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"You need to believe in things that aren't true. How else can they become?" T. Pratchett


File Under: Their Time in the Sun

As many but not all of you may know, Sun Studio is the place where greats like U2, Elvis and Johnny Cash recorded. Grace, Bryan, Scott and Matt were guests of the studio and did some fine recording. To encourage you to visit Sun Studio's blog, I am only providing the link, not the accompanying video.


Pj said...

Roy Orbison... Carl Perkins... The Killer... Howlin' Wolf... BB King... "Rocket 88"... but a few of the things I would mention before U2. :)

kired said...

Yeah, but I thought it would be nice to mention someone who is either A) alive, or B) not collecting Social Security.

Pj said...

Because they're Irish? :)