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"You need to believe in things that aren't true. How else can they become?" T. Pratchett


File Under: Why today...

I find it fascinating, that as a culture, we require certain days throughout the year to remind us of certain things.  We need Thanksgiving to remind us that we should be grateful for the manifold blessings of life and Christmas to point out that love and peace are a good thing.  We also have this day right here, Valentine's Day.

Why on God's green earth, do we need a day to remind us to tell each other of our love.  This should be a daily occurrence.  If you love someone, tell them every single day.  We are not lucky enough to know when we will part this life, I don't want anyone I care about to have any lingering doubts about how much they meant to me.  You shouldn't either.  So get over your ample baggage and tell them you love them every day, and use this silly day for fun and tasty treats.

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