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"You need to believe in things that aren't true. How else can they become?" T. Pratchett


File Under: Stargate Universe

So, I've watched the very last episode of Stargate Atlantis. Sure it wasn't as good as SG1, but like low fat Oreos is was an acceptable substitute. Now I don't even have that any more, which sucks cause I really enjoy the SGverse. So what's a poor sci-fi addict to do?

Well Stargate Worlds is still in Beta and the DVD's are on an unknown schedule. There seems to be a glimmer of hope, during the finale there was an a teaser for Stargate Universe. I'm not being enthusiastic, I know. I'm just not sure about the premise. It seems like a Lost in Space/Star Trek Voyager thing. They even seem to have their own Doctor Smith type character, although the casting of Robert Carlyle in the role is encouraging.

I'm going to reserve judgement, but here's hoping.

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