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"You need to believe in things that aren't true. How else can they become?" T. Pratchett


File Under: The True Value of Money

I can say with a certain amount of assurance, that I have no real love of money.  I have little desire to be a one percenter; not because I harbor ill will, I just don't require that much out of life.  I will however admit, it would be nice to know my kids can go to college and I can retire with dignity.  Today, the needle moved my desire.

The presentation at Rotary today, was on the planning of a Hospice House.   These area facilities that specialize in assisting people who need high levels of pain management and are near the end.  This is accomplished without the indignities and discomforts of a hospital, in a more home like setting that provides 24 hour support to the person and their family.  In fine, a compassionate solution, to an emotionally draining prospect.

As I sat there, listening to their budget and pondering all the money they still have to raise, I wished I had the kind of money that gets you naming rights.  I don't know what I'd name it, but I sure wouldn't care as long as people and their kin, had an easing of the worst times in their lives. 

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