'But I said look here brother Who you jiving with that cosmik debris? ' -Frank Zappa
Who is this nut?

- kired
- "You need to believe in things that aren't true. How else can they become?" T. Pratchett
File Under: Clear Spot #11
File Under: Why this guy is an idiot.
They are trying to tell us that the way to fix our economy is to get banks lending again. If that's the case, why am I fending off so many offers to lend me money, both personally and professionally. There are plenty of people out there who can get loans and can even repay them. The reason the economy stinks is those people, well us people. They are like me, they have hunkered down and aren't spending what they normally would.
You can dangle employee pricing and 0% in my face till you pass out, if I don't want to spend it, I'm not going to. The way to fix this economy is to let people like me hear that jobs are being created, the state and municipal governments aren't laying off essential personnel. That the roads aren't going to crumble due to lack of funds to repair them. That the schools won't have to cut things like school nurses in the next round of budget cuts. Let us hear that, and we might start buying things again, thus ramping up our economy.
I'm not even touching on all the impact that a solid renewable energy policy would have on the economy. I'm just saying that giving a bunch of rich folks some more money to use to put Americans further in debt is not even remotely the answer.
File Under: It's the economy stupid.
Republican Minority Whip Eric Cantor (R-Va.) stated "Keynesian economics doesn't hold a candle to the entrepreneurship that made this economy so prosperous up until the last six months."
What? The last six months have been the inevitable result of the rampant greed and dishonesty that comes from an unchecked "free economy." Cantor and his Republican friends are the ones whose deregulating, laissez-faire, tax-cut ways lead us into this mess. Not to mention that they sunk us into an unprecedented debt to do it.
As far as Keynesian economics not being the answer, tell that to Franklin Delano Roosevelt. Admittedly, he held out from using those principles as long as possible, but eventually he saw no other way. His decision yielded great civic works that are still paying dividends. President Obama is just skipping the hand wringing phase and going straight to work.
Since, history has shown that an Obama style stimulus package can work, what are the Republicans angry about? Quite simply, I believe they are holding their breath until they turn blue. That's right, they are throwing a tantrum to try and prove their relevance. I would prefer they save their outrage for more important issues like the card check bill (that's right, I don't like Unions and I'm a liberal, deal with it).
Ultimately, they need to understand that they are the party whose stimlus package, lead to CEO bonuses and rich people getting richer. We as American's want to benefit from our tax dollars. If they have a problem with that, they can take their marbles and go home, cause it is supposed to be,"By the people for the people," not "By the people for the corporations."
File Under: Pluto and Asteroids
File Under: Bigger geeks than I...
File Under: Gomez - We Haven't Turned Around
File Under: Maine, rockin the wind power.
File Under: F@#% Faux News
File Under: Charlie A'Court on House Concerts
House Concert vs House Party
Here's a note I published earlier this week about my desire to play more house concerts.
"Wait a minute Charlie...don't you mean house party?"
Sure don't...read the note.
Oh hello there,
It's no secret that the music industry has gone through quite a signifacant metamorphoses over the last 5-10 years. The rise and fall of the CD giving way to mp3 has resulted in countless brick & mortar distribution companies and music retail stores alike to submit into crippled bankruptcy and go out of business. Live music venues are even feeling the strain of society's change of music consumption. Many venues in the city I live in, venues that were iconic in the music circuit and seemed firmly rooted in the surrounding economy have dried up and shut their doors.
There has been a massive shift in how society aquires the music it likes as well as watching live performance and it's all thanks, in a large part, to the internet.
Now, I realize that last statement isn't any grand revelation. The internet has had both a negative and positive impact on the music industry.
I want to focus on a positive aspect and that's how there has been a sort of 360 degree return to grass roots performing. That is where house concerts come in.
Last week I posted my status to say I'm interested in playing more house concerts this year and received a number of replies from folk whose curiousity about the concept has prompted me to write this note. Some people are under the misunderstanding I'm talking about playing at a house party. This isn't quite true.
While there are some similarities between a house concert and a house party, they remain fundamentally different. As we're probably all familiar with the idea of a house party, hosts invite a crew of people. Some make it, some don't. Those who attend are scattered in different groups of conversation around the house and maybe there's some tunes blasting on a stereo or a couple of buddies are jamming on some acoustic guitars while some listen and others aren't paying attention. Good times!
A house concert, on the other hand, would be like going to see your favourite singer/songwriter at somewhere like the Rebecca Cohn or a performing arts centre, but in the comfort of your own living room. These are ticketed events and hosts work to promote the event and sell tickets. The audience that attend are there to listen to the artist. The artist can also sell CDs and guests can join a mailing list of the artist or the host. Some hosts have even developed their house concerts into frequent events, hosting a number of concerts throughout the year.
More and more music lovers are choosing to host and attend house concerts as an alternative to going to a bar or club where the atmosphere often isn't as comfortable. There is a great resource online called Acoustic Roof (http://www.acousticroof.ca) and it helps pair hosts with performers. Acoustic Roof offers a how-to guide and can be read at http://www.acousticroof.ca
With all this said, one of my goals for 2009 is put together a tour of house concerts across Canada. If you're interested in learning more you can contact me through facebook or at charlie@charlieacourt.com.
Happy house concert hosting!!
File Under: Andrew Ripp-Privileged Life
File Under: Crap!
File Under: 8 Years in 8 Minutes
It's actually over 9 minutes, but doesn't have the same zing. Try not to have a stroke.
File Under: What's up with Kiss and the Boss
Outlaw Pete-Bob Lefsetz
"I saw Gene Simmons yesterday in the Hagstrom booth at NAMM. I’d like to tell you there were groupies, clamoring to be added to the tongued-one’s Polaroid collection, but there were just a few geeks, looking at this intelligent man not quite as smart as he’d like us to believe who’s great at selling and mediocre at music.
Gene didn’t need to be a rock star. He was once a teacher. He can sell ice to Inuits. But timing is everything, as Malcolm Gladwell says. Rock was making all the money in the seventies, so that’s what Gene created, an over the top rock and roll circus. With one certifiable hit, "Rock And Roll All Nite". But as the seventies wore on, the band had no luck with anybody other than its acne-scarred fans, so it did what every loser act does when it gets desperate…IT FOLLOWED THE TREND! KISS went DISCO!
The result was "I Was Made For Lovin’ You". KISS’ highest charting single ever! It peaked at number 11 in 1979.
There was a bit of MTV fame thereafter, with different players and no makeup, but ever since KISS has been running on fumes. Mr. Simmons boasting how great they are as they reunite with the old players, put the makeup back on, twist the little cred they’ve got with their nitwit fans into a new concoction and then sell the same fourth-rate rock one more time.
Maybe if you were prepubescent in the seventies you got KISS. Anybody whose testicles had descended scratched his head and ignored the act. Figuring if they wanted theatrics, they’d at least go for Alice Cooper, who wasn’t purely about entertainment, who was truly testing limits, whose songs had something to say.
Yes, Alice Cooper deserves to be in the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame. KISS? We’ve been living in a Simmons-free zone for eons. Gene’s the only one who doesn’t know it. With the Internet and a zillion cable TV stations we can avoid him, let him grub for his money. After all, Gene’s no Bruce Springsteen.
Then again, is Bruce Springsteen Bruce Springsteen anymore?"
Click here for the full post.
File Under: Blues and Lasers on JamBase
File Under: No Circuit City, No More
You know, I can't even remember the last time I bought something there, or Best Buy for that matter.
File Under: Another GPN fan was made...
File Under: Please God, make them shut up!
I am so happy for Donovan and this bunch that were written off weeks ago. McNabb is the reason I am a football fan. He has thrived in the face of adversity and he is a stand up guy. What more can you ask for in a hero?
One step closer to my first tattoo. I said back in 2004, that if they won the Super Bowl, I would get an Eagles tattoo.
So giddy, right now. What a great early birthday present!
File Under: Sleeping with the Light On
Teitur Sleeping with the Light On
File Under: Stargate Universe
Well Stargate Worlds is still in Beta and the DVD's are on an unknown schedule. There seems to be a glimmer of hope, during the finale there was an a teaser for Stargate Universe. I'm not being enthusiastic, I know. I'm just not sure about the premise. It seems like a Lost in Space/Star Trek Voyager thing. They even seem to have their own Doctor Smith type character, although the casting of Robert Carlyle in the role is encouraging.
I'm going to reserve judgement, but here's hoping.
File Under: Lessons from Fleetwood Mac
File Under: TIS has NYE Video of GPN
File Under: Saving Myself
File Under: Men can be so embarrassing
File Under: Watchmen
File Under: Meh, it all sounds the same to me
File Under: Toe Jam
File Under: Ch-ch-changes!
Thanks for hanging around and reading this thing, all two of you.
File Under: Eagles move one
PS. To all you Philly fans who kept dumping on my man McNabb, you suck!
File Under: Douche Bag WoW player threatens suicide, goes to jail
File Under: Who New Doctor Who?
The BBC today announced that Matt Smith has been cast in the role of the Doctor in the iconic BBC series Doctor Who. Smith will be the eleventh Time Lord and will take over from David Tennant who leaves the show at the end of 2009. He will be seen in the forthcoming fifth series that will be broadcast in 2010.
The fifth series will also have a new lead writer and Executive Producer in the form of the BAFTA award winning writer Steven Moffat who is taking over from Russell T Davies. Moffat will be joined by Piers Wenger who will be the new Executive Producer for BBC Wales making the show.
Following David Tennant's decision to step down at the end of 2009, the team behind the new series set about casting the new Doctor so that new adventures could be created and scripts written with Matt in mind.
The identity of the new Doctor was revealed on a special edition of Doctor Who Confidential that was broadcast on BBC One on January 3rd at 17.35hrs. In it Smith revealed his initial reaction at taking on such a legendary role and his thoughts on what direction the Doctor might now be going with him playing the part.
Matt Smith said of his new role "I'm just so excited about the journey that is in front of me. It's a wonderful privilege and challenge that I hope I will thrive on. I feel proud and honoured to have been given this opportunity to join a team of people that has worked so tirelessly to make the show so thrilling.
"David Tennant has made the role his own, brilliantly with grace, talent and persistent dedication. I hope to learn from the standards set by him. The challenge for me is to do justice to the show's illustrious past, my predecessors and most importantly to those who watch it. I really cannot wait."
Lead writer and Executive Producer Steven Moffat said "The Doctor is a very special part, and it takes a very special actor to play him. You need to be old and young at the same time, a boffin and an action hero, a cheeky schoolboy and the wise old man of the universe. As soon as Matt walked through the door and blew us away with a bold and brand new take on the Time Lord, we knew we had our man. 2010 is a long time away but rest assured the Eleventh Doctor is coming - and the universe has never been so safe."
Piers Wenger, Head Of Drama, BBC Wales added "With two hearts, a ferocious mind and over 900 years of experience behind him, it's not every 26 year old actor who can take on a role like the Doctor but within moments of meeting Matt he showed the skill and imagination needed to create a Doctor all of his own.
It's just the beginning of the journey for Matt but with Steven Moffat's scripts and the expertise of the production team in Cardiff behind him, there is no one more perfect than him to be taking the TARDIS to exciting new futures when the series returns in 2010."
Ben Stephenson, Controller BBC Drama added "I am delighted to see Matt take on this iconic role. It will see him continuing his relationship with the BBC following his performances in Ruby In The Smoke and Party Animals, and his upcoming role in Moses Jones. The combination of Matt, Steven and Piers will, I know, take Doctor Who onto new and even dizzier heights."
Jay Hunt, Controller. BBC ONE said "Matt Smith will be a mesmerising eleventh Time Lord, true to the spirit of the show. He is a worthy successor to David Tennant who has been utterly remarkable in the role and promises to continue to be in next year's four special episodes."
For More visit :http://www.telegraph.co.uk/culture/tvandradio/4092973/Matt-Smith-announced-as-new-Doctor-Who.html
File Under: When Grace met Margot
It was nice to actually appreciate the act of shopping. Normally, the kids are such a chore that shopping is in no way fun. We had fun! We also had lunch at a neat little place next to a used book store. Sorry to say I don't remember the name. Good club sandwich though.
After freezing our butts off, we headed back to the hotel for some nappage (late night ahead.) Upon awakening, we went to the pub at the Windjammer. Who should be there, but the Posse (seeing the theme). They were finishing up, so we talked briefly (hugs for new arrivals Gary and Jan). They headed off to the venue and we got down to din-din.
After dinner, we went back to the room to get ready and then we headed off to the show. It was a short but very cold walk to Higher Ground. As soon as we were through the door, we saw Todd on the phone, trying to talk a friend into coming out.
Once inside we made our way over to the Merch table, said hello to the ever cheerful Nicole. She talked me into buying a sweet hoodie (something about limited supply) and said the tour had been fun. We stashed our jackets with John's Telecaster (his story to tell) and made our way to the bar. Drinks in hand we met up with the Posse in front of the stage (where else). I made sure to say hello to Van, as I hadn't seen him yet.
The opening act was Barbacoa, they were flippin amazing. I loved their Dick Dale, surf instrumental thing. Some Posse eyebrows were raised when they started into "Pain It Black." There was a general consensus that we would not get to here Grace belting it out later (more of that in a bit). All in all, I would like to see them again.
During the break, the crowd got thick. It was damn near impossible to move. We stuck it out and were rewarded with a good vantage point for the show. The band took the stage to an uproarious cheer. Definitely the hometown crowd.
The first set was amazing and included:
Be My Husband
Ah, Mary
Ain’t No Time
Stop The Bus
Big White Gate
Nothing But The Water Part I
Nothing But The Water Part II
Note: Would have had more, but security shut down those of us capturing video. If you listen closely at the end, you can here the dude.
A few songs in, Miss Aya fought her way through the crowd. We were both of the opinion that a certain bassist was kicking some ass. She may be biased though. Before the end of the set, she had to go attend to something. Perhaps a costume change for that bassist.
The second set started with the intro from the film that was the theme of the evening, The Royal Tenenbaums. The roles were as follows: Grace-Margot Tenenbaum, Scott-Chas Tenenbaum, Matt-Richie Tenenbaum and Bryan-Raleigh St. Clair. The band really had fun with their characters, but Bryan was having the most fun. That boy may have started a second career.
The Royal Set was:
Me and Julio down by the schoolyard
Auld Lang Syne
Ruby Tuesday
Tonight I’ll Be Staying Here With You
These Days
Treat Me Right
Your Time Is Gonna Come
If I Was From Paris
Watching You
Judy Is A Punk
Feelin’ Alright
Grandmas Hands
Put Your Head Down (previously known as Delta F#@%)
Paint It Black
Hey Jude
Before playing one song, Grace mentioned that Barbacoa had played a killer version of a song they like to do. She said if we knew what it was they might play it. "Paint it Black," we yelled. Grace thanked us for watching the opener and they proceeded to play. During the song, Bryan and Scott did a little happy dance which I only caught a few second of.
The show ending Hey Jude, saw a stage full of the Band's family and friends. It was a great moment.
After the show, the crowd thinned fast. Ellyn and I hung around and talked for a bit before, enduring the frozen walk back to the Windjammer. As we settled into bed, we were not looking forward to the long drive the next day, but were more than happy to have made the trip.
File Under: 2:10 am
Time for sleep, long drive tomorrow. Here's hoping the pics turn out.
Editor note: The should read "long drive today."