'But I said look here brother Who you jiving with that cosmik debris? ' -Frank Zappa
Who is this nut?

- kired
- "You need to believe in things that aren't true. How else can they become?" T. Pratchett
File Under: John Furnari - "The ‘Real’ Way to Stand Out in 2010"
Go read this article. Just do it, you may end up with a glimmer of hope for the future.
File Under: It Get's Worse PSA
The Daily Show With Jon Stewart | Mon - Thurs 11p / 10c | |||
It Gets Worse PSA | ||||
www.thedailyshow.com | ||||
File Under: "The Last Goodbye" WTF
Last night my wife and I attended the first night performance of "The Last Goodbye" at the Williamstown Theatre Festival. This piece born from The Bard's "Romeo and Juliet" and Jeff Buckley's music was mid-wifed by adapter/director Michael Kimmel (for more on the back ground read here). Right off the bat, this union is treading dangerous lands. The fans of both works would not be a silent bunch if they felt that justice had not been done. As a (non-rabid) fan of both, I feel that the crafting of this production was done with love and care for the source material. Although the blending is not always seamless, it is never jarring and will be smoother as the production matures. I will be so bold as to say that Shakes was still the master of this domain. Even though the lyrics and textures of Buckley's work are beyond that of so many musicians, they don't always keep pace with that of William S. However, Leonard Cohen interpreted by Jeff Buckley ("Hallelujah") overcame the centuries old wordsmith.
The technical side of the production was very well done, with only a couple of issues for my part. The spot operators were not always as even of hand as they could be. I was more than a few times distracted by them trying to find their prey. I'm sure that will smooth out with more shows. The other complaint may or may not be directed to the sound board. Both my wife and I had a hard time hearing Tybalt (Ashley Robinson) during "Haven't You Heard." I had no problem hearing this fine young actor at other points in the performance, so I am lead to believe, it was the mix that caused his voice to be lost in the music.
One, can't discuss this performance without mentioning the choreography of Sonya Tayeh (So You Think You Can Dance). I can tell you it's not for everyone, her work is often disquieting and finds it's beauty in a darker place. It is therefore perfectly suited for the gathering storm of this piece. The cast executed at varying levels of competence, I won't break each down but I would like to point out Jo Lampert (Mercutio), as an amazing dancer.
The singing, oh my the singing. Not always pitch perfect, but definitely in the moment, definitely inside the character and more than enough to drive the theme and elicit an emotional response from the audience. The entire cast was vocally up to the challenge, but once again Jo Lampert (Mercutio) blew me away with the strength of her performance. E and I were agreed that she veritably stole the first act by the power of her work. I would also like to note Celina Carvajal (Rosaline) for having an amazing set of pipes and Nick Blaemire (Benvolio) for doing justice to the beloved "Hallelujah," which closed out the play, well done sir.
To be honest, I went into this most worried about the Shakespeare. I'm a picky, picky man when it comes to the performance of his works. So often the nuances of pain and humor are lost for some reason. Not so in this case, either through the director's efforts or that of the cast, they found them. They mined them out and set them forth to my laughter and heartache. To be honest, I could have watched this cast perform the original "Romeo and Juliet," and been perfectly content.
My wife has said that she has read and seen "Romeo and Juliet" several times and has never so desperately wanted the ending to be different. This performance so moved her, that she truly felt for these "star crossed lovers" and their plight. Let's face it, we've all wished them dead during a particularly bad performance, so to have moist eyes at the conclusion is a truly momentous occasion.
In all, Michael Kimmel has brought forth a work that has blended the best of two masters into one hell of a theatrical force. I have little doubt that this show will move to Broadway (cast intact please), and that Tony nominations will be forth coming. I highly suggest you find a way to see this play before it closes out in Williamstown, you better call soon, I hear they're around 90% sold out.
The technical side of the production was very well done, with only a couple of issues for my part. The spot operators were not always as even of hand as they could be. I was more than a few times distracted by them trying to find their prey. I'm sure that will smooth out with more shows. The other complaint may or may not be directed to the sound board. Both my wife and I had a hard time hearing Tybalt (Ashley Robinson) during "Haven't You Heard." I had no problem hearing this fine young actor at other points in the performance, so I am lead to believe, it was the mix that caused his voice to be lost in the music.
One, can't discuss this performance without mentioning the choreography of Sonya Tayeh (So You Think You Can Dance). I can tell you it's not for everyone, her work is often disquieting and finds it's beauty in a darker place. It is therefore perfectly suited for the gathering storm of this piece. The cast executed at varying levels of competence, I won't break each down but I would like to point out Jo Lampert (Mercutio), as an amazing dancer.
The singing, oh my the singing. Not always pitch perfect, but definitely in the moment, definitely inside the character and more than enough to drive the theme and elicit an emotional response from the audience. The entire cast was vocally up to the challenge, but once again Jo Lampert (Mercutio) blew me away with the strength of her performance. E and I were agreed that she veritably stole the first act by the power of her work. I would also like to note Celina Carvajal (Rosaline) for having an amazing set of pipes and Nick Blaemire (Benvolio) for doing justice to the beloved "Hallelujah," which closed out the play, well done sir.
To be honest, I went into this most worried about the Shakespeare. I'm a picky, picky man when it comes to the performance of his works. So often the nuances of pain and humor are lost for some reason. Not so in this case, either through the director's efforts or that of the cast, they found them. They mined them out and set them forth to my laughter and heartache. To be honest, I could have watched this cast perform the original "Romeo and Juliet," and been perfectly content.
My wife has said that she has read and seen "Romeo and Juliet" several times and has never so desperately wanted the ending to be different. This performance so moved her, that she truly felt for these "star crossed lovers" and their plight. Let's face it, we've all wished them dead during a particularly bad performance, so to have moist eyes at the conclusion is a truly momentous occasion.
In all, Michael Kimmel has brought forth a work that has blended the best of two masters into one hell of a theatrical force. I have little doubt that this show will move to Broadway (cast intact please), and that Tony nominations will be forth coming. I highly suggest you find a way to see this play before it closes out in Williamstown, you better call soon, I hear they're around 90% sold out.
File Under: The Amida Bourbon Project
The acoustic rebirth of the Leaves has come in the form of The Amida Bourbon Project. I can't wait to see and hear where this talented trio is headed musically. For now we must make due with a few songs on their music page.
File Under: Maple Meadow Farm Fest this weekend
On June 26 and 27, the Gregg Family will be hosting the fourth annual Maple Meadow Farm Festival during Mapleton Daze. There will be many field work demonstrations with horses and antique tractors, discriminating antique dealers and fine crafts, country cuisine, wagon rides, and plenty of room for the children to play.
The Maple Meadow Farm Festival emphasizes the daily and seasonal farm and homemaking practices of Aroostook County, honoring an agricultural heritage and creating an opportunity for personal enrichment and enjoyment. It builds community while supporting economic growth by showcasing the best of the past and educating others about the history and traditions of a rural culture with an emphasis on collaboration.
Bring your friends and family to Maple Meadow Farms to celebrate good ‘ol country camaraderie.
Hope to see you there,
The Gregg Family
Maple Meadow Farm Festival, 830 Mapleton Rd., Mapleton
Saturday June 26 10am to 5 pm
Sunday June 27 10 am to 4 pm
The Maple Meadow Farm Festival emphasizes the daily and seasonal farm and homemaking practices of Aroostook County, honoring an agricultural heritage and creating an opportunity for personal enrichment and enjoyment. It builds community while supporting economic growth by showcasing the best of the past and educating others about the history and traditions of a rural culture with an emphasis on collaboration.
Bring your friends and family to Maple Meadow Farms to celebrate good ‘ol country camaraderie.
Hope to see you there,
The Gregg Family
Maple Meadow Farm Festival, 830 Mapleton Rd., Mapleton
Saturday June 26 10am to 5 pm
Sunday June 27 10 am to 4 pm
File Under: The Drum of Two Brothers
Joel is a friend of mine and a hell of a balloon pilot, he and his brother Jeff made the world's largest drum
File Under: $1M gift to fund library expansion
$1M gift to fund library expansion: "
PRESQUE ISLE, Maine -- All libraries offer books, but the Mark and Emily Turner Library provides a vital lifeline to services many take for granted, including computer and Internet access ..."
File Under: Blues and Lasers Interview
A couple of weeks ago, when Grace Potter and the Nocturnals (well most of the Nocturnals) were in Maine for Record Store Day, I was lucky enough to interview Scott Tournet and Benny Yurco about their killer band Blues and Lasers. I want to thank Scott and Benny for working through their exhaustion and taco filled bellies to provide insight into their music and their process.
This is supposed to be a playlist and should play right through.
This is supposed to be a playlist and should play right through.
File Under: Grace Potter and the Nocturnals - Record Store Day
*I have taken the video down per the band's management's polite request.*
Sorry about the shakiness. Flip cameras don't have image stabilization and my hand kept cramping.
Sorry about the shakiness. Flip cameras don't have image stabilization and my hand kept cramping.
File Under: Bullies
The Bangor Daily News ran an article about the tragic situation in Mass, where a young lady took her life because of the interminable bullying of 6 other students. Many lives are now in ruins because the school officials didn't take the situation seriously enough.
I would also blame the multitude of the students and teachers that knew what was going on and did nothing to aid Phoebe Prince. It says in the article, that it was common knowledge that she was being bullied regularly. One can understandably deduce that none of these people made a real effort to help this girl in the form of kind words, or God forbid stand up to the little pukes. I've had my trips to the principles office and suspensions for standing up to bullies on my and others behalves. Funny thing, once I called them out on their shit, they left me and mine alone.
Bullies are insecure, cowards. Dave Ramsey says the best way to deal with a bully is to "pop'm in the nose." I may be a pacifist but I tend to agree with this sentiment. We've already had to deal with a child that was pushing our daughter around. We taught, nay drilled, her to scream out loud, "DON'T PUSH ME!" Alerting all in the area of the problem. Guess who doesn't get pushed anymore. However, if that didn't work, I was more than willing to teach my little girl how to take down a male significantly bigger than her. We would deal with the consequences of course, but she also would no longer be a victim.
Our schools and even society at large seem ill equipped to deal with the issue of bullying. Rules and laws seem to focus mainly on dealing with the issue, after it has gone too far. Therefore, like sex and money, it must fall to parents to do the real teaching. We must teach our kids that comments like "Boys will be boys," are not acceptable from teachers and principles. That you don't have to be a victim, and to stand up for what is right, even if there are consequences.
I would also blame the multitude of the students and teachers that knew what was going on and did nothing to aid Phoebe Prince. It says in the article, that it was common knowledge that she was being bullied regularly. One can understandably deduce that none of these people made a real effort to help this girl in the form of kind words, or God forbid stand up to the little pukes. I've had my trips to the principles office and suspensions for standing up to bullies on my and others behalves. Funny thing, once I called them out on their shit, they left me and mine alone.
Bullies are insecure, cowards. Dave Ramsey says the best way to deal with a bully is to "pop'm in the nose." I may be a pacifist but I tend to agree with this sentiment. We've already had to deal with a child that was pushing our daughter around. We taught, nay drilled, her to scream out loud, "DON'T PUSH ME!" Alerting all in the area of the problem. Guess who doesn't get pushed anymore. However, if that didn't work, I was more than willing to teach my little girl how to take down a male significantly bigger than her. We would deal with the consequences of course, but she also would no longer be a victim.
Our schools and even society at large seem ill equipped to deal with the issue of bullying. Rules and laws seem to focus mainly on dealing with the issue, after it has gone too far. Therefore, like sex and money, it must fall to parents to do the real teaching. We must teach our kids that comments like "Boys will be boys," are not acceptable from teachers and principles. That you don't have to be a victim, and to stand up for what is right, even if there are consequences.
File Under: Locks of Love, C.A.N.C.E.R. and Planet Head Day
As some of you may be aware, I have spent the last year+ growing out my hair for Locks of Love, which I encourage everyone who is capable, to do. Once I realized that the time to cut my hair would line up with Planet Head Day, which raises money for a local cancer support group, I knew I had to do it. If you want to know more about Planet Head Day I suggest you watch the video below. So here's the pitch, I'm looking for sponsors for Planet Head Day and an idea as to which planet I should have painted on my bald pate. So, for each $10 donation I receive, you will get one (1) vote for the planet. I will also match each donation up to $100 total, plus cover the PayPal fees. If we get over $500, I'll post a video of the head shaving and painting on my YouTube channel. So with that all said, please donate what you can by using the ChipIn below, and vote for the planet in the "special instructions to seller," section of your PayPal Payment. Thanks!
Why do I get the feeling, I know what you sicko's will vote for?

Why do I get the feeling, I know what you sicko's will vote for?

File Under: Cop Out-Red Band Trailer
Via Kevin Smith's twat, I mean tweet:
Millions Spent in Maine on Health Care Debate - ABC News
Millions Spent in Maine on Health Care Debate - ABC News
Disgusting use of funds to try and sway a State that would be best served by a major overhaul of the health care system. Not that I'm a huge fan of anything that will cause businesses to shoulder the bulk of the load. It's important to remember that a big chunk of the world is made up small businesses out there that aren't evil f@#$ers taking huge, unjust bonuses while people are out of work.
Disgusting use of funds to try and sway a State that would be best served by a major overhaul of the health care system. Not that I'm a huge fan of anything that will cause businesses to shoulder the bulk of the load. It's important to remember that a big chunk of the world is made up small businesses out there that aren't evil f@#$ers taking huge, unjust bonuses while people are out of work.
File Under: Hope for Haiti Now
Via U2's website:
'Hope for Haiti Now: A Global Benefit for Earthquake Relief' this Friday will feature performances by Wyclef Jean, Bruce Springsteen, Jennifer Hudson, Mary J. Blige, Shakira, and Sting in New York City; Alicia Keys, Christina Aguilera, Dave Matthews, John Legend, Justin Timberlake, Stevie Wonder...
File Under: "What was so damn good...
about the 'good old days?'" That's what my grandfather used to say. I think in this age of overly simplistic nostalgia, it's a damn fine question. A question that John Oliver of the Daily Show explores.
The Daily Show With Jon Stewart | Mon - Thurs 11p / 10c | |||
Even Better Than the Real Thing | ||||
www.thedailyshow.com | ||||
File Under: Benny and Mona
This adorable sweetheart of a pooch has two torn ACL's. Any NFL player can tell you, those aren't cheap to fix. Please help if you can, many hands make light work.
Image swiped from TIS
File Under: 5 myths about keeping America safe from terrorism - Washington Post
5 myths about keeping America safe from terrorism - Washington Post: "
Times Online | 5 myths about keeping America safe from terrorism Washington Post With President Obama declaring a "systemic failure" of our security system in the wake of the attempted Christmas bombing of a Detroit-bound airliner, familiar arguments about what can and should be done to reduce America's ... Obama Discusses Airline Attack With Intelligence OfficialsVoice of America Obama's aides begin briefing him on homeland-security problems | Philadelphia ...Philadelphia Inquirer Obama summons intelligence chiefs to White House meetingReuters The Free Lance-Star -BusinessWeek -U.S. News & World Report all 1,351 news articles » |
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