And the Dumb Ass of the Day award goes to...ME!
I had to drive to Houlton today to change the locks and safe combo, due to a management change. I was cruising back, fat dumb and happy. Actually more like in a daze. I passed through Mars Hill, and didn't go up route 1 as usual, I had to drop of the new key to the opening manager for tomorrow. This subtle change in direction messed up my autopilot. Enough, in fact, to land me a $185 ticket for doing 44 in a 25 (that's $9.74 per mile over, in case you were counting).
I can't contest it, I was in a fog, only making sure there was nothing to hit in my way. I didn't even see the Statey, probably because he was in a Yukon instead of a cruiser. He was appropriately brusque. I always enjoy that feeling of being chastised. Nothing is as fantastic as being treated like a child when you are 34.
The worst part for me, is the death of a 15 year old clean record. Strangely enough, my last (and previously only) ticket was in Bridgewater, another little craptastic town between here and Houlton. These are the types of places that get bypassed in areas with money to do it.
To all this I say quite simply "PPPPHHHHHHFFFFTTTTT!!!!!!!"
Don't you love those areas where there's effing *nothing* and yet the speed limit is still 25? For some reason, you tend to see those a lot more often in the County than almost anywhere else... almost like it's a major source of revenue...
Part of the Governor's new budget plan. I wouldn't mind if they just admitted that fines are a source of revenue and that they step it up when behind. I also don't like the attitude from the tax collector.
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