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File Under: Vimeo now wants to kill the fun and games

Vimeo and its staff are making great strides in the, "We totally suck," department. As if the long load times, or just plain unavailability of the videos they host, wasn't enough suckage. Now they are banning game play videos. Not because of some copyright issues (the game publishers don't really seem to care), but for the fact that game play videos aren't creative enough and tend to be larger files and suck up bandwidth. Now the Vimeo staff will get to decide if you're creative enough, and if your video is just game play, or it's machima.

I wonder when they'll start policing other video types. "The Vimeo staff has determined that the video of your child in the school recital lacks true musicality and we can't dance to it. We have deleted said video and your account, as the other videos pretty much sucked. We are sorry you suck. Thank you. The Vimeo Staff."

Note: I don't upload or even make gameplay videos as I am not even remotely good enough to want to share.

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