'But I said look here brother Who you jiving with that cosmik debris? ' -Frank Zappa
Who is this nut?

- kired
- "You need to believe in things that aren't true. How else can they become?" T. Pratchett
File Under: Bi-Annual Maine Secession Nut Appears
File Under: Penguin Monkey threatens Cursed Monkey Paw
File Under: Rock Trivia
I am apparently a Mega Superstar, try your hand, or brain I guess.
File Under: Mircosoft may actually help WoW's performance
File Under: Time to Quit WoW
File Under: Go Elf Yourself
File Under: Cat Power
File Under: WoW saves lives
Boy Survives Moose Attack Thanks To World Of Warcraft
What I want to know is, why his sister didn't catch all the aggro?3.12.07
File Under: Romney, master of da flip and da flop.
File Under: WoW is bad for society.
File Under: Giuliani pissy over truth
File Under: Sean Taylor
His death is senseless and tragic, as well as a reminder of the horrors that befall many families in less affluent circumstance. Miami is a festering hole. I have a good friend who has thankfully left southern Florida, and he could tell you things to make you gasp. Why anyone would want to live there is beyond me.
I wish his family all the best and hope that his little girl will grow up to know all she meant to her father.
File Under: Not too shabby
File Under: The Late Michael Hedges
Yes the lyrics for this one are E.E. Cummings:
File Under: If Avril Lavigne didn't suck...
Paramore-Misery Business (sorry embed disabled on this one)
An acoustic version:
Here we Go Again-Acoustic:
File Under: Giuliani is as fake as a $10 Rolex
I love this excerpt, '"This is a quintessentially American sport," he told the audience. "It represents the best of America."' (Of course as a football fan, I am waiting for him to weasel his way into the Super Bowl, and say a very similar thing.) We're paying over $3.00 a gallon for heating oil and he thinks a sport that burns a disgusting amount of fuel, is the best America can offer. Then again, he did use it as an opportunity to stump for alternate energy.
The scariest part of this article are the future Darwin Award winners that they interviewed. I am sure that there are intelligent NASCAR fans. Why don't we hear from them? Quite simple, the MSM loves to push the idea of RED v BLUE.
File Under: UMaine v. RIAA Round 2
File Under: Leonard Cohen is so f'n awesome
And here is Concrete Blonde knocking out a killer cover of LC's "Everybody Knows"
File Under: Addy can associate with Skull
Poor little girl has had her first canker sore this week. She can't even have her most favoritist beverage in the whole wide world, Orange Juice.
File Under: State of Maine finds a pair
File Under: Man, those 8 year olds have potty mouths.
File Under: Jam that cell phone up your...
File Under: Eagles season over
Last nights game highlighted all of these problems, especially on defense. They just couldn't stop the Cowboys, at all.
So now I must look to 2008, and hope that the team doesn't do anything stupid like trade Donovan.
File Under: WAGM TV sucks
File Under: Letter to the Editor
To the Editor:
I would like to address this letter to the individual or individuals responsible for the theft of my family's Halloween decorations. Every year I decorate my house for two reasons. The joy of my children and the joy I see on the faces of people who drive slowly by in the evenings. I firmly believe that when we as a community decorate for a holiday, it enhances that feeling of community. For me, that feeling has been stifled by you.
On Halloween night, you stole several of our decorations. Now I have to explain to my young children what happened to their pumpkins, ghosts, spider and kitty. These things that were mere garbage to be pilfered to you, were treasures to them. When they would come home from school, they would greet and hug their favorite pieces.
At first I was angry and disgusted by this action; now I feel sad. Sad for you, that your life is such that you need to steal children's decorations to find pleasure. You may have gotten a thrill from that night, but in the eyes of many the only thing more petty than your larceny, is you. I implore you to evaluate your actions, and see that you are not the only person impacted by them.
File Under: Blocking your files is COMCASTIC
File Under: WTF is wrong with these people.
File Under: Dangerous to Diabetics
moarfunny pictures
This one is here because it is a reference to the infamous "Leroy Jenkins"
moarfunny pictures
File Under: If you aren't watching Avatar...
I highly recommend buying or renting this and watching it in the quality it deserves. As you advance through the series, please note the different and accurate martial arts in use. This show has inspired M. Night Shyamalan to make a trilogy of live action movies. Yes it is that good. Please watch it.
File Under: Donovan's Knee
File Under: More Giuliani Douche Baggery
File Under: Giuliani is Bad News for US
File Under: FCC Spanks Retailers
File Under: Something different
File Under: Maine Schoolboard gets conservatives attention
Here is the thing about humans. They have free will, as given by God. Now, with that free will, comes an ability to have sex when they choose, laws and parents be damned. I would rather kids who are gonna do it any way, have access to birth control, than completely mess up their lives with a child before they hit high school.
File Under: Better him than me
File Under: mmmmm maybe
What is Your World View? created with QuizFarm.com | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
You scored as Cultural Creative Cultural Creatives are probably the newest group to enter this realm. You are a modern thinker who tends to shy away from organized religion but still feels as if there is something greater than ourselves. You are very spiritual, even if you are not religious. Life has a meaning outside of the rational.
File Under: Stupid State of Maine
I could almost understand the state knocking down the sentence if the daughter was pleading their case. However, she's rightfully pissed and wants a little justice, parents or not.
If I ever turn in to a racist crazy ass jackoff and kidnap my kid to make her have an abortion, I would plan on a little jail time.
File Under: How dare you have fun!
File Under: Another Apple Annoyance
Thursday she headed off to her sister's for a weekend art convention, with out my confirming the hardware worked. That night we tried to play, her headset mic wouldn't work despite all efforts. She had to run with the built-in mic which was noisy and annoying.
She came home today and I began trouble shooting the problem. I tried the headset on my computer and it worked. I made sure all the settings were correct and the darn thing still didn't work. I plugged in my mp3 player, and that worked. Thinking there might not be enough voltage from the passive mics, I started the online research. My suspicions were confirmed, they built it with a line-in input which requires a powered device. The idea of an input requiring the feeding device have its own power is a little ridiculous on a portable device. Oh well, she now has a USB headset and I have another reason to stick with my PC.
File Under: You call that coaching?
File Under: Machinima for you and you and you
Whatever you do, don't view these changes as an altruistic move. These machinimas, when well done, create buzz around the game, which in turn can create new sales. For Blizzard, the home brewed videos are love notes to and inside jokes about their favorite game, and makes the WoW community feel great about slapping down that monthly fee.
File Under: A Prairie Home Companion
File Under: Mad as hell and not going to take it anymore
File Under: Sad but true
File Under: White House Science Advisor soon to be robot
File Under: Sussex
File Under: Royal Radicals Conduct in WoW
File Under: Maine Delegation Doings
File Under: GOP hate to see its tactics employed against its own
File Under: No Defense for the Eagles
File Under: What's up with all these old people?
File Under: Still sleepy
File Under: We don't want any real economic pinch for Iran
File Under: Come out of the closet you gay bashing hyporcrites
Another note of interest, it didn't take Romney long to distance himself from Craig and turn it into mud to sling at Hillary.
File Under: Taco Bell is no place to play hide the taquito
File Under: Net Neutrality
File Under: CMP Poll, Harry rocks
Don't you love the way I make is sound like a huge poll?
File Under: Why the Christian Right is neither
File Under: Rats with life Personal Floation Devices
File Under: Cheney v. Cheney on invading Iraq
File Under: Canada has a Prime Minister, EH!
File Under: Ruling actually in Consumer's interest
File Under: More WoW to come
File Under: Just the Beginning
I am not implying anything, I don't know the exact particulars, but still not having to shell out $1.5 billion should make Microsoft very happy. I wonder if they could have paid that out in unsold Zunes?
File Under: Skank Poll Results
File Under: Birthday X 3
File Under: D.A.O.T.D.
Ellyn and I managed to soak and wash the injury. After some color returned to my face, I bandaged the injury and went about my work.
This morning the injury was a bruise color and still bleeding a little. I decided a trip to the ER wasn't a bad idea. I went, sat for 1:15 only to be told with out seeing any one that I should go home because they were too busy for me.
I went back around 1pm to find them still 3 hours behind. If they are so busy why haven't they called in help? Who knows, other than they are all probably playing the in the Golf Tournament.
File Under: Sweaty Politician
I like Edwards, I liked him last time. He announced his candidacy on the Daily Show in 2004 and has worked tirelessly for the impoverished people of this country since the Kerry/Edwards campaign was defeated (robbed of Ohio more like it) in 2004.
I like him because he is willing to be covered in sweat and drink a beer during the campaigning season, also I agree with him that universal health care is necessary here. It is key to maintaining any sort of middle class. People have tended to think of universal health care as a benefit to the poor. This is far removed from the truth, as those of us in the middle class, who have insurance, or make enough to have to pay our medical bills, are paying for all those that can't.
We pay in our insurance premiums and in the cost of services. The rich people don't feel it the same as the middle class because of the percentage of income this represents. We feel every ripple, while they barely notice. However as more and more middle class people lose insurance, and are not able to pay the increasing price of health care, the rich will be the ones footing the bill under our current system. I wonder how long it will take to get universal heath care then?
File Under: Camp Backyard
File Under: Leading Dems Clash
File Under: 1 Fish, 2 Fish, Dead Fish, Smell Fish
I am also concerned by any mass fish kill. What is wrong out there that caused such a thing (bracing for claims of apocalypse).
File Under: 9 Million Geeks Can't Be Wrong
File Under: Bancrofts-Hold Your Ground
Now we have to wait on the Bancroft family to make their decision. I hope that their previous misgivings will play out and the sale will be blocked. I can't stand to see the erosion of one of the last bastions of journalistic integrity.
File Under: "I'm a Mac" "and I'm a PC"
FIle Under: A$$hole assumes Presidency
I find it more interesting that Laura was in Texas for her mom's birthday. Apparently, medical issues don't require a wife's attention. Then again, he scheduled it during his mother in-law's birthday, so maybe there is some passive-aggressive behavior going on here.
File Under: Subtext
File Under: "This is Your War"
File Under: D.A.O.T.D.
I had to drive to Houlton today to change the locks and safe combo, due to a management change. I was cruising back, fat dumb and happy. Actually more like in a daze. I passed through Mars Hill, and didn't go up route 1 as usual, I had to drop of the new key to the opening manager for tomorrow. This subtle change in direction messed up my autopilot. Enough, in fact, to land me a $185 ticket for doing 44 in a 25 (that's $9.74 per mile over, in case you were counting).
I can't contest it, I was in a fog, only making sure there was nothing to hit in my way. I didn't even see the Statey, probably because he was in a Yukon instead of a cruiser. He was appropriately brusque. I always enjoy that feeling of being chastised. Nothing is as fantastic as being treated like a child when you are 34.
The worst part for me, is the death of a 15 year old clean record. Strangely enough, my last (and previously only) ticket was in Bridgewater, another little craptastic town between here and Houlton. These are the types of places that get bypassed in areas with money to do it.
To all this I say quite simply "PPPPHHHHHHFFFFTTTTT!!!!!!!"
File Under: We finally did it.
File Under: Maine fights Tobacco Companies
File Under: Weren't we just talking about this
File Under: Music por vous.
There are 22 tracks, and you can listen to 25 tracks per month free, so I left you with 3.
File Under: Dammit
File Under: We survived
The kids played very well together, and sharing most of the time. A sore spot was the kid swing. Ethan and Addy were both vying for time in it. Erik and Emma got along pretty well, and were good little helpers when it came to shepherding the other two.
I even managed a few paddles, and took Erik with me a couple of times. I even shared and let some others use the Heritage while I took the Pungo. Josh went out Monday, Kristen and Emma the next, Wednesday saw Josh and Emma, Andrew, and Ellyn all getting turns. By the time I got off the water I was white with salt. Good times. ;)
The campfire and the company were good as usual and Uncle Eric enjoyed regaling us with the fooky and teepy (Emma speak for spooky and creepy) tale of Liz Rachel. The story is best relayed around a campfire in Jonesport, suffice to say it had me on the alert during those late night tree watering moments.
I have added some pics, from last week on my Flickr account.
File Under: Supreme Court to hear case involving Maine and internet tobacco sales
File Under: Photos Finally Flickr'd
File Under: Maine does something right, again.
File Under: I gotta have more cow bell
"What?" queried Taylor.
"More cow bell."
In case you don't know what the deal is with the cow bell watch this.
File Under: YAY! CRAP!
File Under: What idiot put lead in a child's toy?
File Under: A boy and his Yak
I managed to get caught up in the shallows a few times, but only had to walk the boat to deeper water once. At Rum Rapids Leo and I played in the eddies and surfed the standing waves. It was so freakin fun. I greatly enjoyed the handling and stability of my Pungo through all of this.
We later, paddled through some channels that cut through a large island. As it turns out, the island used to be a quarry, and that quarry is where the Broken Bridge, on Parsons Road, used to go. Anyhow, we saw a whole bunch of geese. Mothers with their goslings and fathers trying to draw us off. Toward the end we also turned upstream and watched the sun setting. Looked like a flippin LL Bean catalog. I can't wait to go again.
File Under: My Weakness
I can't wait until tomorrow. Leo (Perception of Aroostook) has a shuttle service to Washburn so we can paddle back to our cars. At $5 per boat, not a bad deal at all. Wheeeee!!!
File Under: Awesome Paddle
Jackpot! I told Scott that this must be the waterway from Arnold Brook Lake's dam. I checked the aerial view on MapQuest when we got back, I was correct (note that on your calendars folks). As we followed the twists and turns we noticed that there was a nice channel up through all the wetlands. There were moose prints all over the muddy banks and beaver lodges on almost every corner.
At one point we passed through a beaver dam made of mud and sticks as tall as a sixth grader. It appeared as though someone had punched the hole through to let the water pass (as the waterway is part of a flood control system, not a bad idea). We continued on until we came to a small beaver damn blocking the way entirely. If we had more time we would have portaged over, but alas, dark was on its way.
On the return trip, about half way back, on the main stream, I managed to paddle up within 15 feet or so of a beaver, before it slipped under the water. I really need to buy some waterproof disposable cameras.
All around a great paddle, minus the bugs, it would have been perfect.
File Under: Sugar Beets, Flax and now Potato Plastic?
File Under: Who came to dinner with Cheney
Memorial Day Weekend
Saturday we went to a lake near Katahdin, the Galipeaus and Addy got to do a little kayaking. Erik was quite upset that we didn't have a life vest to fit him. Later that day we went out and found one.
Sunday, Addy and I went shopping. We picked up some camper stuff and a bamboo wind chime to hang off the awning. We later went to the river and Erik and I had a chance to enjoy kayaking. When I came back I had that grin on my face that made Ellyn say she would give me money toward a kayak for Father's Day. At some point, poor little Addy Cat got a bug bite on her right eye lid. It swelled up so she looked like Rocky.
We woke up this morning to general sogginess. We packed up and headed home. On the way home I received a call that a piece of equipment had gone down at work. After we got home, I went and fixed it. On the way back, I decided to stop at Mojos to see what they had for kayaks. I have been looking at kayaks for years, but now I knew I liked it. Wouldn't you know it, they were running a sale. I came home with this in the khaki color.
I brought it home, took the wrapping off it (yep still in the wrapper) and headed off to find Scott on the Presque Isle stream. I put in and paddled up stream. I passed under the railroad trestle and saw Scott. I yelled to him, "How far up did you go?"
He looked confused, so I said "Do you like my new toy?"
Instantly realizing what was going on, he yelled "NO WAY!"
We paddled back and chatted along the way. What fun. I hope it's nice tomorrow.
File Under: That is what we should have had in the first place
I believe this concept would apply well to health insurance. As to those Senators worried about free enterprise being stifled. To this I say "Bah" for we (my company) currently use a private insurer for our worker's comp not the state run plan. Also, health insurance companies are big spenders in the lobbying arena. If they can spend it there, then they can trim it from their budget and undercut the state, like any other competitor. More importantly, you don't get to whine about profits when lives are on the line.
File Under: Darth Cheney disappointed in apprentice
File Under: Small biz vs. FCC
File Under: Heart Warming
File Under: McCain says "#!@% you"
File Under: The best interest of the child
File Under: Christian Right may not support Giuliani
File Under: Colby Museum get $100 million gift
File Under: Net Neutrality for Maine
File Under: At least I'm not Hillary
File Under: Giuliani to voters "BOO"
File Under: I got a twofor coupon on idiots
File Under: Murdoch running WSJ would be ruinous
File Under: More World of Warcraft 2.1 Information
File Under: Another arguement that Bush isn't "The Decider"
File Under: Why Gov't doesn't really care about you.
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Date: May 10, 2007 Contact: Monica Castellanos at 207-782-3704
Coming Together on Truck Weights: Improving Safety in Maine
By Representative Mike Michaud
Most Mainers know about an ongoing problem in our state with trucks. We have grown up seeing them drive through our towns, and wondering why they can't just go on the highway. The answer, as many Mainers have also come to know, is federal regulation.
Under current law, all of Maine's Interstate, except the Maine Turnpike and I-95 in Kittery, is subject to the federal truck weight limit of 80,000 pounds. But Maine's state road limit is 100,000 pounds - and realistically it can't be lowered due to the needs of Maine's major industries, like forest products and agriculture. After more than 28 years as a mill worker, I know how crucial it is to be able to move these heavy loads in our state.
Because of this mismatch between the state and federal limits, heavier trucks must divert from Interstate highways onto primary and secondary roads that pass through a number of Maine's communities, past our schools, businesses, and homes. This has negative impacts on safety, the economy, the environment, and the entire transportation system.
Mainers understand the need for the state limits, and we also don't blame the trucks or the drivers themselves - we are happy to have good jobs from our Maine industries staying here in Maine, and we know that the truckers themselves want to be on the highway more than anyone. We are all together on this one. And we all want to see a change. The solution would be to change the federal limit on the Interstate.
Safety is, of course, the very top concern. The safety risks with the current rules were made all too apparent once again recently by the tragic accident in Hampden that killed a 17 year-old driver. The weight rule is forcing trucks off the Interstate and onto our state and local roads. It is clear that it would be safer for everyone if these trucks were on the highway.
For years, I've been working with the entire congressional delegation to exempt Maine from the federal truck weight limit. An exemption from the federal weight limit is supported by every municipality in Maine, chambers of commerce, safety groups, and the entire Maine delegation. It would greatly improve safety. The state study on this issue showed that the crash-rate for trucks was seven to ten times higher on Maine's non-Interstate highways than on the Maine Turnpike, which is exempt from federal weight limits. So moving traffic to a 100,000 pound limit highway would be a lot safer.
The change would also help the economy and lower costs. Allowing 6 axle 100,000 pound trucks on the Interstate would increase payloads by up to 44 percent over 5 axle 80,000 pound trucks, reducing the number of trucks on the road. It would also cut the amount of fuel required by approximately 6 percent. That's good for the environment. And it would save the state over a million dollars a year in repaving and bridge maintenance costs.
The entire Congressional delegation has been working together in total unity to try to change the weight limit for our Interstate. Congressman Allen and I recently reintroduced our legislation that would allow Maine to increase the weight limits for trucks on interstate highways by granting a three-year waiver of federal rules. If no significant adverse safety effects were demonstrated, the waiver would become permanent. Maine's Senators have also introduced a companion in the Senate.
Unfortunately, we have met with tremendous resistance over the years in both the House and Senate from members of both parties. Some are concerned that a change in Maine would lead to other states seeking increases nationwide, which many oppose. Others fear that a change for Maine would send heavier trucks down the East Coast into other states, impacting their roads. Still others simply don't understand the issues involved.
So far, this opposition has been an unbreakable barrier. But we are slowly making progress in educating the Congress and laying these concerns to rest. I will continue to work in coordination with the entire delegation to secure an exemption for Maine from the truck weight rule so that we can improve safety on state's roads.
File Under: Getting conceptually slapped by a pretty lady with an accent
File Under: Erosion of Rights
File Under: Conflict of Interest
File Under: RR dungeon run
File Under: Geek Cred Revoked
File Under: Low Approval for Bush
File Under: Sansa and Rhapsody sitting in a tree.
With a player in hand, I wondered how I would fill it with music I didn't already have. My mother has been touting her enjoyment of the Rhapsody service. I checked it out, and found that they have an all u can eat buffet for a monthly subscription, with drag and drop to the player interface, including entire play lists. I decided to give it a try. I have now loaded my little Sansa with music that would have cost me a few hundred dollars on iTunes (first month was free with the purchase of my Sansa). I recommend the Widespread Panic play list.
File Under: Birth of the Lovemaster
File Under: Who Owns What
File Under: NAB responds.
"I understand your frustration but the fact is the ownership rules haven't been updated in decades. Given the rather sizable developments and changes in the media industry in this time, the rules need to be addressed and updated.
I work with the NAB on this issue in advocating for our local broadcasters. In today's regulatory environment individual broadcasters cannot compete against the large online companies for advertising revenue they need to survive and provide free local programing. Only broadcasters are faced with these antiquated rules placing them at a severe competitive disadvantage.
The tremendous growth online and in cable and satellite TV gives us more options than ever to get our news and information, we are merely asking for the FCC to consider the realities of the current situation."
I responded thus:
"I am more concerned with the loss of difference in the news and opinion based content when multiple media outlets with multiple owners are merged in to a conglomerate with one owner. In my trade area we have gone from four for profit FM channels owned by multiple ownership, mostly local, to three of those channels under the ownership of one large national corporation. In my opinion the quality of local news and information from these channels is sub par, with absolutely no deviance in message, most often a regurgitation of a newspaper story. Luckily we have one local station left which provides a better service, utilizing local reporters and an actual editorial perspective.
One could argue that if that corporation decided to push a message relating to a story with a political bent, they would have undue influence in the area, as they have three avenues through which to push. That one local station my have an alternate perspective but will have to fight an uphill battle to get equal penetration. This is not paranoid delusion but simple flight and frequency concepts known to anyone with a passing acquaintance with marketing.
By the way, the broadcast media have those rules in place because they use the public airwaves in the generation of their revenue and therefore are required to meet certain criteria to the betterment of the communities in which they operate. It was the feeling, of those that put those rules in place, that a community was best served by media that answer to multiple masters. I tend to agree.
Thank you for reading CMP."
File Under: Phil's New Digs
File Under: PHHTTTT!!
Also of note: GO UMAINE!!! It seems that good ol fashion Maine sense has kicked in at the University of Maine System. They have told the RIAA where the Black Bear shits in the woods..
File Under: NO NO NO NO
File Under: Collateral Damage
File Under: Philosopher King Conundrum
File Under: Don't let the facts get in the way of a shouting match
File Under: Talented Period
File Under: Mature decision making sucks
File Under: Douche Bag Gets a Lawyer
File Under: Flip Flop
And Mitt Romney 2007-report in the Economist on 1st QTR 2007 fundraising.