On November 15, 2008, Blues and Lasers opened for Grace Potter and the Nocturnals at The Independant in San Fransisco. CrowArtists was there to record it. (Gee I wonder who that is?)
'But I said look here brother Who you jiving with that cosmik debris? ' -Frank Zappa
Who is this nut?

- kired
- "You need to believe in things that aren't true. How else can they become?" T. Pratchett
File Under: I'm apparently a pissant
I just bought Guitar Hero World Tour. I needed a new guitar, as the RB1 and the GH Explorer were both acting up and causing problems. Since it was only $30 more the GHWT guitart with the game than just the Rock Band 2 guitar, it seemed an easy decision. It's quite fun, especially in a group.
I must say, that just because Yahtzee's friends don't want to sing, doesn't make me a lush or a pissant. Although, I am sure some of you will argue that point.
I must say, that just because Yahtzee's friends don't want to sing, doesn't make me a lush or a pissant. Although, I am sure some of you will argue that point.
File Under: Greed
There is a reason why greed is one of the mortal sins. It leads people to totally disregard the welfare of self and others in the pursuit of money and things. There is no better example of this than those people in Long Island, who ended a man's life so they could get better deals. To them and to Walmart, who hosted Jdimytai Damour's death, I say "F#@K YOU YOU GREEDY F#@KS!" I am disgusted with our consumer ways, which often leads to some self disgust, but this is on a whole new level of putrescence.
You gotta love the way this CNN story spins the "positive" news of good sales for Walmart, for that-F#@k you CNN.
You gotta love the way this CNN story spins the "positive" news of good sales for Walmart, for that-F#@k you CNN.
File Under: Lefsetz "The Tribe"
I know some of you already receive the Lefsetz letter, for those of you who don't, I recommend this particular post as a great primer on how to truly succeed in today's music biz. There are some bands, I can think of, that are following these precepts pretty well.
Letsetz Letter - The Tribe
"Railing against P2P, complaining that your music is being stolen, putting FBI stickers on your CDs, none of this enhances your bond with your fans, none of it adds members to your tribe. Think about the tribe first! The label’s tribe is the stockholders, not the music listeners. Do not associate your interests with theirs."
Letsetz Letter - The Tribe
"Railing against P2P, complaining that your music is being stolen, putting FBI stickers on your CDs, none of this enhances your bond with your fans, none of it adds members to your tribe. Think about the tribe first! The label’s tribe is the stockholders, not the music listeners. Do not associate your interests with theirs."
File Under: Playing for Change
Phil posted this on Penguin Monkey, so damn good had to bring it over.
Playing for Change: Song Around the World "Stand by Me"
Playing for Change: Song Around the World "Stand by Me"
File Under: The Leaves
I have some friends who are lucky enough to live in Vermont and get to see my other friends in action. Jan and Gary captured these videos a couple of weeks ago, and have been posting them to Vimeo.
The Leaves - New Song Debut 11-9-08 from J&G on Vimeo.
Yours Truly Charlie - The Leaves - Langdon House Cafe from J&G on Vimeo.
The Leaves - New Song Debut 11-9-08 from J&G on Vimeo.
Yours Truly Charlie - The Leaves - Langdon House Cafe from J&G on Vimeo.
File Under: Weakly Reader
This PvP (Scott Kurtz) posits an interesting question. Can we gadgetize the reading experience enough to make non-readers take interest. Even though Brent is most often the "tool" in this comic soap opera, he is also the tool of truth. He says the dickish things that people don't want to hear. In this case, I agree with him. You are either a reader or not.
By non-readers, I don't mean people who are illiterate. I mean people who are capable, but would rather not. They read just what they need to complete the task at hand. These are the folk who are happy with the movie or audio book. There is nothing wrong with these people. They just don't get pleasure from reading; readers, on the other hand, do
Once in the reader camp there are gradations of skill and interest. My friend Phil is a voracious reader. In fact if you told him he couldn't read anymore, he'd be as hard to deal with as 10 yo boy with out his Game Boy. I'm probably about average. Most of my reading is related to work and news but I do love a good book, when there is time.
By non-readers, I don't mean people who are illiterate. I mean people who are capable, but would rather not. They read just what they need to complete the task at hand. These are the folk who are happy with the movie or audio book. There is nothing wrong with these people. They just don't get pleasure from reading; readers, on the other hand, do
Once in the reader camp there are gradations of skill and interest. My friend Phil is a voracious reader. In fact if you told him he couldn't read anymore, he'd be as hard to deal with as 10 yo boy with out his Game Boy. I'm probably about average. Most of my reading is related to work and news but I do love a good book, when there is time.
File Under: World of Whorcraft drives new traffic.
Some of you may remember that I posted about a series of pornos based on the huge MMORPG World of Warcraft. That one post has brought me so very many new views from all over the world. I'm telling you, never underestimate the power of horny gamers and the perceived hotness of female Night Elves.
File Under: Gladwell-The Uses of Adversity
I enjoy Malcolm Gladwell's work. I find it insightful, well written and easily related to. This article came to my attention through "The Lefsetz Letter" (subscribe). I highly recommend you take the time to read it.
As an only child, it is often assumed that I have an overdeveloped sense of entitlement. Thanks to my parents, that just isn't the case. Anytime I started to think that way, I was always put back in my place, i.e. you work for what you get, life isn't fair, and the world doesn't revolve around you (I have since found that bed-spins temporarily negate that last one).
These are lessons that seem to be non-existent in many families around our country today. I feel that I am observing a generational devolution of the ability to overcome. Whining to mom and dad to fix it, is not a survival trait. I feel that Gladwell's notion of disadvantage as advantage is spot on. Our national fixation of giving children every advantage, and thing, is leading us down a path where so many people don't know real success.
The point in our society where a C became the teachers fault and was just unacceptable, therefore making self-preserving teachers change their scores, is the point where we went off the rails. If Joey doesn't know that he can get C's or even fail, he has no idea what it means to succeed based on merit. He won't develop those skills that are necessary to overcome roadblocks to success. In fine we are raising entitled kids, who have no idea what it means to struggle for what they have.
I fear for those people and what life will mean for them in the future I see coming. It seems quite possible that our national heyday has passed, and in that new world, the old insider ties that protect them won't matter. It will indeed be those who faced failure and disadvantages that will be most equipped to succeed.
As an only child, it is often assumed that I have an overdeveloped sense of entitlement. Thanks to my parents, that just isn't the case. Anytime I started to think that way, I was always put back in my place, i.e. you work for what you get, life isn't fair, and the world doesn't revolve around you (I have since found that bed-spins temporarily negate that last one).
These are lessons that seem to be non-existent in many families around our country today. I feel that I am observing a generational devolution of the ability to overcome. Whining to mom and dad to fix it, is not a survival trait. I feel that Gladwell's notion of disadvantage as advantage is spot on. Our national fixation of giving children every advantage, and thing, is leading us down a path where so many people don't know real success.
The point in our society where a C became the teachers fault and was just unacceptable, therefore making self-preserving teachers change their scores, is the point where we went off the rails. If Joey doesn't know that he can get C's or even fail, he has no idea what it means to succeed based on merit. He won't develop those skills that are necessary to overcome roadblocks to success. In fine we are raising entitled kids, who have no idea what it means to struggle for what they have.
I fear for those people and what life will mean for them in the future I see coming. It seems quite possible that our national heyday has passed, and in that new world, the old insider ties that protect them won't matter. It will indeed be those who faced failure and disadvantages that will be most equipped to succeed.
File Under: Andrew Ripp - The Priveleged Life
If you like this video, please share it. Andrew is an indie, doing it on his own, so no marketing machine in his corner.
File Under: The Leaves heading into the studio
The Leaves - Langdon Street Cafe from J&G on Vimeo.
Thanks J&G for capturing this video. We need more video of this emerging group.
You may also notice that she mentions that they are headed into the studio. I have it on good authority that they will be working with the same people responsible for the recent Blues and Laser EP. I can't wait.
File Under: The Spirit
Frank Miller's style, gotta love it. Unless, of course, you don't.
File Under: Blues and Lasers-WNWGD
Blues and Laser-WNWGD from The Real Kired on Vimeo.
Vimeo sucking and not letting you watch? Try the YouTube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6PKYwYWV9fo
File Under: Election Night Chat
That was a great chat, thanks to all that came. I'm glad I could share such a great night with you.
File Under: Walmart Sucks
I know many of you are already quite aware of the massive suckage that is Walmart (aka Wally World). I avoid shopping there as much as possible, but sometimes they just have what you need at prices you want to pay.
I went out this morning, cause I hate the crowds of people that play out their Springeresque lives in the aisles of this retail giant. All was quiet, as most of those folks don't get up that early.
I picked out my various body cleansers and moisturizers, as well as looked at some possible Christmas presents for the kidlets. When I arrived at the front, all the lines were backed out to the ends of the aisle. You see, Walmart is very good at making sure they have just enough people working cash, to barely handle the customer flow. I understand that they need to control costs, so I'm cool with being a couple people deep. What pissed me off, after waiting in the line for over 5 minutes, the dipshit, turns off his light and says to the person in front of me, we all need to find another line cause he has to go.
After briefly staring in disbelief (the rule is, if the light is on when you get in line, you get served), I determined that no other line was opening to handle the people in my line. I wandered to the other side of cash register bank to find they were all full to the brim with overflowing carts and slow cashiers. I began looking up and down the 26 lines to see if one may open up soon. I then noticed a light come on back where I was. I rushed back, trying to save myself 20 minutes of standing in line. When I got there, it was the same little puke that kicked us out of his line. Muttering obscenities to myself, I dropped my basket and walked out.
Rite Aid had what I needed for a little more money. So Walmart can keep its suckiness to itself. Until I give up and have to go in for something. *sigh*
I went out this morning, cause I hate the crowds of people that play out their Springeresque lives in the aisles of this retail giant. All was quiet, as most of those folks don't get up that early.
I picked out my various body cleansers and moisturizers, as well as looked at some possible Christmas presents for the kidlets. When I arrived at the front, all the lines were backed out to the ends of the aisle. You see, Walmart is very good at making sure they have just enough people working cash, to barely handle the customer flow. I understand that they need to control costs, so I'm cool with being a couple people deep. What pissed me off, after waiting in the line for over 5 minutes, the dipshit, turns off his light and says to the person in front of me, we all need to find another line cause he has to go.
After briefly staring in disbelief (the rule is, if the light is on when you get in line, you get served), I determined that no other line was opening to handle the people in my line. I wandered to the other side of cash register bank to find they were all full to the brim with overflowing carts and slow cashiers. I began looking up and down the 26 lines to see if one may open up soon. I then noticed a light come on back where I was. I rushed back, trying to save myself 20 minutes of standing in line. When I got there, it was the same little puke that kicked us out of his line. Muttering obscenities to myself, I dropped my basket and walked out.
Rite Aid had what I needed for a little more money. So Walmart can keep its suckiness to itself. Until I give up and have to go in for something. *sigh*
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