By non-readers, I don't mean people who are illiterate. I mean people who are capable, but would rather not. They read just what they need to complete the task at hand. These are the folk who are happy with the movie or audio book. There is nothing wrong with these people. They just don't get pleasure from reading; readers, on the other hand, do
Once in the reader camp there are gradations of skill and interest. My friend Phil is a voracious reader. In fact if you told him he couldn't read anymore, he'd be as hard to deal with as 10 yo boy with out his Game Boy. I'm probably about average. Most of my reading is related to work and news but I do love a good book, when there is time.
1 comment:
I've considered the Kindle from Amazon - which are amazing in person - but I've decided to cool out until at least v 2.0. For public domain books, it can end up being a huge bargain - you can purchase some massive collections for just a few bucks, to say nothing of the impressive list of books available at Project Gutenberg.
I don't trust people who don't like to read - they might as well be saying they don't like to think. Existence has seen fit to give them a brain, and they're using it fill the space between their ears.
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