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"You need to believe in things that aren't true. How else can they become?" T. Pratchett


File Under: Oops my bad, sorry Radiohead.

Those of you who know me in the real world, know that I am not a huge fan of Radiohead (I heard those gasps). Don't get me wrong, I liked "Creep" and The Bends was a great album. I just don't seem to have the "everything they do is genius" bug. Anyhoo, the reason I need to apologize is this. Radiohead's new album has a song I really like on it "Bodysnatchers," and the first few times I heard it, I thought it was Queens of the Stone Age. Maybe I am an unwashed plebe who doesn't know my ass from my elbow, or maybe I was right, Radiohead isn't the second coming.

Radiohead - Bodysnatchers (Scotch Mist version)

1 comment:

Pj said...

Try to listen to Kid A. Go ahead. I dare you.