'But I said look here brother Who you jiving with that cosmik debris? ' -Frank Zappa
Who is this nut?

- kired
- "You need to believe in things that aren't true. How else can they become?" T. Pratchett
File Under: Leonard Cohen on NPR Podcast
A big thanks to AH for sharing this great NPR cast of Leonard Cohenn Live from the Beacon. Give it a listen, the man is a genius.
File Under: Chocolate
I'm at a loss. I know I should be concerned about the way this is pitched, but I want to see the martial arts in this movie. Hmm.
File Under: Of Monkeys, Chuck Norris and Scrotums
So Mr. Bryan Dondero has been doing some writing in his not so abundant free time, this post will enlighten you to his opinions on monkey ownership.
File Under: Blues and Lasers on Jambands.com
Nice article about on of my favorite bands. I enjoyed the way that Benny's rambunctiousness come through in the article.
"Many will come see Blues & Lasers on the strength of Tournet & The Nocturnals’ reputation. However, they will leave with a newfound amazement for Benny Yurco. As if he stepped out of a cartoon, Yurco is a lightning rod for calamity and the friendly and benignly mischievous guitarist always seems to be at the center of some swirl of activity. Whenever he’s out of sight, you worry what type of trouble he may get himself into. Once he’s on stage though, you don’t have to worry about him. An able foil for Tournet, his ability to nimbly zip through various styles seems to push and inspire Tournet to up his game. Yurco’s a fine songsmith as well, his “Fallen Friend”
and “Sue Me” perfect Blues & Lasers vehicles."
"Many will come see Blues & Lasers on the strength of Tournet & The Nocturnals’ reputation. However, they will leave with a newfound amazement for Benny Yurco. As if he stepped out of a cartoon, Yurco is a lightning rod for calamity and the friendly and benignly mischievous guitarist always seems to be at the center of some swirl of activity. Whenever he’s out of sight, you worry what type of trouble he may get himself into. Once he’s on stage though, you don’t have to worry about him. An able foil for Tournet, his ability to nimbly zip through various styles seems to push and inspire Tournet to up his game. Yurco’s a fine songsmith as well, his “Fallen Friend”
and “Sue Me” perfect Blues & Lasers vehicles."
File Under: Pre-Purchase the Leaves "Saving Your Side"
Here is your chance to support truly independent music.
File Under: Jen Crowell and the Woods Vehicle
So there was a great performance at the Brattleboro Museum and Art Center in Brattleboro, VT, Friday night. I wasn't there, but a bunch of my Potterville Posse friends were. Jan and Gary sent along this video, which I know is already up at This Is Somewhere, but not all of you go there, and you need to see this. Jen is good. REALLY good. Her CD is in heavy rotation at Chez Kired.
But Instead - Jen Crowell and the Woods Vehicle from J&G on Vimeo.
But Instead - Jen Crowell and the Woods Vehicle from J&G on Vimeo.
File Under: Troll 2 - Documentary
Or how I learned to stop worrying and love awful movies.
File Under: Facebook's '25 Things'
It seems that the '25 Random Things' notes that many of us have been posting, may have more value than we think. Check out this piece at the Chicago Tribune.
For those of you who don't have Facebook and would like to have more insight into your author, here is my note:
Unlike some other tagging type people, there are no obligations attached to this thing, just read it and whatever. Anyone who wasn't tagged, but reads this, sorry the system is clunky.
1. Ellyn is my reason and my life.
2. Even though they drive me nuts, I love my children so much, my heart hurts to think of the future they may face.
3. I have a bad temper, mostly toward those I love, this is my greatest shame and my greatest failure.
4. I love to curse. I use all kinds of offensive, horrible words and string them together in new and interesting ways.
5. I have a wicked bad stomach. For years I took drugs so I could continue to eat and drink whatever I like. Since I don't like pills, I'm trying to regulate it with diet. I really miss those foods (coffee, chocolate, speecy spicy hotsie totsie), but I've read that I will eventually get to eat them again, in small doses.
6. I'm a cheap bastard. I'm not saying I won't spend money to have something nice. I'm saying, I won't even buy a movie with out thinking it over for a week.
7. I love the process of buying cars. I love test driving and dickering. I love moving my stuff into them, and those drives you take in a new (well new to me) car. You know, the ones to nowhere. Also, I've always wanted a Jeep. Not one of those Grand Cherokee things, a real Jeep. I'll probably never buy one though (see #6).
8. I was never a sports guy, but I love the NFL. To me, football is the king of sports.
9. A few days before my 35th birthday I bought a guitar starter kit. I'm ashamed to admit that Guitar Hero had something to do with it.
10. That guitar kit from #9 is gone. It was crap. I've replaced it with a Hagstrom Super Swede and a Fender G-Dec. I also bought a Fender acoustic and a Fender Jazz Bass.
11. I really want a Fender Telecaster. I think I may have an addiction. All those guitars and I still suck. Oh well, it makes me happy.
12. I'm glad that music has made a resurgence in my life. Along the way it seemed to have lost it luster. Now, thanks to some of you, it's assumed it's proper place in my life. It may be that I was just listening to the wrong music.
13. I didn't really want to go on my first balloon ride, now I love it so much I run the Crown of Maine Balloon Fest and am working on my pilot's license. At this rate, I'll be a pilot in about another decade.
14. According to friends and family, I was oblivious to the girls that were interested in me. Instead, I walked around feeling miserable and unwanted. I now argue that it was fate saving me for my wife.
15. I decided a long time ago that my friends and family were more important than a career in entertainment. My acting professor told me I had to choose, because to be as good as I wanted to be, I had to let it all go. I very seldom regret this decision. I do however miss the process.
16. I am very picky about what shows I will see live. I have an unfortunate affliction which causes me to see how things could be done better. I am kind of an asshole in that respect.
17. I was born in Connecticut and lived there as an infant for several months, before my parents moved back to Maine. Which means I'm not a 'real' Mainer, a point that is often made to me. It's kind of funny considering how many of the 'real' Mainer's, I grew up with, don't live here any more.
18. I believe that if every able body volunteered just a little, the world would be better, and I wouldn't be so damned tired.
19. I'm apparently, a wicked flirt. Lucky for me, my wife is not the jealous type. In fact she laughs at me.
20. I'm not as self-assured as I sometimes appear. In fact, I'm more of a dancing monkey, begging for your approval. Therefore, when I say, that I don't care what people think, I'm lying.
21. I have no known enemies, although I do have a special hatred for greed and stupidity.
22. I have friends who are fundamental opposites of me. Just cause I don't agree with them, doesn't mean I don't care for them.
23. I feel responsible for making my young employees into better people. When they fail, I feel as though I have failed as well.
24. I cry during sad movies and TV shows. I'm just a big wuss, what can I say.
25. I've lost two childhood friends in recent years. I deeply regret that I lost track of both of them until hearing of their passing. For this reason, I'm glad for this silly site.
For those of you who don't have Facebook and would like to have more insight into your author, here is my note:
Unlike some other tagging type people, there are no obligations attached to this thing, just read it and whatever. Anyone who wasn't tagged, but reads this, sorry the system is clunky.
1. Ellyn is my reason and my life.
2. Even though they drive me nuts, I love my children so much, my heart hurts to think of the future they may face.
3. I have a bad temper, mostly toward those I love, this is my greatest shame and my greatest failure.
4. I love to curse. I use all kinds of offensive, horrible words and string them together in new and interesting ways.
5. I have a wicked bad stomach. For years I took drugs so I could continue to eat and drink whatever I like. Since I don't like pills, I'm trying to regulate it with diet. I really miss those foods (coffee, chocolate, speecy spicy hotsie totsie), but I've read that I will eventually get to eat them again, in small doses.
6. I'm a cheap bastard. I'm not saying I won't spend money to have something nice. I'm saying, I won't even buy a movie with out thinking it over for a week.
7. I love the process of buying cars. I love test driving and dickering. I love moving my stuff into them, and those drives you take in a new (well new to me) car. You know, the ones to nowhere. Also, I've always wanted a Jeep. Not one of those Grand Cherokee things, a real Jeep. I'll probably never buy one though (see #6).
8. I was never a sports guy, but I love the NFL. To me, football is the king of sports.
9. A few days before my 35th birthday I bought a guitar starter kit. I'm ashamed to admit that Guitar Hero had something to do with it.
10. That guitar kit from #9 is gone. It was crap. I've replaced it with a Hagstrom Super Swede and a Fender G-Dec. I also bought a Fender acoustic and a Fender Jazz Bass.
11. I really want a Fender Telecaster. I think I may have an addiction. All those guitars and I still suck. Oh well, it makes me happy.
12. I'm glad that music has made a resurgence in my life. Along the way it seemed to have lost it luster. Now, thanks to some of you, it's assumed it's proper place in my life. It may be that I was just listening to the wrong music.
13. I didn't really want to go on my first balloon ride, now I love it so much I run the Crown of Maine Balloon Fest and am working on my pilot's license. At this rate, I'll be a pilot in about another decade.
14. According to friends and family, I was oblivious to the girls that were interested in me. Instead, I walked around feeling miserable and unwanted. I now argue that it was fate saving me for my wife.
15. I decided a long time ago that my friends and family were more important than a career in entertainment. My acting professor told me I had to choose, because to be as good as I wanted to be, I had to let it all go. I very seldom regret this decision. I do however miss the process.
16. I am very picky about what shows I will see live. I have an unfortunate affliction which causes me to see how things could be done better. I am kind of an asshole in that respect.
17. I was born in Connecticut and lived there as an infant for several months, before my parents moved back to Maine. Which means I'm not a 'real' Mainer, a point that is often made to me. It's kind of funny considering how many of the 'real' Mainer's, I grew up with, don't live here any more.
18. I believe that if every able body volunteered just a little, the world would be better, and I wouldn't be so damned tired.
19. I'm apparently, a wicked flirt. Lucky for me, my wife is not the jealous type. In fact she laughs at me.
20. I'm not as self-assured as I sometimes appear. In fact, I'm more of a dancing monkey, begging for your approval. Therefore, when I say, that I don't care what people think, I'm lying.
21. I have no known enemies, although I do have a special hatred for greed and stupidity.
22. I have friends who are fundamental opposites of me. Just cause I don't agree with them, doesn't mean I don't care for them.
23. I feel responsible for making my young employees into better people. When they fail, I feel as though I have failed as well.
24. I cry during sad movies and TV shows. I'm just a big wuss, what can I say.
25. I've lost two childhood friends in recent years. I deeply regret that I lost track of both of them until hearing of their passing. For this reason, I'm glad for this silly site.
File Under: RE: File Under: New Deal Worked
I am a lover of debate, assuming it is based on attempting to find the truth (not simply applying labels to people and using one liners to make your opponent look foolish). In that vein I present further debate on a recent topic "File Under: New Deal Worked."
Steve commented on my post:
"I hate to be one of "those people"
but doesn't that graph simply show that it didn't work?
I mean
if the % jump after the new deal was implemented was 45%
and the percentage jump for the 4 years after it was abandoned was 45% (including the spike downwards)
doesn't that indicate that the Stimulus didn't do anything?
In any case, does this mean if our production doesn't jump by 45% in the next four months I can blame Obama?
Response from Penguin Monkey Author P.J.:
"1. The critical point isn't the record-breaking increase in wealth that started at that point, it's that the continued economic collapse of The Great Depression was stopped.
2. "Slashed" isn't the same as "abandoned" - many of the programs instituted under the New Deal are still in effect now. (What do you think the neocons are railing against?)
3. 1939 was the start of World War II - while we weren't in the war until several years later, countries that were, got their supplies from somewhere - usually, us.
Investing in infrastructure is the single most effective way of rejuvenating the economy. That isn't actually a negotiable point - that is a fact. The single most effective way to get money into the economy is to give jobs to the people who work on building our infrastructure - the people at the bottom being the people who actually spend the money they are given, because they have to. Tax cuts are the least effective way, because the people at the top have the least motivation to spend their money.
So, our choices for rejuvenating the economy, are investing in infrastructure, or world war III. World War III isn't really an option any more, either - we don't export enough of the necessary goods to the rest of the world to make it worthwhile economically, and realistically there is nobody who can stand against us and win if the US chose to actually use all the weapons at its disposal. In a war for survival, we win and everyone else is dead. So - exactly one option. Everything else is re-arranging the deck chairs on the titanic.
Here's the best 8-minute explanation I've heard of the economic stimulus:
As Rachel Maddow points out, this is basic economics - it's not opinion, it's fact. If you're arguing against it, you're wrong. Provably.
The last thing the Republicans in congress were criticizing about the stimulus bill, was spending money to build railroads. Which is exactly the thing we should be doing, because building more railroads gives peoples jobs as well as reducing our dependency on foreign oil - shipping by train consumes less foreign oil than transporting by truck.
Steve commented on my post:
"I hate to be one of "those people"
but doesn't that graph simply show that it didn't work?
I mean
if the % jump after the new deal was implemented was 45%
and the percentage jump for the 4 years after it was abandoned was 45% (including the spike downwards)
doesn't that indicate that the Stimulus didn't do anything?
In any case, does this mean if our production doesn't jump by 45% in the next four months I can blame Obama?
Response from Penguin Monkey Author P.J.:
"1. The critical point isn't the record-breaking increase in wealth that started at that point, it's that the continued economic collapse of The Great Depression was stopped.
2. "Slashed" isn't the same as "abandoned" - many of the programs instituted under the New Deal are still in effect now. (What do you think the neocons are railing against?)
3. 1939 was the start of World War II - while we weren't in the war until several years later, countries that were, got their supplies from somewhere - usually, us.
Investing in infrastructure is the single most effective way of rejuvenating the economy. That isn't actually a negotiable point - that is a fact. The single most effective way to get money into the economy is to give jobs to the people who work on building our infrastructure - the people at the bottom being the people who actually spend the money they are given, because they have to. Tax cuts are the least effective way, because the people at the top have the least motivation to spend their money.
So, our choices for rejuvenating the economy, are investing in infrastructure, or world war III. World War III isn't really an option any more, either - we don't export enough of the necessary goods to the rest of the world to make it worthwhile economically, and realistically there is nobody who can stand against us and win if the US chose to actually use all the weapons at its disposal. In a war for survival, we win and everyone else is dead. So - exactly one option. Everything else is re-arranging the deck chairs on the titanic.
Here's the best 8-minute explanation I've heard of the economic stimulus:
As Rachel Maddow points out, this is basic economics - it's not opinion, it's fact. If you're arguing against it, you're wrong. Provably.
The last thing the Republicans in congress were criticizing about the stimulus bill, was spending money to build railroads. Which is exactly the thing we should be doing, because building more railroads gives peoples jobs as well as reducing our dependency on foreign oil - shipping by train consumes less foreign oil than transporting by truck.
File Under: Coraline
I took my son to see this movie yesterday. All I can say is, GO SEE IT NOW! I don't recommend it for small children though.
File Under: Thoughts on the "free market"
I received an email from a reader/friend:
"sorry if I seem a little acerbic as of late
it's a combination of
A. an increasily free market oriented attitude
B. An increasily socialized country"
Here is my response:
Hey debate is always welcome.
I used to see things your way. I still hate abusers of the systems meant to help people who, through no fault of their own, have hit bottom. My problem with the Free Market, is that the people who run the corporations are not good stewards of the model. They do not do the things that are ultimately beneficial to all, which is to tend to the economy that supports the corporations. Instead they suck out the marrow and leave a rotting corpse. Obviously, not all corporations are corrupt, but enough of them are.
The free market suffers from the same issues as socialism and communism. Too many people suck, they are going to grab all the can for themselves at the detriment of others. Until we can fix this basic human flaw by identifying the Douch Bag chromosome ( at which point the liberals won't let you fix it), we need to strive for a balanced approach to our society.
"sorry if I seem a little acerbic as of late
it's a combination of
A. an increasily free market oriented attitude
B. An increasily socialized country"
Here is my response:
Hey debate is always welcome.
I used to see things your way. I still hate abusers of the systems meant to help people who, through no fault of their own, have hit bottom. My problem with the Free Market, is that the people who run the corporations are not good stewards of the model. They do not do the things that are ultimately beneficial to all, which is to tend to the economy that supports the corporations. Instead they suck out the marrow and leave a rotting corpse. Obviously, not all corporations are corrupt, but enough of them are.
The free market suffers from the same issues as socialism and communism. Too many people suck, they are going to grab all the can for themselves at the detriment of others. Until we can fix this basic human flaw by identifying the Douch Bag chromosome ( at which point the liberals won't let you fix it), we need to strive for a balanced approach to our society.
File Under: GOP Senators are full of shit!
I have had it with GOP Senators and their whiny obstructionist bullshit. They have the audacity to claim that President Obama isn't reaching out to them? Are you fucking kidding me? Our country is in full blown meltdown and you're bitching cause Obama didn't come over and fondle your balls while you tried to get fatter paydays for your ultra-rich friends.?
These people are just plain full of shit, they don't care about us or our worries. They care about the game they're playing and the gains their wallets are making. Mind you I have every faith that Dems are just as guilty of partisan revisionism and profiting off our woes.
John McCain, glad to see you found that inner douche bag, I came to hate on the campaign trail. I mistakenly thought you had exorosied that demon in your concession speech. Yet another case of my naivete. To think there was a time when I would have voted for you, I guess that makes me the douche bag.
I would like to personally thank Sens. Susan Collins and Olympia Snowe of Maine and Arlen Specter of Pennsylvania, for putting partisan stupidity aside and working for the people of this country. Thank you, for not having your heads stuffed up your own asses this time. Enjoy the fresh air.
There, maybe that will drop my blood pressure a little.
These people are just plain full of shit, they don't care about us or our worries. They care about the game they're playing and the gains their wallets are making. Mind you I have every faith that Dems are just as guilty of partisan revisionism and profiting off our woes.
John McCain, glad to see you found that inner douche bag, I came to hate on the campaign trail. I mistakenly thought you had exorosied that demon in your concession speech. Yet another case of my naivete. To think there was a time when I would have voted for you, I guess that makes me the douche bag.
I would like to personally thank Sens. Susan Collins and Olympia Snowe of Maine and Arlen Specter of Pennsylvania, for putting partisan stupidity aside and working for the people of this country. Thank you, for not having your heads stuffed up your own asses this time. Enjoy the fresh air.
There, maybe that will drop my blood pressure a little.
File Under: Speed Kills, FO SHO
A pilot friend send me this PDF. I pity the two people in the car who had no clue this f'n moron was headed their way.

File Under: Whedon back on TV, tonight.
I am a Joss Whedon fan. I have all of the seasons of Buffy, Angel, and the tragically shot lived Firefly (14 episodes of sci-fi bliss). Tonight marks the launch of his fourth TV series, Dollhouse. I am intrigued by the premise and enjoy Eliza Dushku's performances. My fear is that Fox will screw this up like they did Firefly. So set your DVRs folks, it should be a great show.
File Under: New Deal worked...
To all of you out there who just love to ignore facts cause they get in the way of your beliefs, please check out the graphs my good friend, at Penguin Monkey, has posted. Please note the way the economy faltered when they cut the programs to balance the budget.
File Under: Gartisms
I've known this guy long enough to know how he looks in a cub scout uniform. He has always been one funny mutha.
File Under: Bruce on Bruce
If you read the Lefsetz Letter or are a huge Bruce fan, you've probably already read this journal entry by Bruce Springsteen. It was neat to read about the Superbowl performance from his perspective.
'I'm on top of the piano (good old boots). I'm down. One…two…three, knee drop in front of the microphone and I'm bending back almost flat on the stage. I close my eyes for a moment and when I open them, I see nothing but blue night sky. No band, no crowd, no stadium. I hear and feel all of it in the form of a great siren like din surrounding me but with my back nearly flat against the stage I see nothing but beautiful night sky with a halo of a thousand stadium suns at its edges. I take several deep breaths and a calm comes over me. I feel myself deeply and happily "IN."'
'I'm on top of the piano (good old boots). I'm down. One…two…three, knee drop in front of the microphone and I'm bending back almost flat on the stage. I close my eyes for a moment and when I open them, I see nothing but blue night sky. No band, no crowd, no stadium. I hear and feel all of it in the form of a great siren like din surrounding me but with my back nearly flat against the stage I see nothing but beautiful night sky with a halo of a thousand stadium suns at its edges. I take several deep breaths and a calm comes over me. I feel myself deeply and happily "IN."'
File Under: Pennywise, Pound foolish?
Part of Gov. Baldacci's cost saving measures would include shipping inmates out of state to private prisons. It seems that such a move would have unintended consequences. We can save $2 million, but send money out of state, not to mention the lose of free labor to the surrounding communities. I believe I heard in another report, that the prisoners also held clean up local State Parks in the spring. It's also be to noted that privately run prisons have come under fire for human rights violations in the past. It will be interesting to see how this plays out.
File Under: Infestation
So I went to school with Kyle who directed this movie. I for one can't wait to see it.
File Under: Antony & The Johnsons: Epilepsy Is Dancing
The first time through, I wasn't sure what I thought. So I watched it again. I still don't know what I think. So enjoy.
File Under: Legopolis
A reader send me the link to this blog post by Christopher Nieman. He loves NYC so much, he sees it in his kids Lego blocks. His post outlines what he saw, it's quite imaginative and elegant in it's simplicity. Gotta love Legos.
File Under: That could have gone smoother.
Fairpoint is not having a good transition. I'd feel sorry for them if my Netflix streaming worked better. Selfish, ain't I?
File Under: Poor Cali
It seems that some Californian residents aren't going to be seeing any green in their tax refunds. Instead they will receive an IOU. The state is in a terrible budget crisis and the politicians can't seem to find a way out (shocker there). In response to these IOUs, some clever Californians are trying a new tact.
I'm hoping my friends in Cali are doing all right.
I'm hoping my friends in Cali are doing all right.
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