Who is this nut?

My photo
"You need to believe in things that aren't true. How else can they become?" T. Pratchett


File Under: Bi-Annual Maine Secession Nut Appears

Is this going to turn into an every other year event? Some nut who managed to get elected to something, claims secession may be needed to get their way? Yes Maine has issues, welcome to the grown up world, every state has issues. I understand that different regions have different problems. However, slinging useless rhetoric around won't help anyone. I always find amusing that these nuts think the Feds would let them secede.


File Under: Penguin Monkey threatens Cursed Monkey Paw

It would seem that getting Phil addicted to Guitar Hero and Rock Band in the same week has caused some threats to be flung my way. Apparently I will find black tar heroin in my stocking next year (in case you live under a rock, this is one of the most addictive substances known to man). I claim this is just retribution for World of Warcraft. Besides, we all know he would have bought them eventually.



File Under: Mircosoft may actually help WoW's performance

Apparently, opening WMP and letting it idle in the background will yield faster load times in World of Warcraft. I have a hard time believing a MS product would actually make something faster.


File Under: Boy's "Life" in Danger

Local Boy Trapped In Family

File Under: Romney, master of da flip and da flop.

How amusing that the flip-flop argument is coming back to bite a Republican in the ass.

File Under: WoW is bad for society.

So this guy named Blow, thinks that the reward system for World of Warcraft and games like it are a societal menace (also the CEO of McDonalds really needs to develop a self hatred). Okie-dokie. Thanks for sharing your opinion with us, we appreciate being judged by you. I am sure with your superior intellect and high standards that you will understand why we, unwashed masses, don't give a f#@% what you think.

File Under: Giuliani pissy over truth

Poor Rudy, everyone is picking on him. In fact someone wrote a story about some odd accounting practices that occurred while he was Mayor of New York City. He doesn't think it's fair that the press ask questions about security costs being routed through other agencies in his government. He doesn't think it's fair that they question why these funds were spent for him to cheat on his wife. Poor little Rudy, so picked on.


File Under: Sean Taylor

I am not a Redskins fan, in fact as a division rival I am obligated to hate them. I, nonetheless, feel for the team and the family of Sean Taylor today. Sean was no angel, I remember that game when he spit on another player, and some of his other youthful infractions. All those things do not equal shot in your own home. It always seems worse when a young man who has turned his life around is lost. It seems like such a waste of hard lessons learned.

His death is senseless and tragic, as well as a reminder of the horrors that befall many families in less affluent circumstance. Miami is a festering hole. I have a good friend who has thankfully left southern Florida, and he could tell you things to make you gasp. Why anyone would want to live there is beyond me.

I wish his family all the best and hope that his little girl will grow up to know all she meant to her father.


File Under: Not too shabby

When faced with what may be the best team in football history, the Eagles didn't just roll over and play dead to the 20 point spread. In fact, take back one over reaching, bad idea, Feeley throw and they may even have beaten the juggernaut Patriots. For me, I can live with not being embarrassed and only losing 31-28.


File Under: Stuck in my head

File Under: The Late Michael Hedges

I posted some Michael Hedges over in Pop Culture Tourettes and thought I should share here. He was an amazing talent and I regret having to work the night he was at Orono.

Yes the lyrics for this one are E.E. Cummings:


File Under: If Avril Lavigne didn't suck...

she might sound like Paramore.

Paramore-Misery Business
(sorry embed disabled on this one)

An acoustic version:

Here we Go Again-Acoustic:


File Under: Giuliani is as fake as a $10 Rolex

First Rudy, previously a die hard Yankees fan, cheers for the Red Sox. Then he starts attending NASCAR races (CBS Story), which he seems to have never done before. It sounds, oh so, contrived. This man is so desperate to be President that he can't even stand up and say that he loves the Yankees and opera. That makes him a gigantic fake.

I love this excerpt, '"This is a quintessentially American sport," he told the audience. "It represents the best of America."' (Of course as a football fan, I am waiting for him to weasel his way into the Super Bowl, and say a very similar thing.) We're paying over $3.00 a gallon for heating oil and he thinks a sport that burns a disgusting amount of fuel, is the best America can offer. Then again, he did use it as an opportunity to stump for alternate energy.

The scariest part of this article are the future Darwin Award winners that they interviewed. I am sure that there are intelligent NASCAR fans. Why don't we hear from them? Quite simple, the MSM loves to push the idea of RED v BLUE.


File Under: UMaine v. RIAA Round 2

As many of you may remember, awhile back I posted a story about how UMaine was refusing to turn over information to the RIAA on grounds that they had no right to it. Well, being the RIAA, they have plodded ahead anyway. Now they have 7 UMaine students fighting back against the John Doe claims. Don't f@#% with Mainers, we are ornery and we will call you on your bullshit.


File Under: Leonard Cohen is so f'n awesome

I sometimes forget how great this man is at what he does.

And here is Concrete Blonde knocking out a killer cover of LC's "Everybody Knows"


File Under: wOOt!

PHI 33-WAS 25

File Under: Addy can associate with Skull

Poor little girl has had her first canker sore this week. She can't even have her most favoritist beverage in the whole wide world, Orange Juice.


File Under: State of Maine finds a pair

A Seacoastonline article about Maine joining California's lawsuit to be able to set their own emissions standards, in accordance with the Clean Air Act. I am all for it, since the Feds are too far in lobbyists pockets to do anything about it.


File Under: Man, those 8 year olds have potty mouths.

Yep, that sounds about right. I'm not kidding about the age of those little snots either. I think that is one of the reason I have gone to WoW. It has an ignore button.


File Under: Jam that cell phone up your...

This is a story about a restaurant owner who bought a highly illegal cell phone jammer. He did it because his employees, like mine, are incapable of understanding the difference between hang out time and work time. I actually looked into these, only to find they were illegal.


File Under: Eagles season over

Sure there are games to be played, but at 3 and 5, in a division with Dallas and New York, we are done. I am sure that many Philly fans will be quick to blame Donovan, they always do. He does play his part, but there are many misfires in this team this year. Their head coach is distracted. Their o-line isn't providing the protection it used to. There still isn't a game changing wide out. The defense isn't stopping people the way it used to, and their special teams still aren't.

Last nights game highlighted all of these problems, especially on defense. They just couldn't stop the Cowboys, at all.

So now I must look to 2008, and hope that the team doesn't do anything stupid like trade Donovan.


File Under: WAGM TV sucks

WAGM or We Ain't Got Much truly sucks. Today is one of the biggest games of the NFL season, WAGM is carrying it, but their HD is down. AGAIN!! This time, their audio side is down. I can't believe that they consider themselves a real station. They have never done anything in the right way, it is always half-assed. They only have their HD content in HD 60% of the time and when they do, the picture is jumpy. I could be receiving the CBS signal from another vendor if WAGM didn't exist, if only.


File Under: *smirk*

File Under: Letter to the Editor

To the Editor:

I would like to address this letter to the individual or individuals responsible for the theft of my family's Halloween decorations. Every year I decorate my house for two reasons. The joy of my children and the joy I see on the faces of people who drive slowly by in the evenings. I firmly believe that when we as a community decorate for a holiday, it enhances that feeling of community. For me, that feeling has been stifled by you.

On Halloween night, you stole several of our decorations. Now I have to explain to my young children what happened to their pumpkins, ghosts, spider and kitty. These things that were mere garbage to be pilfered to you, were treasures to them. When they would come home from school, they would greet and hug their favorite pieces.

At first I was angry and disgusted by this action; now I feel sad. Sad for you, that your life is such that you need to steal children's decorations to find pleasure. You may have gotten a thrill from that night, but in the eyes of many the only thing more petty than your larceny, is you. I implore you to evaluate your actions, and see that you are not the only person impacted by them.

File Under: Blocking your files is COMCASTIC

Seem the Comcast has been hit with a FCC complaint regarding their net neutrality infractions.

File Under: WTF is wrong with these people.

A link to an AP article about a church in Kansas, which specializes in going to military funerals and protesting. Their message? Soldiers die because we tolerate homosexuality. Sorry, but I can't come up with a witty zing for this one, I am too disgusted.


File Under: Dangerous to Diabetics

You may wonder what prompted me to post such a sickly sweet, thing on this blog. This is the image that launched a strange phenomenon, known as lolcats. There is an entire site dedicated to this at icanhascheezburger.com. I found this stuff because of a mention in Wired magazine.

moarfunny pictures

This one is here because it is a reference to the infamous "Leroy Jenkins"

lolcats and funny pictures
moarfunny pictures


File Under: Arcade Fire meets Sergei Eisenstein

File Under: The truth about little sisters

I think Erik would agree with the premise of this For Better of Worse

File Under: If you aren't watching Avatar...

it's time to start. This series, now in its third season is an amazing piece of story telling. The multi-season story arc and character development are top notch. The use of foreshadowing and intelligent dialogue, put it far above most shows gracing our TVs these days. I am embedding the Gofish of the first season.

I highly recommend buying or renting this and watching it in the quality it deserves. As you advance through the series, please note the different and accurate martial arts in use. This show has inspired M. Night Shyamalan to make a trilogy of live action movies. Yes it is that good. Please watch it.


File Under: Donovan's Knee

A nice little piece on how Donovan McNabb, QB for my Eagles, is getting his game back. :-)

File Under: More Giuliani Douche Baggery

This piece points out essential lies in a radio ad, Giuliani's camp is running in New Hampshire. It's anti-single payer slant, tells me that Rudy is just another puppet of the insurance industry. I wonder if they will check his prostate while their hand is up there?


File Under: Music I Like

File Under: Giuliani is Bad News for US

Since Phil decided to post about something that brings up Rudy Giuliani's role as Douche Bag of Freedom, I thought I would post a little article with some non-MSM insights. Please think before you react to the this post being made from Beirut, this is a legit journalist, not an "Islamic terrorist."


File Under: FCC Spanks Retailers

Apparently the FCC isn't happy about a lack of compliance with a rule requiring retailers to indicate an analog tuner tv. As well they should be. It is dishonest to sell an analog set, to an uneducated consumer, this close to the shutoff date.


File Under: Something different

So why is this ALT Nation boy, posting a Kanye West Video? Listen and find out.


File Under: NRA Viagra

File Under: Umm, Okay.


File Under: Maine Schoolboard gets conservatives attention

This post on Citizenlink paints the decision by a Maine school board, to make contraceptives available to middle school students, as a plot. A plot by Planned Parenthood to make everyone at every age sexually active. Here I was thinking, it was a reaction to the 17 pregnancies they have had recently, but apparently it is part of a plot to have kindergartners fornicating in their tree houses.

Here is the thing about humans. They have free will, as given by God. Now, with that free will, comes an ability to have sex when they choose, laws and parents be damned. I would rather kids who are gonna do it any way, have access to birth control, than completely mess up their lives with a child before they hit high school.


File Under: mmmmm maybe

What is Your World View?
created with QuizFarm.com
You scored as Cultural Creative

Cultural Creatives are probably the newest group to enter this realm. You are a modern thinker who tends to shy away from organized religion but still feels as if there is something greater than ourselves. You are very spiritual, even if you are not religious. Life has a meaning outside of the rational.

Cultural Creative
















File Under: Asylum Street Spankers

WARNING-This may offend some people. I don't care.


File Under: If it wasn't for charity I would bow my head in shame.

KFC Colonel to Roadtrip Cross-Country Asking Motorists to Honk for Hunger Relief

File Under: Stupid State of Maine

Okay, this is ridiculous. The State is going to allow these crazy ass parents, who kidnapped their pregnant daughter by force to make her abort her bi-racial baby, not serve jail time. WTF? How does that activity not warrant an extended stay in prison?

I could almost understand the state knocking down the sentence if the daughter was pleading their case. However, she's rightfully pissed and wants a little justice, parents or not.

If I ever turn in to a racist crazy ass jackoff and kidnap my kid to make her have an abortion, I would plan on a little jail time.


File Under: How dare you have fun!

This article irks me. To think that people are such repressed assholes and have nothing better to do. If you don't like the idea of someone jumping naked off of a dock to get a free sandwich, STOP GOING TO THE F'N RESTAURANT YOU GD PRUDE!


File Under: Another Apple Annoyance

Any of you who know me, know that a Mac lives at my house despite my feelings about them. My wife is a Mac user. In keeping with her choice, I bought her a nice MacBook Pro, last spring. Things were going along fine until WoW added voice chat. I went out and bought her a decent headset so she could chat with the rest of us.

Thursday she headed off to her sister's for a weekend art convention, with out my confirming the hardware worked. That night we tried to play, her headset mic wouldn't work despite all efforts. She had to run with the built-in mic which was noisy and annoying.

She came home today and I began trouble shooting the problem. I tried the headset on my computer and it worked. I made sure all the settings were correct and the darn thing still didn't work. I plugged in my mp3 player, and that worked. Thinking there might not be enough voltage from the passive mics, I started the online research. My suspicions were confirmed, they built it with a line-in input which requires a powered device. The idea of an input requiring the feeding device have its own power is a little ridiculous on a portable device. Oh well, she now has a USB headset and I have another reason to stick with my PC.


File Under: You call that coaching?

An USA Today article pointing out some piss poor coaching in the NFL last week. This bitchfest also includes my boy Andy Reid who seems to be suffering from a cranial-rectal impaction of late.


File Under: That about sums it up

File Under: Machinima for you and you and you

A Wired story about Microsoft and Blizzard setting forth new rules for use of its content in their licenses. More specifically relating to the creation of machinima. Overall, the new rules are pretty good for those looking to create content from these games.

Whatever you do, don't view these changes as an altruistic move. These machinimas, when well done, create buzz around the game, which in turn can create new sales. For Blizzard, the home brewed videos are love notes to and inside jokes about their favorite game, and makes the WoW community feel great about slapping down that monthly fee.


File Under: A Prairie Home Companion

Any one who has gone camping with me, knows that my favorite Saturday night program is A Prairie Home Companion. On May 3, 2008 Ellyn and I will be seeing this program live at the Bangor Civic Center. I am so excited. WOOT!

File Under: Mad as hell and not going to take it anymore

This ESPN article is sympathetic, as am I, to Donavan McNabb and his comments in a recent interview. I would imagine it must be frustrating to Donovan, to hear other black athletes in the NFL say his comments are unfounded.


File Under: Sad but true

Stone Soup
By Jan Eliot

I would like to tell you that we are diligent parents that don't allow our children to watch TV. I would then be a liar.



File Under: White House Science Advisor soon to be robot

There is only one thing to be done with an underling that disagrees with this White House. Since he is a scientist who may not cave to being embarrassed (he survived high school), he will have to be made into a robot. This procedure works quite well, the Cheneybot is a great example.


File Under: Sussex

Last weekend Dad and I went to Sussex, NB to crew at the balloon fiesta. We had a great time crewing for Wild Bill and hanging out with the other pilots and crews. It is a nice weekend if you can get there. Also, I recommend the fish and chips at JJ's. I have posted some pics on Flickr.

File Under: Royal Radicals Conduct in WoW

This little entry on QJ.net highlights an irritating and unfair practice. People that AFK in any situation like a BG in hopes of getting honor points, etc. with out the effort are ______s. As GM of the Royal Radicals, I am imploring our members to neither participate in nor condone this activity. Please report anyone you see going AFK in an unacceptable place.


File Under: What's up with all these old people?

Ever feel like you're surrounded by old people? That's cause you are. As a Mainer you are party to the oldest median age in the country. Forbes.com reported on the challenges this fact will present.


File Under: Still sleepy

Well, it is now 2 days since we finished up at the fairgrounds and closed COMBF. I unfortunately have yet to get a real chance to catch up on sleep. I am currently getting an oil change and an inspection sticker. I just hope that once I get my business and personal stuff caught up, I can find some time for napage.

File Under: We don't want any real economic pinch for Iran

This piece about an Obama bill that is being blocked in committee just ticks me off. I understand that we need the support of the European's to help wrangle Iran, but if we as investors could make a choice about where we invest our money and divest it from Iran, I have to believe that would cause change faster then empty threats from the international community. In the end, money talks, yada yada.

File Under: Come out of the closet you gay bashing hyporcrites

Yet another Republican has fallen in the public eye after having his dirty little secret exposed. Idaho's Sen. Larry Craig was arrested in June for some undisclosed misconduct in a men's room at an airport in Minnesota. This kind of behavior just reinforces my belief that the homophobes in the far right are all just pissed because they are uncomfortable in their closet.

Another note of interest, it didn't take Romney long to distance himself from Craig and turn it into mud to sling at Hillary.


File Under: Taco Bell is no place to play hide the taquito

An amusing little story that tells us the tale of a young couple who apparently got so excited by weed and tacos that they just had to fornicate in their van in the parking lot. I really can't make this stuff up. I bet the cops were quite the buzz kill.


File Under: Net Neutrality

An Information Week piece on FCC Commissioner Micheal Copp's connecting AT&T's censorship of Pearl Jam to net neutrality. It's nice to actually have an official that understands the problem.


File Under: CMP Poll, Harry rocks

The results are in, 100% of respondents said that the last Harry Potter book was "freakin awesome."

Don't you love the way I make is sound like a huge poll?


File Under: Why the Christian Right is neither

This speech by Dr. Robin Meyers is almost 3 years old, but still gets to the point of immoral men hiding behind the moniker of "Christian."

File Under: Rats with life Personal Floation Devices

Karl Rove is leaving at the end of the month. Just one more rat off the ship? More like the surly giant rat who convinces the Captain to steer the ship onto the rocks. In my opinion, he's leaving because there is nothing left to screw over. "Mission Completed" on serving the interests of their corporate pals.

File Under: Cheney v. Cheney on invading Iraq

The only thing I can think of is that this video was taken before they replaced him with the robot.


File Under: Ruling actually in Consumer's interest

A recent FCC ruling requires equity in roaming fees charged by larger wireless companies to smaller competitors. I am sure those large corps will find another way to screw us though.


File Under: More WoW to come

As many of you know, the boys and girls at Bliz have announced another expansion to World of Warcraft. I am posting a couple links for those of you who may have been fighting deep in the Ogre Mound of STV, and not heard the news. First a link to a shake down of the premise and some key features, then some conceptual art. If I ever get time to play again, I may get really excited about this.

File Under: Just the Beginning

A Rueters Canada piece about the overturned $1.5 billion ruling against Microsoft, makes me believe that we are at the dawn of a dark age of intellectual property (IP) based litigation amongst tech firms. The lawyers must be salivating, because if a ruling like that ever stands up in appeal, there is a crap load of money to be made. Lucky for Microsoft, that a judge saw things their way.

I am not implying anything, I don't know the exact particulars, but still not having to shell out $1.5 billion should make Microsoft very happy. I wonder if they could have paid that out in unsold Zunes?


File Under: Skank Poll Results

The results are in 50% of CMP readers believe that Britney Spears is the stupidest skank, with Paris Hilton and Lindsay Lohan each taking 25%. Ashlee Simpson is apparently either not a skank or not that stupid.


File Under: Birthday X 3

It's birthday day here at Casa de Smith. With Ellyn, Erik, and Lynn sharing this day, it makes it quite the festive day. Their combined age this year is 74.


File Under: D.A.O.T.D.

Last night I was installing a paper towel rack in the new camper. As I reached for the drill, I apparently knocked it off the counter and on to my foot. I yowled (surprisingly profanity free), and limped up stairs, with blood eeping out of a new hole in my foot.

Ellyn and I managed to soak and wash the injury. After some color returned to my face, I bandaged the injury and went about my work.

This morning the injury was a bruise color and still bleeding a little. I decided a trip to the ER wasn't a bad idea. I went, sat for 1:15 only to be told with out seeing any one that I should go home because they were too busy for me.

I went back around 1pm to find them still 3 hours behind. If they are so busy why haven't they called in help? Who knows, other than they are all probably playing the in the Golf Tournament.


File Under: Sweaty Politician

The Chicago Tribune story "Edwards joins Armstrong on ride across Iowa."
I like Edwards, I liked him last time. He announced his candidacy on the Daily Show in 2004 and has worked tirelessly for the impoverished people of this country since the Kerry/Edwards campaign was defeated (robbed of Ohio more like it) in 2004.

I like him because he is willing to be covered in sweat and drink a beer during the campaigning season, also I agree with him that universal health care is necessary here. It is key to maintaining any sort of middle class. People have tended to think of universal health care as a benefit to the poor. This is far removed from the truth, as those of us in the middle class, who have insurance, or make enough to have to pay our medical bills, are paying for all those that can't.

We pay in our insurance premiums and in the cost of services. The rich people don't feel it the same as the middle class because of the percentage of income this represents. We feel every ripple, while they barely notice. However as more and more middle class people lose insurance, and are not able to pay the increasing price of health care, the rich will be the ones footing the bill under our current system. I wonder how long it will take to get universal heath care then?


File Under: Camp Backyard

We picked up the new camper tonight, we are mostly moved in, and ready for sleep. The kids are sacked out. We are sleeping in it tonight, it has AC.
camping2007 002

File Under: Leading Dems Clash

An interesting little piece, that leads me to believe that a Clinton/Obama or Obama/Clinton ticket might no happen.

File Under: 1 Fish, 2 Fish, Dead Fish, Smell Fish

Those poor people at Roque Bluffs. This summer's tourist season hasn't been spectacular and no a huge stinky fish kill on top of that, not good for business.

I am also concerned by any mass fish kill. What is wrong out there that caused such a thing (bracing for claims of apocalypse).

File Under: 9 Million Geeks Can't Be Wrong

World of Warcraft hits 9 million subscribers and it is easy to see why.


File Under: Bancrofts-Hold Your Ground

Although I may not always agree with the editorial slant of the Wall Street Journal, I do find the paper to have integrity and standards. Which, is more than anyone can say for Newscorp owned by the infamous Rupert Murdoch. In a pricey bid to buy the Dow Jones and the WSJ, Rupert has garnered the approval of the Dow Jones board.

Now we have to wait on the Bancroft family to make their decision. I hope that their previous misgivings will play out and the sale will be blocked. I can't stand to see the erosion of one of the last bastions of journalistic integrity.


File Under: "I'm a Mac" "and I'm a PC"

Chicago Sun-Times article driving home the growing metaphor of Obama as Apple and Clinton as PC. Bush would be that horrible ET game for the Atari 2600 that almost ended video gaming.

FIle Under: A$$hole assumes Presidency

This CNN piece tells us the story of how one asshole assumed the Presidency while the President's asshole was invaded by a scope. While Bush was under Cheney got to officially play Prez. In his brief stint he managed not to invade Iran. I am so proud.

I find it more interesting that Laura was in Texas for her mom's birthday. Apparently, medical issues don't require a wife's attention. Then again, he scheduled it during his mother in-law's birthday, so maybe there is some passive-aggressive behavior going on here.

File Under: Subtext

This post on Alternet, about the correlation between racism and the war on gays and abortion. I find the concept more plausible than I like. I can not understand how people can have so much hate in their hearts. Even more disturbing is their use of the moniker of Christian.

File Under: "This is Your War"

I found this on Penguin Monkey. I am posting it because things of this nature need as much exposure as possible.


File Under: D.A.O.T.D.

And the Dumb Ass of the Day award goes to...ME!

I had to drive to Houlton today to change the locks and safe combo, due to a management change. I was cruising back, fat dumb and happy. Actually more like in a daze. I passed through Mars Hill, and didn't go up route 1 as usual, I had to drop of the new key to the opening manager for tomorrow. This subtle change in direction messed up my autopilot. Enough, in fact, to land me a $185 ticket for doing 44 in a 25 (that's $9.74 per mile over, in case you were counting).

I can't contest it, I was in a fog, only making sure there was nothing to hit in my way. I didn't even see the Statey, probably because he was in a Yukon instead of a cruiser. He was appropriately brusque. I always enjoy that feeling of being chastised. Nothing is as fantastic as being treated like a child when you are 34.

The worst part for me, is the death of a 15 year old clean record. Strangely enough, my last (and previously only) ticket was in Bridgewater, another little craptastic town between here and Houlton. These are the types of places that get bypassed in areas with money to do it.

To all this I say quite simply "PPPPHHHHHHFFFFTTTTT!!!!!!!"


File Under: We finally did it.

After a couple of years of looking at campers, and floor plans, and prices and on and on. We finally have gone for the upgrade. We have have opted for a Salem 19EX. The "ex" stands for expandable. The sleeping bunks are still tent, like the pop up but the body has walls and all the services of a full size TT. These are often called hybrids or HTT (hybrid travel trailer). We are very excited and plan on camping more that it won't take 3-4 hours to pack up before closing up. Here is the floor plan:Salem 19ex

File Under: Erik and Addy having dessert at the new digs

Erik and Addy's new play house


File Under: Maine fights Tobacco Companies

A Forbes article about the ongoing battle between Maine and the Big Tobacco a-holes who don't want to pay their agreed to bills. With any luck they will have to (excuse the pun) cough up the rest of the money.


File Under: Weren't we just talking about this

This User Friendly kind of drives home the discussion at Addy's birthday about net speak and it's migration to everyday usage.


File Under: Music por vous.

Play list on Rhapsody

There are 22 tracks, and you can listen to 25 tracks per month free, so I left you with 3.


File Under: Dammit

I just got back from my bi-annual physical. All is well except...I need to cut my caffeine intake in half and need to have an endoscope. Dr, Riley is concerned that my acid reflux may still be doing damage. So I need to stop pissing off my stomach with caffeine, esp. soda. I have no idea how I am going to function.


File Under: We survived

We are home safe and sound. All and all we had a good week in Jonesport. They say there are only 3 good days in Jonesport, and we got 4 of them, so no real complaints. Although, both Josh and I are of the opinion that Thursday morning's heavy rain and wind whipping off the water were quite uncalled for. The more extreme weather was a learning experience for us.

The kids played very well together, and sharing most of the time. A sore spot was the kid swing. Ethan and Addy were both vying for time in it. Erik and Emma got along pretty well, and were good little helpers when it came to shepherding the other two.

I even managed a few paddles, and took Erik with me a couple of times. I even shared and let some others use the Heritage while I took the Pungo. Josh went out Monday, Kristen and Emma the next, Wednesday saw Josh and Emma, Andrew, and Ellyn all getting turns. By the time I got off the water I was white with salt. Good times. ;)

The campfire and the company were good as usual and Uncle Eric enjoyed regaling us with the fooky and teepy (Emma speak for spooky and creepy) tale of Liz Rachel. The story is best relayed around a campfire in Jonesport, suffice to say it had me on the alert during those late night tree watering moments.

I have added some pics, from last week on my Flickr account.


File Under: Supreme Court to hear case involving Maine and internet tobacco sales

A Boston Herald article about Maine's efforts to have it's law, designed to prevent tobacco products ordered over the internet from being delivered to minors, reinstated. Why am I not surprised that Bush sided with the corporate interests.


File Under: Photos Finally Flickr'd

I finally had some time and/or pulled my thumb out of my @$$ and uploaded photos to Flickr. Check em out if you like.


File Under: Maine does something right, again.

First a net neutrality act and now a groundwater extraction act. I don't know what is going on in Augusta, but two good ideas executed in the same year is just unheard of.


File Under: I gotta have more cow bell

This past weekend Ellyn and I went to the Cape to see a couple of Taylor Hicks shows courtesy of Mum and Dad. Both shows were tight. Mom got Taylor a "More Cowbell" shirt, which he wore out for autographs after Sunday's show. Mom was tickled and I ribbed him "You know what those songs need?"

"What?" queried Taylor.

"More cow bell."

In case you don't know what the deal is with the cow bell watch this.


File Under: YAY! CRAP!

This WCSH6 story states that Maine has ranked 5th in the nation for our health care system. At first I was like "Yay, MAINE!" Then I was like "Crap, the rest of them must really suck."


File Under: What idiot put lead in a child's toy?

As you may have heard on the news, there is a recall on Thomas and Friends toys. Here is the info directly from the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission.


File Under: A boy and his Yak

Holy crap am I tired. This evening I paid my $5 for the shuttle service to Washburn, for me and my kayak, so we could paddle the Aroostook River. What a beautiful day for it. Lots of sun and a breeze to keep the bugs off. The water was warm enough that one could comfortably declare, "Summer is here!" In fact one of the guys kept ditching out of his boat to play in the water. The amazing part was the way he could get back in with out tipping it.

I managed to get caught up in the shallows a few times, but only had to walk the boat to deeper water once. At Rum Rapids Leo and I played in the eddies and surfed the standing waves. It was so freakin fun. I greatly enjoyed the handling and stability of my Pungo through all of this.

We later, paddled through some channels that cut through a large island. As it turns out, the island used to be a quarry, and that quarry is where the Broken Bridge, on Parsons Road, used to go. Anyhow, we saw a whole bunch of geese. Mothers with their goslings and fathers trying to draw us off. Toward the end we also turned upstream and watched the sun setting. Looked like a flippin LL Bean catalog. I can't wait to go again.


File Under: My Weakness

So, last Friday I went to the local Perception dealer, Perception of Aroostook, to take a look around. It turns out, they also sells Wilderness Systems. I fell in love with a sexy red Pungo 120, which would be a big upgrade over the Heritage. I know, you're thinking, "Didn't you just buy a kayak, 2 weeks ago?" Yes, yes, I did. Today, I was weak and now I can take Ellyn with me, or one of my friends. I took the Pungo out right after I bought it, much faster for the same effort; even though it's narrower it feels quite stable. I am so happy.

I can't wait until tomorrow. Leo (Perception of Aroostook) has a shuttle service to Washburn so we can paddle back to our cars. At $5 per boat, not a bad deal at all. Wheeeee!!!


File Under: Awesome Paddle

Scott and I went down to the Presque Isle Stream for a little evening paddle. As we headed up stream we passed some other kayakers, (sans PFD's, tsk tsk) and some fisherman. We got to yaking and ended up farther upstream than our usual paddle time allows us. We rounded a corner and saw a wide inlet from a tributary. I made a bee line for it, excited to see how far up we could go.

Jackpot! I told Scott that this must be the waterway from Arnold Brook Lake's dam. I checked the aerial view on MapQuest when we got back, I was correct (note that on your calendars folks). As we followed the twists and turns we noticed that there was a nice channel up through all the wetlands. There were moose prints all over the muddy banks and beaver lodges on almost every corner.

At one point we passed through a beaver dam made of mud and sticks as tall as a sixth grader. It appeared as though someone had punched the hole through to let the water pass (as the waterway is part of a flood control system, not a bad idea). We continued on until we came to a small beaver damn blocking the way entirely. If we had more time we would have portaged over, but alas, dark was on its way.

On the return trip, about half way back, on the main stream, I managed to paddle up within 15 feet or so of a beaver, before it slipped under the water. I really need to buy some waterproof disposable cameras.

All around a great paddle, minus the bugs, it would have been perfect.


File Under: Sugar Beets, Flax and now Potato Plastic?

This WCSH6 story is about a possible plan to make bio-plastics (currently made with corn) out of Maine potatoes. If they actually built this facility and actually operated it, that would be a great boon to Aroostook County. The beauty of bio-plastics, is that they bio-degrade in land fills unlike the regular petroleum based plastics. I just hope it doesn't end up like the other two great saviours of our economy, sugar beets and flax.


File Under: Woot!

Blizz is going after those in-game gold spammers. I am so happy, my ignore list was getting unruly.


File Under: Who came to dinner with Cheney

This article on Guardian Unlimited tells the tale of destroyed documents telling us all who has been visiting our Vice President.


Memorial Day Weekend

Well we packed up the camper, the truck and the family and went camping with the Galipeaus this weekend. We had a great weekend for camping, lots of sun and even a heater free night.

Saturday we went to a lake near Katahdin, the Galipeaus and Addy got to do a little kayaking. Erik was quite upset that we didn't have a life vest to fit him. Later that day we went out and found one.

Sunday, Addy and I went shopping. We picked up some camper stuff and a bamboo wind chime to hang off the awning. We later went to the river and Erik and I had a chance to enjoy kayaking. When I came back I had that grin on my face that made Ellyn say she would give me money toward a kayak for Father's Day. At some point, poor little Addy Cat got a bug bite on her right eye lid. It swelled up so she looked like Rocky.

We woke up this morning to general sogginess. We packed up and headed home. On the way home I received a call that a piece of equipment had gone down at work. After we got home, I went and fixed it. On the way back, I decided to stop at Mojos to see what they had for kayaks. I have been looking at kayaks for years, but now I knew I liked it. Wouldn't you know it, they were running a sale. I came home with this in the khaki color.

I brought it home, took the wrapping off it (yep still in the wrapper) and headed off to find Scott on the Presque Isle stream. I put in and paddled up stream. I passed under the railroad trestle and saw Scott. I yelled to him, "How far up did you go?"

He looked confused, so I said "Do you like my new toy?"

Instantly realizing what was going on, he yelled "NO WAY!"

We paddled back and chatted along the way. What fun. I hope it's nice tomorrow.


File Under: That is what we should have had in the first place

Maine lawmakers are attempting to do something smart. I hear your collective gasps of surprise and sympathize. As many of you know who live in Maine, the Dirigo health plan has been a glorious failure. I have attributed this to not following the plan created in the 90s to fix the horrible Worker's Comp situation. The beauty of that self-insured plan, it allows the state to call "bull shit" if an insurer's whining about cost increases gets out of hand.

I believe this concept would apply well to health insurance. As to those Senators worried about free enterprise being stifled. To this I say "Bah" for we (my company) currently use a private insurer for our worker's comp not the state run plan. Also, health insurance companies are big spenders in the lobbying arena. If they can spend it there, then they can trim it from their budget and undercut the state, like any other competitor. More importantly, you don't get to whine about profits when lives are on the line.


File Under: McCain says "#!@% you"

This Washington Post article on a John McCain outburst at a recent immigration reform negotiation may show that the stresses of campaigning and a recent drop in the polls may be getting to the man. Too bad I have already written him off, cause I might feel sorry for the guy.

File Under: The best interest of the child

This article drives home one of the more distressing aspects of immigration reform and how to deal with illegal immigrants with children who are US citizens. On the one hand you have people who have knowledgeably broken the law. On the other hand you have children who are no caught between what is best for their future and wanting to be with their parents. I don't have an answer to this conundrum, but I do find it interesting that the people who are the most vocal about deporting illegals are also the ones who tout family values.

File Under: Christian Right may not support Giuliani

This Baptist Press story indicates to me that the Republicans may not be able field a candidate who will appeal to their base and the pissed off moderates.


File Under: Colby Museum get $100 million gift

Canadian Press article on the donation of one of the best private art collections to the museum at Colby college in Waterville. I know where my wife is going to want to go in 2013 when the expansion to house the works is complete.

File Under: Net Neutrality for Maine

This post on Turn Maine Blue, is about Maine State Senator Ethan Strimling who is pushing for net neutrality in Maine. I would like all of you to read this, and be prepared to push your represenatives to make sure net neutrality become law in the state of Maine.

File Under: At least I'm not Hillary

When faced with the uphill challenge of being a Republican Candidate who supports gay and abortion rights, Former NY Mayor Rudy Giuliani pulls out the trump card. He reminds the republicans that he isn't a Clinton. I think Clinton must be a curse word to them nestled nicely in between the bitch and cock (which interestingly enough are also both words that have a contextual foulness to them), in their dictionary of horrible words.


File Under: Giuliani to voters "BOO"

UK's Guardian Unlimited post about Giuliani stating that terrorism is the greatest threat facing the world and only the Republicans can handle it.

File Under: I got a twofor coupon on idiots

This Reuters Alternet post shows that Giuliani and Romney are both suffering from a severe cranial-rectal impaction.

File Under: Murdoch running WSJ would be ruinous

This op-ed on Truthdig drives home one of my greatest concerns with media consolidation. Rupert Murdoch has no ethics as it relates to journalism, he will do what ever makes him a buck, just like Hearst before him. I cannot lay this all at their feet, for it is the public that lines their pockets. It is however incumbent upon us, that supposedly know better, to keep "newsmen" of Murdoch and Hearst's ilk in check.


File Under: Why Gov't doesn't really care about you.

Press Release from Congressman Mike Michaud of Maine, the title of this post doesn't actually apply to him in this case.

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Date: May 10, 2007 Contact: Monica Castellanos at 207-782-3704

Coming Together on Truck Weights: Improving Safety in Maine
By Representative Mike Michaud
Most Mainers know about an ongoing problem in our state with trucks. We have grown up seeing them drive through our towns, and wondering why they can't just go on the highway. The answer, as many Mainers have also come to know, is federal regulation.
Under current law, all of Maine's Interstate, except the Maine Turnpike and I-95 in Kittery, is subject to the federal truck weight limit of 80,000 pounds. But Maine's state road limit is 100,000 pounds - and realistically it can't be lowered due to the needs of Maine's major industries, like forest products and agriculture. After more than 28 years as a mill worker, I know how crucial it is to be able to move these heavy loads in our state.
Because of this mismatch between the state and federal limits, heavier trucks must divert from Interstate highways onto primary and secondary roads that pass through a number of Maine's communities, past our schools, businesses, and homes. This has negative impacts on safety, the economy, the environment, and the entire transportation system.
Mainers understand the need for the state limits, and we also don't blame the trucks or the drivers themselves - we are happy to have good jobs from our Maine industries staying here in Maine, and we know that the truckers themselves want to be on the highway more than anyone. We are all together on this one. And we all want to see a change. The solution would be to change the federal limit on the Interstate.
Safety is, of course, the very top concern. The safety risks with the current rules were made all too apparent once again recently by the tragic accident in Hampden that killed a 17 year-old driver. The weight rule is forcing trucks off the Interstate and onto our state and local roads. It is clear that it would be safer for everyone if these trucks were on the highway.
For years, I've been working with the entire congressional delegation to exempt Maine from the federal truck weight limit. An exemption from the federal weight limit is supported by every municipality in Maine, chambers of commerce, safety groups, and the entire Maine delegation. It would greatly improve safety. The state study on this issue showed that the crash-rate for trucks was seven to ten times higher on Maine's non-Interstate highways than on the Maine Turnpike, which is exempt from federal weight limits. So moving traffic to a 100,000 pound limit highway would be a lot safer.
The change would also help the economy and lower costs. Allowing 6 axle 100,000 pound trucks on the Interstate would increase payloads by up to 44 percent over 5 axle 80,000 pound trucks, reducing the number of trucks on the road. It would also cut the amount of fuel required by approximately 6 percent. That's good for the environment. And it would save the state over a million dollars a year in repaving and bridge maintenance costs.
The entire Congressional delegation has been working together in total unity to try to change the weight limit for our Interstate. Congressman Allen and I recently reintroduced our legislation that would allow Maine to increase the weight limits for trucks on interstate highways by granting a three-year waiver of federal rules. If no significant adverse safety effects were demonstrated, the waiver would become permanent. Maine's Senators have also introduced a companion in the Senate.
Unfortunately, we have met with tremendous resistance over the years in both the House and Senate from members of both parties. Some are concerned that a change in Maine would lead to other states seeking increases nationwide, which many oppose. Others fear that a change for Maine would send heavier trucks down the East Coast into other states, impacting their roads. Still others simply don't understand the issues involved.
So far, this opposition has been an unbreakable barrier. But we are slowly making progress in educating the Congress and laying these concerns to rest. I will continue to work in coordination with the entire delegation to secure an exemption for Maine from the truck weight rule so that we can improve safety on state's roads.

File Under: Getting conceptually slapped by a pretty lady with an accent

This post on The Huffington Post is very clear in its point, George Bush and John McCain wouldn't know democracy if it walked, gave them it's business card and proceeded to bite them in the ass. The worst part for me? I used to like McCain and champion him to others. I guess that makes me the asshole here.

File Under: Erosion of Rights

This story about a "safety check" in the BDN, is a perfect example of the continual erosion of our rights in regards to search and seizure. Tell me what the probable cause was to stop all these cars? I don't believe the BS answer that these agencies were truely interested in removing unsafe vehicles from the road, if that was the case they would need wreckers not drug dogs. I hope everyone of these individuals gets a good lawyer and fights the way in which they were arrested.

File Under: Conflict of Interest

This is an AP story on Yahoo News regarding Rudy Giuliani's lobbying firm and how there might be a conflict of interest if he were to become POTUS. I realize there is no "legal" conflict of interest, but basic ethics would argue that there is. I have been repeatedly encouraged to run for the MSAD 1 School Board, and I repeatedly decline because my wife is an employee of the district. In the argument of legality versus ethics, ethics should win. Of course, there is a world of difference between should and do.


File Under: RR dungeon run

I am happy to say that the Royal Radicals had their first full group dungeon run tonight. We ran the Deadmines in Westfall. Kired (lvl 50, me) and Aideelman (40, Tom), escorted Malikus (25, Phil), Munit (14, Matty), and Isabeaux (17, Ellyn) through. We had fun, even if it took us a couple times to find the instance gate. Lots of good drops and Izzy got a blue piece of armor; she can't use it till 19 but she's happy. It pleases me that this little guild now has some legs. Right now, off to bed.


File Under: Geek Cred Revoked

Today's PvP drives home a constant concern amongst us geeks who have settled down and have more mundane things to deal with. Will we lose our Geek Cred, because we are no longer able to dedicate the time to our geeky pursuits?


File Under: Low Approval for Bush

Is the rest of the country just catching up? I haven't approved of Bush for 7 years now. Anyway his numbers are swirling the drain according to USA Today. WCXU reported this morning that his approval rating was even lower in Maine, around 20%. I guess Mainers ahnt sa dumb aftah ahl.


File Under: Sansa and Rhapsody sitting in a tree.

After many hours of research and shopping all over town, I finally purchased a personal media player. Not being one for popular trends I decided to step out of the iPod arena and purchased a Sansa e260; a 4 gig player with video capabilities for less than a 2 gig iPod Nano. It can also act as a USB flash drive so I can just dump the mp3's on there without other software. I have been happy so far, my only complaints being the need to use Winamp to create playlists and the overly sensitive thumb wheel. Also, the standard ear buds hurt so I picked up some nice Skull Candy ones, quite a common upgrade for all of these kinds of devices (a point of interest, NYU now recommends to its students to ditch the iconic iPod buds to avoid getting mugged).

With a player in hand, I wondered how I would fill it with music I didn't already have. My mother has been touting her enjoyment of the Rhapsody service. I checked it out, and found that they have an all u can eat buffet for a monthly subscription, with drag and drop to the player interface, including entire play lists. I decided to give it a try. I have now loaded my little Sansa with music that would have cost me a few hundred dollars on iTunes (first month was free with the purchase of my Sansa). I recommend the Widespread Panic play list.


File Under: Maine Healthcare

An interesting NYT article on Maine's Dirigo Healthcare Plan.

File Under: Eschertastic

File Under: Spoken Word Poetry

File Under: NAB responds.

I decided to move this up to a post as it intrigues me. Someone from the National Association of Broadcasters (NAB), actually responded to my post "File Under: NO NO NO NO," a person apparently named Chris posted this:

"I understand your frustration but the fact is the ownership rules haven't been updated in decades. Given the rather sizable developments and changes in the media industry in this time, the rules need to be addressed and updated.

I work with the NAB on this issue in advocating for our local broadcasters. In today's regulatory environment individual broadcasters cannot compete against the large online companies for advertising revenue they need to survive and provide free local programing. Only broadcasters are faced with these antiquated rules placing them at a severe competitive disadvantage.

The tremendous growth online and in cable and satellite TV gives us more options than ever to get our news and information, we are merely asking for the FCC to consider the realities of the current situation."

I responded thus:
"I am more concerned with the loss of difference in the news and opinion based content when multiple media outlets with multiple owners are merged in to a conglomerate with one owner. In my trade area we have gone from four for profit FM channels owned by multiple ownership, mostly local, to three of those channels under the ownership of one large national corporation. In my opinion the quality of local news and information from these channels is sub par, with absolutely no deviance in message, most often a regurgitation of a newspaper story. Luckily we have one local station left which provides a better service, utilizing local reporters and an actual editorial perspective.

One could argue that if that corporation decided to push a message relating to a story with a political bent, they would have undue influence in the area, as they have three avenues through which to push. That one local station my have an alternate perspective but will have to fight an uphill battle to get equal penetration. This is not paranoid delusion but simple flight and frequency concepts known to anyone with a passing acquaintance with marketing.

By the way, the broadcast media have those rules in place because they use the public airwaves in the generation of their revenue and therefore are required to meet certain criteria to the betterment of the communities in which they operate. It was the feeling, of those that put those rules in place, that a community was best served by media that answer to multiple masters. I tend to agree.

Thank you for reading CMP."

File Under: Phil's New Digs

Phil has moved Penguin Monkey to a new home as a Word Press blog. I highly encourage you to visit the new place and make him part of your daily net excursions.

File Under: PHHTTTT!!

I get the distinct impression that User Friendly believes the RIAA to be the evil money grubbing bastards that they are.

Also of note: GO UMAINE!!! It seems that good ol fashion Maine sense has kicked in at the University of Maine System. They have told the RIAA where the Black Bear shits in the woods..


File Under: NO NO NO NO

This NPR story on the FCC's attempts to loosen media ownership caps burns my bacon. I can not reiterate this enough. There were good reasons for the media ownership caps, that is why we had them. Consolidation of information into the hands of fewer and fewer corporations allows for more manipulation of politics and ideas. The argument of increased venues due to technology is flawed, in that much of nation still receives it's news from traditional media. The likes of Rupert Murdoch and his ilk are throwing tons of money at this issue to facilitate their desired result. This is nothing more than a play for more money and power. Isn't it always.

File Under: Collateral Damage

As in any war, there are civilian casualties. The War on Drugs is no different. This article sickens and frightens me. I can only imagine how terrified that poor woman was.


File Under: Philosopher King Conundrum

John Stewart is great example of Plato's Philosopher King conundrum, which boils down to: those that should lead won't, because they are incapable of doing the things necessary to gain power.

File Under: Don't let the facts get in the way of a shouting match

It amazes me how completely ignorant of the facts the Pro War Bush supporters are. Wait, no it doesn't, you would have to be ignorant to support that lying POS we call a President. I love the fact that their debate skills immediately devolved into swearing and references to blow jobs.

File Under: Giuliani get slapped down.

If you prefer to read this Olbermann:Rudy Giuliani Exploits Fear for Power and Personal Gain


File Under: Talented Period

Toby Lightman and a guitar, no Auto-tune to hide behind. There aren't many of the top revenue artists that could do this.


World of Offline Gaming

The Edge of Real Life

The Palladin fight is so true.

File Under: Mature decision making sucks

I was at Wally this morning picking up some sundries, when I decided to cruise the electronics department as I am known to do. They had 3 Wiis, finally I could buy one of these hard to find gaming gems. They also had Tiger Woods PGA Tour 2007 for the Wii. For those of you not in the know, the Wii uses a motion sensing system for game play. The word on the street is that TW 07 is as close to playing real life as you can get with out spending thousands on a sim system. I didn't buy it. I wanted it so bad, yet I did the mature thing. I called Stew, who wanted one for his store, then I walked away. I am not sure what well of maturity I dipped into to arrive at this decision, but I drank deeply. Man I hate being a grown up sometimes.


File Under: Douche Bag Gets a Lawyer

Some of you may remember the Juxtapoz article I referenced here a while ago. Well don't go looking for it, it's been zapped. According to Mike Tyndall, all the sites that have shown Todd Goldman to be what he is, a thieving asshole, have been served with cease and desist notices from Todd's lawyer. I think the best way to deal with guys like this, are to screw up his holy cash cow. I would ask that none of you ever buy his David & Goliath clothing.


Desktop Tower Defense

Thanks to Phil for posting this game. I have formed the Royal Radicals group to compare our scores.