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"You need to believe in things that aren't true. How else can they become?" T. Pratchett


File Under: Of Monkeys, Chuck Norris and Scrotums

So Mr. Bryan Dondero has been doing some writing in his not so abundant free time, this post will enlighten you to his opinions on monkey ownership.


Anonymous said...

Bryan has a pithy writing style. Which reminds me, keeping in mind the two definitions of pithy:

1) Consisting of or resembling pith (soft, spongelike substance in the center of plants or stems)

2) Prescisely meaningful, cogent or terse

A mama, papa and baby rabbit crept into the garden one night and started eating the lettuce.
Mama rabbit said, “My, this lettuce is pithy.”
Papa rabbit said, “You’re right, it is very pithy.”
Baby rabbit said, “Well, it ought to be. I just pithed on it.”

Sorry, just trying to cheer myself up. Only here would I post this.

kired said...

Thank you for your pithy response. We also appreciate jokes involving flatulence and/or penises.

Anonymous said...

I only do clean jokes, so my repetoire is very limited. However, I might stoop to flatulence in an extreme case.