The Chicago Tribune story "Edwards joins Armstrong on ride across Iowa."
I like Edwards, I liked him last time. He announced his candidacy on the Daily Show in 2004 and has worked tirelessly for the impoverished people of this country since the Kerry/Edwards campaign was defeated (robbed of Ohio more like it) in 2004.
I like him because he is willing to be covered in sweat and drink a beer during the campaigning season, also I agree with him that universal health care is necessary here. It is key to maintaining any sort of middle class. People have tended to think of universal health care as a benefit to the poor. This is far removed from the truth, as those of us in the middle class, who have insurance, or make enough to have to pay our medical bills, are paying for all those that can't.
We pay in our insurance premiums and in the cost of services. The rich people don't feel it the same as the middle class because of the percentage of income this represents. We feel every ripple, while they barely notice. However as more and more middle class people lose insurance, and are not able to pay the increasing price of health care, the rich will be the ones footing the bill under our current system. I wonder how long it will take to get universal heath care then?
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