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"You need to believe in things that aren't true. How else can they become?" T. Pratchett


File Under: And it's Beautiful

Back in December my wife and I were fortunate enough to see one of my favorite bands, Crash Test Dummies, during their two nights at Tupelo Music Hall in New Hampshire.  What we enjoyed that night was showmanship at it's best.  Not only were Brad and Ellen vocally superb, they were funny and personable.  Whether he was pontificating on masturbation, weed or the intellectual value of certain rowdy audience members, I was highly entertained. 

They performed many songs from their new album "Oooh-La-La," (now streaming on their website, linked above) as well as some of their hits.  Not one of the "payday" songs was performed without some back story and self-deprecating humor.  Their music has always had a certain joyful darkness to it, inlaid with aspects of Brad's personality, but being in that intimate setting with them really brought it to bare.  Maybe I've been warped by too many years of CBC programming while growing up, but his sense of humor is definitely mine.  I must buy this man a beer.

If you ever get a chance to see these folks in action, I highly recommend you go.  I also recommend you leave the kids or people who are easily offended at home.  Mr. Roberts has a glorious potty mouth.

Here is a great video about the process for the new album:

From the new album: And It's Beautiful:

One of my faves, they did that night. "Swimming in Your Ocean"

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