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"You need to believe in things that aren't true. How else can they become?" T. Pratchett


File Under: Bruce on Bruce

If you read the Lefsetz Letter or are a huge Bruce fan, you've probably already read this journal entry by Bruce Springsteen. It was neat to read about the Superbowl performance from his perspective.

'I'm on top of the piano (good old boots). I'm down. One…two…three, knee drop in front of the microphone and I'm bending back almost flat on the stage. I close my eyes for a moment and when I open them, I see nothing but blue night sky. No band, no crowd, no stadium. I hear and feel all of it in the form of a great siren like din surrounding me but with my back nearly flat against the stage I see nothing but beautiful night sky with a halo of a thousand stadium suns at its edges. I take several deep breaths and a calm comes over me. I feel myself deeply and happily "IN."'

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That is a very cool quote. I missed half-time – phone call from a friend. The only football I ever watch is the Superbowl, and usually watch it alone. It has made for an extremely long learning curve on the rules of the game.