their originals.
While I'm on the topic...Why the hell do they keep remaking these great horror movies? Here is a short list of recent remakes that didn't need to be made: The Hills Have Eyes, The Last House on the Left, and Friday the 13 (not that Nightmare comes even close to these). Theses films were amazing in the first place. Sure production value was low, they were on a shoe string, but that just added to the gritty nature of these films.
I can't even imagine a modern film getting the brutality of Last House on the Left past a rating board, without catching a NC-17. The original was horrific and disturbing, as it should be. It's not a movie you want to watch very often, unless you have issues. I haven't seen the new one, I probably won't, I bet it will be all about the blood and gore and somehow miss the commentary on humanity.
Ultimately, that's what these films were, commentarys about human nature. Don't forget that Friday the 13 was actually a tale of a mother's twisted sense of revenge. Romero's entire zombie series is about human failings. The living are always their own undoing. Without these parables, horror movies are just spectator murder and a much lessor form of the craft. To be clear, I haven't evaluated the remakes, but I can't imagine they carry the weight or the message of their originals.
File Under: Vevo, Universal Music's latest and greatest.
Read the Wired article here. This is the first response on the Digg page, makes me smile:
Demonbaby - "Wow guys, this is awesome! I've been looking for a new place to view music videos from all of my favorite UNIVERSAL MUSIC GROUP artists! It's exciting to me that I can finally be one hundred percent sure I'm sending revenue to the biggest, most out-of-touch dinosaur of a giant multi-national corporation when I watch music videos online! I'll even be helping the RIAA stay in business - those guys have been having some tough times lately, so they need our support! You know, sometimes I would find music videos on YouTube from my favorite UNIVERSAL MUSIC GROUP artists, but it appeared that they'd been uploaded ILLEGALLY by some fan trying to steal money from hard-working lawyers and executives! It made me feel dirty for watching videos that weren't provided to me officially by UNIVERSAL MUSIC GROUP - it felt like I was stealing! Thankfully all of that moral ambiguity will be gone now that VEVO is here! If history is any indication, all of my favorite UNIVERSAL MUSIC GROUP videos on VEVO will include all of the great features that I, the consumer, have come to expect from UNIVERSAL MUSIC GROUP, like LOTS of cool advertisements during the videos, and a special feature that makes sure I can't repost the video on anyone other websites - that would be stealing!! Golly everyone I'm SO PSYCHED for this cool new website!"
Demonbaby - "Wow guys, this is awesome! I've been looking for a new place to view music videos from all of my favorite UNIVERSAL MUSIC GROUP artists! It's exciting to me that I can finally be one hundred percent sure I'm sending revenue to the biggest, most out-of-touch dinosaur of a giant multi-national corporation when I watch music videos online! I'll even be helping the RIAA stay in business - those guys have been having some tough times lately, so they need our support! You know, sometimes I would find music videos on YouTube from my favorite UNIVERSAL MUSIC GROUP artists, but it appeared that they'd been uploaded ILLEGALLY by some fan trying to steal money from hard-working lawyers and executives! It made me feel dirty for watching videos that weren't provided to me officially by UNIVERSAL MUSIC GROUP - it felt like I was stealing! Thankfully all of that moral ambiguity will be gone now that VEVO is here! If history is any indication, all of my favorite UNIVERSAL MUSIC GROUP videos on VEVO will include all of the great features that I, the consumer, have come to expect from UNIVERSAL MUSIC GROUP, like LOTS of cool advertisements during the videos, and a special feature that makes sure I can't repost the video on anyone other websites - that would be stealing!! Golly everyone I'm SO PSYCHED for this cool new website!"
File Under: Good Rap is not a Myth
I was discussing with a reader the other day the virtues of different musical styles. Rap was a sticking point, so in that vein, here is some damn fine rap.
Arrested Development - People Everyday http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dgtcTVDcjH0
Outkast - B.O.B. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-XBgXBvI8a0
Arrested Development - People Everyday http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dgtcTVDcjH0
Outkast - B.O.B. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-XBgXBvI8a0
File Under: April 1 Posts
Ah, the joy of the April 1st postings. Here are a couple of entertaining ones.
File Under: Glenn Beck is a Tool
Sic em Stephen.
The Colbert Report | Mon - Thurs 11:30pm / 10:30c | |||
The 10/31 Project | ||||
comedycentral.com | ||||
File Under: Why don't shit work for me?
I am just about to depart for Houlton so that my 2009 Toyota Matrix can have a fourth round of warranty work completed. Today, I will also be returning the HP dv5-1251nr computer I bought on Monday, it's networking is totally screwed. Toyota is supposed to have "legendary quality" and HP, well the old one is okay. Why does it seem that I always get the dud? I could write I very long list of things I have bought that work fine for others and shit the bed for me, but I gotta run. Have a good day and may your durable goods be more durable than mine.
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