'But I said look here brother Who you jiving with that cosmik debris? ' -Frank Zappa
Who is this nut?

- kired
- "You need to believe in things that aren't true. How else can they become?" T. Pratchett
File Under: Their Time in the Sun
As many but not all of you may know, Sun Studio is the place where greats like U2, Elvis and Johnny Cash recorded. Grace, Bryan, Scott and Matt were guests of the studio and did some fine recording. To encourage you to visit Sun Studio's blog, I am only providing the link, not the accompanying video.
File Under: Burn to Shine
I encourage you to go to this post on I AM FUEL YOU ARE FRIENDS. That's it, you can go now.
File Under: If I'm ever gonna find my soul, I guess I gotta lose control
From the HDnet concert series. Also available on YouTube if your prefer.
Robert Randolph and the Family Band - Deliver Me from Real Kired on Vimeo.
Robert Randolph and the Family Band - Deliver Me from Real Kired on Vimeo.
File Under: Comcast and BitTorrent are friends
So apparently Comcast and BitTorrent had a little get together and hammered out their differences. The question at hand is this: Has the problem been adequately addressed or has Comcast sucked BitTorrent into their douchbagery. It may come as no surprise that TorrentFreak has an opinion on the matter.
File Under: Malware cause of Hannaford breach.
It seems that malware, placed on servers at approximately 300 Hannaford stores, is to blame for the hijacking of credit and debit card information. Why didn't Hannaford's network admins notice the unaccounted for stream of date going out of their system?
File Under: Heads on pikes
For those of you naive enough to think we live in a country where all are equal and anyone can succeed if they only try. Wake the fuck up. This LA Times story about the compensation packages for the top idiots at Countrywide, just makes me wonder when the revolution is coming. So many people have lost their homes and these guys are getting tens of millions of dollars for being complete fuck ups. The good ol boy network is alive and well. If you aren't one of them, get back to work those yachts don't buy themselves.
File Under: Pretentious Pratt
I tend to shy away from writing a lot of commentary on the music I present here at Cursed Monkey Paw. I do this with the idea, that you will know if you like it or not, and your connection to the artist is the only one that matters to you. I'll just muck it up. Not to say that on occasion I haven't been known to rant about the horrid state of certain pieces (Madonna-4 Minutes, seriously yuck), but all in all, I try to stay hands off.
However, as many of you are well aware there are a lot of bloggers out there that think they are quite clever and that you somehow need them to cough up their sputum on your entree to enhance the flavor. Pratt Songs is one such blog. I find designating each album a representative food to be particularly pretentious. Blogs like this are the other reason I try to keep my opinions to myself, some other shit like me may come along and mock me.
However, as many of you are well aware there are a lot of bloggers out there that think they are quite clever and that you somehow need them to cough up their sputum on your entree to enhance the flavor. Pratt Songs is one such blog. I find designating each album a representative food to be particularly pretentious. Blogs like this are the other reason I try to keep my opinions to myself, some other shit like me may come along and mock me.

File Under: Of Men in Black and Muppets
While having a discussion on music the other day, someone asked me if I thought there was any good country. I said of course there is, not much, but definitely yes. I said that Johnny Cash was good country, but I may have been tainted at a young age.
File Under: B. B. King and Friends
Rock Me Baby-from Crossroads 2007
File Under: Robert Randolph and the Family Band
The March-from Crossroads 2007
File Under: Why do we like to hurt so much?
Paramore - That's what you get
Paramore spent last year touring their asses off, gaining fans along the way. Glad to see it's working out for them. Of course there are persistent rumors of a split. Maybe if they had spent more time living together in rural Vermont, the rigors of touring wouldn't have taxed them so much.
Paramore spent last year touring their asses off, gaining fans along the way. Glad to see it's working out for them. Of course there are persistent rumors of a split. Maybe if they had spent more time living together in rural Vermont, the rigors of touring wouldn't have taxed them so much.
File Under: The Rise of Dr. Fu
Some of you may remember way back when DJ's would create elaborate music mixes. Well here is a mix by Dr. Fu entitled Twenty Six. For more info about this and other mixes visit Dr. Fu.
P.S. Sorry about the look of this player, but I can't find one I like that both works and looks good. At least without having my own place to host the damn thing. Ugh.
P.S. Sorry about the look of this player, but I can't find one I like that both works and looks good. At least without having my own place to host the damn thing. Ugh.
FIle Under: If I was Peanut Butter I'd be Smooth.
There is nothing I can say about this that won't get me in trouble, so I will simply say "Caaawwww."
Grace Potter and the Nocturnals - If I Was From Paris from Real Kired on Vimeo.
Grace Potter and the Nocturnals - If I Was From Paris from Real Kired on Vimeo.
File Under: Smeeeell Baaaaadddd
Ludo - Love Me Dead
I get a kick out of the lyrics to this song and in case you don't understand the post title or the name of the band.
I get a kick out of the lyrics to this song and in case you don't understand the post title or the name of the band.
File Under: I'll meet you at the bottom, if there really is one.
PJ over at Penguin Monkey was lucky enough to see the Drive By Truckers last weekend, I was not. In honor of that lack of an event, here is Gravity's Gone by the Drive By Truckers.
File Under: I tried my hand at the Bible, tried my hand at prayer
Yet another YouTube buster. The multipart will be on YouTube later if your prefer Youtube.
Grace Potter and the Nocturnals - Nothing But The Water from Real Kired on Vimeo.
Grace Potter and the Nocturnals - Nothing But The Water from Real Kired on Vimeo.
File Under: Blizzard sues WoW tool, Michael Donnelly
So this guy Michael Donnelly sells a gaming tool called MMO Glider. Blizzard the makers of World of Warcraft view its automations of routine things, including combat, as an infringement on their copyright and end-user license. I tend to agree, and the people who use this are tools themselves. It's one thing to use map coordinates and set up macros. It is a whole other thing to just watch the game be played by a bot, and suck up the games resources in the process.
File Under: She's been watching you.
Posted this one on Vimeo, due to YouTube's 10 minute rule. It is also available on YouTube in two parts.
Grace Potter and the Nocturnals - Watching You from Real Kired on Vimeo.
Grace Potter and the Nocturnals - Watching You from Real Kired on Vimeo.
File Under: The Raconteurs - Salute Your Solution
File Under: One year of windy goodness.
The wind mills on Mars Hill mountain have been running for a year and the news is good. If there are some things we have a lot of here, it is wind and hills, so bring on the turbines.
File Under: Dancing with a porcupine
Gov. Baldacci is dancing with a Chertoff shaped porcupine. He sent a letter to DHS head Chertoff asking that Maine residents not be penalized after May 11, because Maine hasn't asked for a waiver for REAL ID compliance. This kind of letter resulted in a waiver for Montana. This is good ol political wrangling, it would be fun to watch if our privacy wasn't on the line.
File Under: Maine law bans novelty lighters
Gov. Baldacci signed a new law recently that outlawed novelty lighters that would be attractive to children. This seems like a no brainer to me. The fact that the State of Maine managed to figure it out first and managed to act on it with out banning all lighters is impressive.
File Under: WoW v2.4 patch brings more content
This is just flippin ducky, I am already the slowest leveler in history and now they have added yet another zone before we even get to the expansion. Bah! Damn you Blizzard and all your quality content for my money.
File Under: Fox says no to FCC
These words feel quite odd in my mouth, but I am proud of the Fox Network. They are refusing to pay a $91,000 fine on principle. An odd thing for a Rupert Murdoch company. I am not entirely comfortable with him defending first amendment principles, but certain issues make strange bedfellows.
File Under: I don't know where the line is...
File Under: More info about the Hannaford Breach
The thing to focus on here? That Hannaford was apparently in compliance with security standards.
File Under: Appropriate Organ Playing
Grace Potter and the Nocturnals - Ain't No Time
File Under: Happy Easter
A nice little Easter ditty from the Barenaked Ladies.
File Under: Clearspot Episode 7
Bryan from GPTN hosts his own podcast with sweet music and an anti-Clear Channel agenda (woohoo). I am about 1/2 way through it, definitely worth a listen.
File Under: Sounds like Barry White
File Under: CMP turns Shill
I may have been recently accused of being a shill for Grace. My defense? I said it was for a talented hottie so it's okay. I don't think they bought it.
GPTN - This is...Episode 4
GPTN - This is...Episode 4
File Under: Gibson sues everyone...
Sorry Gibson, but all these legal suits are a little ridiculous, if you really had a problem with Guitar Hero, you should of said something 3 years ago, when the first game came out. Complaining now, when there's a proven money maker is a little disingenuous.
File Under: Weather so crappy we made the national news
Yep, USA Today has an article about our record breaking blizzard.
File Under: And then there were two.
It seems that Maine and North Carolina are the only two states standing in defiance of the Department of Homeland Security. I can't believe that this Real ID thing isn't causing more flak, I guess freedom isn't as precious as we think it is.
File Under: All the Folks up in Heaven Might Like to Hear Me Sing
Grace Potter and the Nocturnals - Big White Gate
File Under: Oops my bad, sorry Radiohead.
Those of you who know me in the real world, know that I am not a huge fan of Radiohead (I heard those gasps). Don't get me wrong, I liked "Creep" and The Bends was a great album. I just don't seem to have the "everything they do is genius" bug. Anyhoo, the reason I need to apologize is this. Radiohead's new album has a song I really like on it "Bodysnatchers," and the first few times I heard it, I thought it was Queens of the Stone Age. Maybe I am an unwashed plebe who doesn't know my ass from my elbow, or maybe I was right, Radiohead isn't the second coming.
Radiohead - Bodysnatchers (Scotch Mist version)
Radiohead - Bodysnatchers (Scotch Mist version)
File Under: This song just plain sucks.
I was quite confused when Madonna was inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. I was amused when Iggy Pop performed her music. To my point, this is her new single, it is absolute shit. I can't even listen to it again. I mean it is real crap. O boy another Timbaland song which sounds like every other Timbaland song. Justin Timberlake (who seems to have a strong desire to couple with Madonna) also sucks. It is almost like all three sat around thinking of how crappy a song they could make and still get figuratively fellated by the media and all the pop junkies out there.
File Under: Too Much Truth
"Ooh Girl" is a fine example of what would happen if your average R&B song had the truth in it.
File Under: Comcast to FCC "You have no right to stop us from being douche bags."
Comcast VP David L. Cohen, has made thinly veiled threats (read legal challenge)regarding the FCC's right to regulate their blocking of peer to peer networks.
File Under: Hannaford security breach, could put you at risk
Unless you are an under rock dweller, this story about a security breach of the systems that processed Hannaford credit and debit cards, should be read by you.
File Under: Supreme Court to hear FCC appeal
The Supreme Court has decided to hear the FCC's appeal of a District court decision striking down its fleeting expletive policy. There are only two reasons for the court to want to hear this case. They want to remind the FCC about the first amendment, or they are preparing to wipe their ass with it.
File Under: No Cable TV in Cow Country
Not that she would have time to watch it if they did.
Grace Potter and the Nocturnals - Falling or Flying
Got the tickets, we are going to see them June 6 in Manchester, NH. Wooohooo!
Grace Potter and the Nocturnals - Falling or Flying
Got the tickets, we are going to see them June 6 in Manchester, NH. Wooohooo!
File Under: FCC employees in mourning
I have often wondered if the employees that have dedicated themselves to the original principles of the FCC, have been made miserable by the recent leadership and their actions. I have my answer, Ars Technica reports that there will be a silent protest tomorrow. The story also outlines the issues the FCC employees have faced from a politico boss. Not that is matters, but they have my support.
File Under: Call her a bully and she'll blow up your whole damn playground
Grace Potter and the Nocturnals - Ah Mary
File Under: The Needle and the Damage Done
Just sitting here doing my paperwork, listening to Neil. This song was in the playlist. Hurts my heart a little every time I hear it.
File Under: Makoto Nagano is bad ass
Yes, I watch way to much Ninja Warrior. However, this guy is a serious athlete.
File Under: 6 word reviews
Thanks to AH for bringing this post to the CMP audience. Paul Ford reviews 763 songs, from the South by Southwest Festival, using 6 words.
File Under: Grab the first guitar you see
I just love this song. Grace Potter and the Nocturnals-Stop the Bus from the Beautiful Noise concert.
The plan is to see them June 6, in Manchester, NH. I can't wait.
The plan is to see them June 6, in Manchester, NH. I can't wait.
File Under: Try a little Priest
I really enjoyed Burton's Sweeney Todd, but this is the version that runs through my mind. Lansbury's glee is so sinister.
File Under: Collins and Snowe join the fray over Real ID
Our senators are backing us up on the issue of Real ID. They have joined with other senators , signing a letter to Homeland Security Secretary Chertoff, which stated the deadlines are arbitrary.
Story Link
Story Link
File Under: There are some talented F'ers out there
This Brazilian guitarist is amazing. The man does some kick ass hammer ons and pull offs. *sigh* I might be able to play like that in about...never.
File Under: Songwriting on the Edge of the World
Grace Potter On Songwriting from the Beautiful Noise concert.
Grace Potter and the Nocturnals - Mr. Columbus (Beautiful Noise)
Grace Potter and the Nocturnals - Mr. Columbus (Beautiful Noise)
File Under: Grace Potter and the Nocturnals = Linda Ronstadt fronting CCR
Don't look at me, it's from this here piece excerpted from the Pittsburgh-Tribune Review (further down the page)
"At times, she seems to channel a distant era -- think of Linda Ronstadt fronting Creedence Clearwater Revival -- but Potter also has a musical style that's relevant and seems to fit in with the current trend of more rootsy, authentic music."-- Regis Behe
File Under: The FCC will be the one investigated
The House Energy and Commerce Committee is probing the doings of the FCC under Chair Kevin Martin's watch. About time someone noticed something was wrong. The decisions on media ownership and the attempt to regulate content on cable were just bullshit.
File Under: There's also the Bass
To show that Cursed Monkey Paw is not Drumist, here's a little Les Claypool.
and some John Entwistle
and some John Entwistle
File Under: Tomas Haake Drum Solo
Thanks to Dow for showing this to me.
File Under: Yahtzee saves me some dough, again.
Yahtzee of Zero Punctuation goes off on another foulmouthed rant about a game that I was thinking about buying at some point, but now I don't need to. Whoo Hoo, only $4240.00 more to save and I can get a Spitzer level call girl (don't tell my wife, she thinks we need a new kitchen).
File Under: Woke up in the Mood for a little Toby Lightman
and not that way you pervos.
File Under: Ideal Festival
Grace says let there be drummers.
A little Keith (PETA would have a fit)
A little John
A little Drummy McDrummington and the Clan Drummington
A little Keith (PETA would have a fit)
A little John
A little Drummy McDrummington and the Clan Drummington
File Under: Irish Punk
Yes Phil, I am finally a convert.
Drop Kick Murphys-State of Massachusetts-Live
On this one the video work sucks but the music still kicks.
Shipping Up to Boston-Live
Drop Kick Murphys-State of Massachusetts-Live
On this one the video work sucks but the music still kicks.
Shipping Up to Boston-Live
File Under: Erik is learning to whistle
Erik has been practicing his whistling, and the song he has chosen is Peter,Bjorn, & John- Young Folks. He loves the song, and the intro to this video is especially apropos.
File Under: Kept Warm by Generosity
CNN.com article on all the efforts to keep Maine residents in need, warm this winter.
File Under: Same Jokes, Different Accent?
I hope not.
File Under: Hot Air Balloon Simulator
I can tell you that this has very little to do with flying a real balloon, but it's a good way to kill some time.
I can tell you that this has very little to do with flying a real balloon, but it's a good way to kill some time.
File Under: She'll bake you cookies then she'll burn your town
Grace, Scott, Bryan, and Matt kickin out "Ah Mary"
I wonder how much it would cost to get them here for COMBF?
I wonder how much it would cost to get them here for COMBF?
File Under: Mississippi Legislators Make Maine's Look Smart
And that ain't no easy task my friends.
Apparently Mississippi's best and brightest had an idea that they could help all those poor fat people by giving restaurants criteria upon which to refuse service to obese people. Yep, let that sink in.
Apparently Mississippi's best and brightest had an idea that they could help all those poor fat people by giving restaurants criteria upon which to refuse service to obese people. Yep, let that sink in.
File Under: A review of the Documentary "Second Skin"
The author of this Crave post was at the premiere of the new MMORPG documentary, and ponders, "Where are all the normal gamers?"
File Under: Don't go back to Rockville
The proprietor of Pop Culture Tourettes has found four interesting performances of the REM Classic. Check out Michael's hair.
File Under: Don't write about WoW if you don't know WoW
Yet another badly written piece about World of Warcraft by an uninformed reporter with an agenda, who can't be bothered to do research.
File Under: Grace Potter and the Nocturnals - Stop the Bus
You know how there are certain songs that seem familiar the very first time you hear them. Something about the arrangement, the lyrics or even the beat, just seems to strike a chord deep inside. This is one of those songs for me.
File Under: More tales of MS not giving a shit
So here's the thing. My 360 is back, but E can't play my Arcade downloads. Seems this is a common problem. With tales of it taking 3 months to resolve the issue, I doubt I will bother to start fighting with those assholes. The 360 probably won't last that long.
File Under: EPA cock blocks States Emissions Rules
EPA head Stephen Johnson denied 15 states requests for waivers allowing them to set their own auto efficiency and tailpipe emissions standards. He also continues to give the runaround when questioned if this was at the behest of the White House.
File Under: Better Late than Never
It is 2008 and the Maine House has passed a measure that outlaws human trafficking. Now it needs to go the State Senate. I can only hope they are smart enough to pass it.
File Under: Gnarls Barkley - Run
This visuals in this video have apparently made some people ill (no not the costumes). So be careful and keep a bucket on hand.
File Under: 360 is home
Actually I picked it up yesterday, but have felt crappy so didn't post it. It seems to be working well. Of course the other 2 replacements did too.
I picked it up yesterday because FED-Ex tried to deliver it on Monday and left a door tag. I went to their location just before close hoping to retrieve my long awaited X-box. The damn thing wasn't there yet, the driver was still out and wouldn't return until after they closed. I had them hold it there and I picked up yesterday on my way home to crawl in bed and sleep off whatever this bug is.
So any of you keeping track, it was Feb 7 to March 4 without our 360. Seems a little long to me.
FYI-Ellyn and Erik are playing Rock Band right now like the little junkies they are.
I picked it up yesterday because FED-Ex tried to deliver it on Monday and left a door tag. I went to their location just before close hoping to retrieve my long awaited X-box. The damn thing wasn't there yet, the driver was still out and wouldn't return until after they closed. I had them hold it there and I picked up yesterday on my way home to crawl in bed and sleep off whatever this bug is.
So any of you keeping track, it was Feb 7 to March 4 without our 360. Seems a little long to me.
FYI-Ellyn and Erik are playing Rock Band right now like the little junkies they are.
File Under: Proud to be a Mainer
Dear Mr. Chertoff,
You may think that you are helping by threatening the States that don't comply with your Real ID program. You are mistaken. The State of Maine is full of a proud people, as are the people of New Hampshire, and Montana. I agree with the governor of Montana, we will gladly wait in another line to board a plane as long as we don't have to carry a national style ID. This is not a dictatorship, this is not a cold war era Soviet State, so we say to you, no.
So threaten away and invade someone else's privacy.
You may think that you are helping by threatening the States that don't comply with your Real ID program. You are mistaken. The State of Maine is full of a proud people, as are the people of New Hampshire, and Montana. I agree with the governor of Montana, we will gladly wait in another line to board a plane as long as we don't have to carry a national style ID. This is not a dictatorship, this is not a cold war era Soviet State, so we say to you, no.
So threaten away and invade someone else's privacy.
File Under: World of Whorcraft
Apparently the Village Voice felt the need to write a story about a series of pornos based on World of Warcraft. Makes sense, I know some of you guys get a little too excited by those Night Elf ladies.
File Under: Children more important than the 1st Amendment
An LA Times story about a possible impending Supreme Court case involving the FCC, Fox, and fleeting expletives. The FCC is trying to say that broadcasters should be on the hook when a non-employee drops an F-bomb or other word during a live broadcast. Their reasoning sees to be that these words will destroy any child who hears them, therefore the 1st amendment must be waived.
File Under: Burner Time
Some pilots have come to the County for the weekend to fly. Unfortunately, God has other plans, he apparently scheduled a snow storm.
Anyway, we managed to get a flight off yesterday, before the weather arrived. I was lucky enough to get into the air with Lopper. Lopper was also kind enough to let me have burner time. It took us an hour and a half to go about a 1/4 mile. We were flying slow and low, with swirling winds. A good time was had by all.
That there balloon would be Jim Rogers new balloon.
Anyway, we managed to get a flight off yesterday, before the weather arrived. I was lucky enough to get into the air with Lopper. Lopper was also kind enough to let me have burner time. It took us an hour and a half to go about a 1/4 mile. We were flying slow and low, with swirling winds. A good time was had by all.
That there balloon would be Jim Rogers new balloon.

File Under: Wooooohhhhhhhoooooooo!!!!
The Eagles have signed All-Pro Asante Samuel. Thank you Pats, for letting go of one of your best defensive players.
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