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"You need to believe in things that aren't true. How else can they become?" T. Pratchett


File Under: Warren answers some fan's questions

I found this at Jambands.com, it's Warren Haynes answering reader questions. I also found this question and answer in the piece.

"I've always been amazed at your ability to assimilate multiple influences into your guitar playing and songwriting process. Your recent live collaborations with Grace Potter seemed to be a great musical marriage ala the current Robert Plant/Alison Krauss project. Do you have any plans to record or tour with Grace in the future? Randy R.

WH- We have no plans but of course I’m open to anything. I like working with Grace and we work well together. I’ve really enjoyed everything we’ve done so far, so I wouldn’t rule out anything."

I think many of us can agree, that we would not want anything ruled out.

1 comment:

AH said...

How many ways can you say