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"You need to believe in things that aren't true. How else can they become?" T. Pratchett


File Under: It's the economy stupid.

So the Republicans are trying to say that the new stimulus package is socialism and that the way to cure our ills is with further tax cuts. Not one of them broke party ranks and voted in favor of this package, even though it was modified to try and garner their support.

Republican Minority Whip Eric Cantor (R-Va.) stated "Keynesian economics doesn't hold a candle to the entrepreneurship that made this economy so prosperous up until the last six months."

What? The last six months have been the inevitable result of the rampant greed and dishonesty that comes from an unchecked "free economy." Cantor and his Republican friends are the ones whose deregulating, laissez-faire, tax-cut ways lead us into this mess. Not to mention that they sunk us into an unprecedented debt to do it.

As far as Keynesian economics not being the answer, tell that to Franklin Delano Roosevelt. Admittedly, he held out from using those principles as long as possible, but eventually he saw no other way. His decision yielded great civic works that are still paying dividends. President Obama is just skipping the hand wringing phase and going straight to work.

Since, history has shown that an Obama style stimulus package can work, what are the Republicans angry about? Quite simply, I believe they are holding their breath until they turn blue. That's right, they are throwing a tantrum to try and prove their relevance. I would prefer they save their outrage for more important issues like the card check bill (that's right, I don't like Unions and I'm a liberal, deal with it).

Ultimately, they need to understand that they are the party whose stimlus package, lead to CEO bonuses and rich people getting richer. We as American's want to benefit from our tax dollars. If they have a problem with that, they can take their marbles and go home, cause it is supposed to be,"By the people for the people," not "By the people for the corporations."

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