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"You need to believe in things that aren't true. How else can they become?" T. Pratchett


File Under: Thoughts on the "free market"

I received an email from a reader/friend:

"sorry if I seem a little acerbic as of late

it's a combination of

A. an increasily free market oriented attitude

B. An increasily socialized country"

Here is my response:

Hey debate is always welcome.

I used to see things your way. I still hate abusers of the systems meant to help people who, through no fault of their own, have hit bottom. My problem with the Free Market, is that the people who run the corporations are not good stewards of the model. They do not do the things that are ultimately beneficial to all, which is to tend to the economy that supports the corporations. Instead they suck out the marrow and leave a rotting corpse. Obviously, not all corporations are corrupt, but enough of them are.

The free market suffers from the same issues as socialism and communism. Too many people suck, they are going to grab all the can for themselves at the detriment of others. Until we can fix this basic human flaw by identifying the Douch Bag chromosome ( at which point the liberals won't let you fix it), we need to strive for a balanced approach to our society.


Pj said...

For me, the most irksome thing is the short-sightedness of some people. They look at the free market, and see a zero-sum game - in order for some people to win, some people have to lose. And they act accordingly.

The truth is, a free-market system that is functioning properly should operate as a tide that lifts all ships. There have been far too many people put in charge who don't have a fundamental understanding of the principles involved - yes, taxes do redistribute wealth from the richest to the poorest. That's what they're there for. Otherwise, the whole thing slowly collapses like a flan in a cupboard.

County Expat said...

"yes, taxes do redistribute wealth from the richest to the poorest. That's what they're there for. Otherwise, the whole thing slowly collapses like a flan in a cupboard."

But that does raise an interesting question. How do the wealthy accrue it?

The most obvious example is Ford, Ford is considered a tyrant for his position against the early unionization of the auto industry.

But how did Ford amass his fortune? Well he brought the incredibly power of the assembly line to the automobile industry. Ford subsequently put trucks in every home in America.

Ford only amassed the smallest percentages of the wealth he created.

The same applies to Bill Gates, Carnegie, Rockefeller ect....

Bill Gates helped revolutionize the world by ushering in the computer age, it would be impossible to count the trillions of dollars of wealth he created, not just through the value of Microsoft, but the massive boost in production that followed the use of it's products.

On the other hand, if you want to Tax artists and movie stars up the wazoo....be my guest