Who is this nut?

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"You need to believe in things that aren't true. How else can they become?" T. Pratchett


File Under: Ch-ch-changes!

A few things have changed. Cursed Monkey Paw now has a home at http://www.cursedmonkeypaw.com/ the old address will continue to work, but this one is way easier to remember. Also, the email address for this blog is now (I bet you can guess), kired@cursedmonkeypaw.com

Thanks for hanging around and reading this thing, all two of you.


AH said...

What ? there's someone else ? :D

Sidenote . . Google needs to check their verification words . . rofl !

Anonymous said...

at least three of us

Anonymous said...

Isn't it time to make the big boy move to Wordpress?

kired said...

Whatyou would like to see, that the Blogger template isn't doing for you?

Anonymous said...

Hey, hey Kired -- where did you go? Had to access cache to find this even.

kired said...

Don't know, Googole's been a little wonky today. Maybe just a temporary thing. cursedmonkeypaw.com should be working from all corners of the net by now.

Anonymous said...

Not my corner, sniff.

kired said...

The old URL isn't working either?

Anonymous said...


Cool verification word this time:
spockch -- the Russian version?