Who is this nut?

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"You need to believe in things that aren't true. How else can they become?" T. Pratchett


File Under: Charlie A'Court House Party Webcast

I received this info via e-mail and just had to share:

House Concert!!!!

The “KraftRs” are thrilled to present: Singer/Songwriter, Soul and Blues Artist: Charlie A’Court In a House Concert on August 23rd, 8:00 - 10:00PM, Atlantic time

The good news? We will be webcasting the show live, so you can watch along with us!!

More information will be posted later at http://4squirrels.wordpress.com . As will the link to watch live!!!

photo credit - Charlie's Facebook page- fan photos

File Under: Derek Trucks and Joe Bonamassa kickin ass!


File Under: Fairpoint Wants Help

This Forbes article on the clusterf@#$ that is Fairpoint tells a tale of a company in desperate need of help. The funny thing to me and many others, is that everyone seemed to know this would happen except, Fairpoint and the state PUC's. I'm not entirely sure Verizon knew, and just didn't care.


File Under: Blues and Lasers-Bio Video

File Under: "Infestation" to Premiere on SyFy

Check it out, and enjoy what should be a screwy flick.

"Kyle Rankin would love for you to check out INFESTATION, the film he wrote & directed for Mel Gibson's Icon Entertainment. It'll have its broadcast premiere on the SyFy Network this Saturday (Aug 8th, at 9pm (8 Central) check local listings). Set your TiVo or hunker down with some popcorn & lemme know what you think!"